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The Black Culture Thread |OT12| Days of Future Bans

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Gotham using the non-white version of Tigress this season. Fox continuing it's transformation into UPN

But what about her parents



The first maybe, but 2 and 3?

The fights at the very least made the movie somewhat entertaining, but everything about the 4th film was awful.

10 seconds of actual dinobot fights

The love story with Mark Wahlberg's daughter

Mark Walhberg's daughter

The human stupidity and blaming the autobots for what happened in Chicago in the 3rd film despite the autobots saving their asses AFTER they attempted to surrender to the Decepticons and banish the Autobots from the planet. And then there's the whole "Let's use the brain of the antagonist of the series to build an army. That can't possibly go wrong.

The ending

The fights were also boring.

Edit: And a giant penny. This thing has so many references.


So, I suck the fun out of competitive games in my friend group, lol.

I remember the first time that happened with Pokemon (my first competitive game). We were doing 4 way doubles and I swept them with one Pokemon. The disbelief on their faces was great. Since then they always shy away and want to play fighting games because they're more competitive at those than I am.
Man, this article came my way at the right time

Identifying Allies Versus Audience Participants in Social Justice Work

Ally, a term intended to convey solidarity and support for a person, cause, or issue, is gaining increasing popularity, which in American culture can only mean one thing: it has slowly become a term full of “sound and fury signifying nothing.”

An ally is someone who, by virtue of circumstance, choice, or conscience, is placed in a position to risk and/or lose as much as you. When Fidel Castro and Cuba committed troops and logistical support to liberation struggles in Africa, Angola, for example, he and Cuba were being allies.

Most of the folks we identify as allies are really what I call “audience participants,” much like on game shows, they are there to encourage and cheer from the stands—but they have no interest in being in the game.

I know some of you are quick to trot out your list of white friends who are allies. I’m happy for you. It snows in Southern California every now and then. Anomalies in nature exist. Over the years I have known many white folks who liked me personally, but didn’t really like Black people. They didn’t say it directly, they just told me I was different, special or exceptional, not like other Black folks. Over time I came to realize that if they didn’t really like my folks, deep down they didn’t really like me, because I am my folks. I also came to realize that allies defend you, the cause or the issue, even when you’re not around—especially when you’re not around. Audience participants don’t.

The brothers who can channel Audre Lorde in the company of women but remain as silent as a mouse pissing on cotton while in the company of men dogging sisters out? These are audience participants, not allies to our sisters. Folks who proclaim solidarity with LGBTQ family, but sits by in a church setting where everyone runs down gay folks—they too are audience participants.

The white folks who whisper in the hallways how appalled they are at the racist ways Black folks are treated at their workplace but do or say nothing; the white person who proclaims class solidarity while, at every turn, leans on white privilege; the white person who, on every Black FB post, tells you how much they abhor racism and then you go to their page and see nary a mention of any issues related to race and certainly none of the same opprobrium they displayed in the comments on Black folks pages; the outrage they proclaim they share over police terrorism, even as they express disappointment over the loss of property—as if property and Black lives are equivalent. All of these folks are audience participants—only there to cheer while the spotlight is on.

To see what white allies look like, look at the white folks who were on the Pettus Bridge on Bloody Sunday. In times of deep struggle or battle, your true friends reveal themselves as allies too. If not, what is your basis for considering them a friend? Allies of all kinds are forged in the crucible of struggle. If you wanna know who your allies are, and who they aren’t, when you’re in a battle—like the one were in now—look around. The ones fighting with same tenacity as you or harder are your allies, everybody else is just audience participants. If you want to know if you’re an ally or not, look at your hands. If you’re holding a sword you’re an ally, if you’re holding popcorn…well you do the math.


You know what's funny about all of this to me?

Before ANY of this happened, I was taking that online test to see which candidate I most aligned with along with some friends of mine. And I got like 97% Bernie and 93% Hillary. And my friends were like, "Oh, so are you going to support Sanders now?" And I was like Hell to the naw!

And I explained to them that my issue with Bernie is that whenever I hear him speak, I just sense weakness. I see a man who's hitting all his liberal talking points, but I don't hear passion or a commitment to really fight for his goals. It's one thing to just cast a vote. It's another when it's YOU at the forefront having to push YOUR agenda. I just have no faith in Bernie on the level. Whereas with Hillary, 93% alignment on the issues is fine with me, and on top of that she's proven herself to be a fighter. She's not going to get steamrolled; she's going to push her agenda. I may technically agree more with Bernie, but I have way more faith in Hillary to get things done.

And I said all of this WEEKS before Netroots, and since then Bernie has done nothing but prove me exactly right. I mean, you're really going to let this KEEP happening to you, Bernie? You're really going to be that stubborn? You REALLY can't contain and engage 3 people who hopped up on your stage? Damn...if that's too much for you to handle, I don't even want to bother seeing how you handle a Republican-controlled congress that will literally exist to oppose EVERYTHING you do.

...late here roy, and i know you're done with the dogpiling, just wanted to say this was a great post...hadn't really thought of that shit.

*edit: this one too

They have galvanized thousands of black youth and created conversation where there previously wasn't any. They have single-handedly made it "cool" to fight for black rights again. They have politicians so butt-twisted that many are now thinking of concrete ways to make their stances of black issues clear. More precincts are instituting body cams at accelerate rates.

Sure, racism hasn't been abolished, but BLM has been incredibly successful thus far.

you joining OKCupid? ��

everybody should, you can pulll way more/easier there than tinder



good read.

this bernie issue I see recurring themes. People feeling straight up betrayed because they thought they or "their" guy were "ok" or "cool". "How dare they question him on this?" Some people place values and conditions on their abstract, almost hypothetical support. People perceive having their bonafides put in check as being attacked. Some people see no value or point to upsetting the apple-cart on this issue, they prefer polite queuing and waiting for things to happen as they inevitably must, as they always have happened, with someone else making things happen. I see a lot of other broken lines and trends that I don't even feel like teasing out.

Basically I see a mess. And it doesn't start or stop with Bernie.
good read.

this bernie issue I see recurring themes. People feeling straight up betrayed because they thought they or "their" guy were "ok" or "cool". "How dare they question him on this?" Some people place values and conditions on their abstract, almost hypothetical support. People perceive having their bonafides put in check as being attacked. Some people see no value or point to upsetting the apple-cart on this issue, they prefer polite queuing and waiting for things to happen as they inevitably must, as they always have happened, with someone else making things happen. I see a lot of other broken lines and trends that I don't even feel like teasing out.

Basically I see a mess. And it doesn't start or stop with Bernie.

I guess I see that, but honestly, it ends at Bernie.

Obama faced a hell of a lot worse. Hell, Nancy Pelosi has faced worse.

Bernie's being weak as fuck about this. And I say that as a supporter, he will not survive the main election with that weak shit.


I guess I see that, but honestly, it ends at Bernie.

Obama faced a hell of a lot worse. Hell, Nancy Pelosi has faced worse.

Bernie's being weak as fuck about this. And I say that as a supporter, he will not survive the main election with that weak shit.

I wont go into details but the Democratic party's money gets spent on white people in crazily unbalanced ratios. Even black people who have good shots at winning their purple to red districts essentially went ignored while Democratic leadership chased after the immigration reform issue. So they went after hypothetical future votes that won't come to fruition during their political careers, and sacrificed black representatives and their consitituents to do it. There has been a history of back-burnering in the Democratic party when it comes to black folks, which isn't anything new. But when some people started tracing the money it became something that couldn't be ignored anymore. Some internal battles going on around this, and what I've seen has made me 100% more cynical.

The party isn't a home for black folks. And we need a 3rd-4th option to break up the set up, because the Dems are just as liable to become a corrupt, entrenched establishment as the GOP.
I wont go into details but the Democratic party's money gets spent on white people in crazily unbalanced ratios. Even black people who have good shots at winning their purple to red districts essentially went ignored while Democratic leadership chased after the immigration reform issue. So they went after hypothetical future votes that won't come to fruition during their political careers, and sacrificed black representatives and their consitituents to do it. There has been a history of back-burnering in the Democratic party when it comes to black folks, which isn't anything new. But when some people started tracing the money it became something that couldn't be ignored anymore. Some internal battles going on around this, and what I've seen has made me 100% more cynical.

The party isn't a home for black folks. And we need a 3rd-4th option to break up the set up, because the Dems are just as liable to become a corrupt, entrenched establishment as the GOP.

I agree, but it'd have to start at a local level and then move up.



Good article. I think this is a clear way of understanding the differences between the two.

For all the discussions about race here and everywhere else, I really do appreciate the commitment by posters who are trying to persuade people about the inconsistencies in government, law and etc, even when it seems like its useless. Personally, I'm going to admit that I'm still learning and being apart of the audience isn't a bad thing I think, but ultimately those who are shouldn't get surprised when shit hits the fan or when things get real at times. I haven't participated in any protest of any kind, so I guess I'm in the middle. Though that isnt something to be shameful about, I understand that being a fighter in this case is still a struggle.


I agree, but it'd have to start at a local level and the move up.

I don't see a scenario that won't be extremely ugly, and immediately in danger of being co-opted by either party or the number of controlling interests behind the two parties.

I mean assuming this third-fourth party became a credible presence. People will either take them out or puppet them. And if they can't do either...insert gallows humor here.


I don't see a scenario that won't be extremely ugly, and immediately in danger of being co-opted by either party or the number of controlling interests behind the two parties.

I mean assuming this third-fourth party became a credible presence. People will either take them out or puppet them. And if they can't do either...insert gallows humor here.
Basically the political system needs to be reformed but good luck getting people elected to push for it.


Basically the political system needs to be reformed but good luck getting people elected to push for it.

Like Kid Kam, get all your local council members in the Liberty Eagle party in xyz states, get some elected to state houses, etc, move up to house of rep and so on. but this long game takes decades and assumes loyalty, focus, etc.

I mean parties have risen and fallen only to be absorbed by one of the big two. To actually make change in a quick way, the 2 party system has to be damaged, in standing or legitimacy. A black president went a long way towards showing how awesome the Democratic party is, as well as how broken the politics of the country are, and how racial everything is, except under another name. There needs to be some kind of break, and a force to reforge in a way that disallows a party monopoly.


Junior Member
Sleep Aid GAF: It's 4am and you still haven't been able to get to sleep yet. What's better? Continuing to try to get to sleep and hoping you'll be able to wake up three hours later, or just staying up with a cup of coffee?
Catching up on Suits. Man, I don't get how anyone pretends that Louis is a likable character after all of the fuck shit he pulls. He's an overly emotional asshole that can never understand that he's done something wrong.

Fuck that guy.
Sleep Aid GAF: It's 4am and you still haven't been able to get to sleep yet. What's better? Continuing to try to get to sleep and hoping you'll be able to wake up three hours later, or just staying up with a cup of coffee?

Depends what do you plan on doing over the next 4 days?

if you need to reset your sleep cycle you may have forcibly stay up till the next night, and then forcibly wake up early-ish for the day after.

and then going to bed at good time for the days after.


Suits is going to finish 10 years from now with the same kind of conflict that most law firm shows have. Every season has gotten better but I cant take Louis anymore either. More newcomers please.


Sleep Aid GAF: It's 4am and you still haven't been able to get to sleep yet. What's better? Continuing to try to get to sleep and hoping you'll be able to wake up three hours later, or just staying up with a cup of coffee?

stretch it out, walk a bit, maybe some non-caffeine tea, make sure I'm comfortable and then back in the bed. sleep will find me. unless I have a large amount of stuff on my mind. all nighters with coffee are fine as long as you can literally crash in 12 or so hours later. Otherwise things get dangerous, if you're driving or operating heavy machinery.


Sleep Aid GAF: It's 4am and you still haven't been able to get to sleep yet. What's better? Continuing to try to get to sleep and hoping you'll be able to wake up three hours later, or just staying up with a cup of coffee?

Go to sleep but set a bunch of alarms to wake up early, say around 7 or 8.

You'll want to go to sleep early from that point.


After that horrible ass finale I'm tempted to downgrade Season 2 of True Detective from Boston Market to Hungry Man frozen dinners.


After that horrible ass finale I'm tempted to downgrade Season 2 of True Detective from Boston Market to Hungry Man frozen dinners.

The streets have not been kind to that show. Man folks was riding for the series hard, now they like "HBO lose my number dawg"


That shit just doesn't happen. I end up waking up at 1 surrounded by a bunch of deactivated alarm clocks.

How about put the alarms away from the bed so you'll have to walk to them? That's what I do.

Granted, I have gotten up, turned off an alarm, and crawled right into bed, but that's rare.
That shit just doesn't happen. I end up waking up at 1 surrounded by a bunch of deactivated alarm clocks.

Sleep, and get an alarm app that makes you do something to turn it off. Then, put it a decent distance away from you if that's not enough.

I don't suggest not sleeping because you'll need to be awake the next day, all day. Go to sleep at a time appropriate for your sleep schedule then - not just after the work day is done.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Fantastic 4 was pretty bland and uninspired. The dialogue and such was also insulting. I liked doom's design though (post transformation).
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