Yup..You can totally tell when topics like that attracts Team Devil's Advocate.
"To be fair"You can totally tell when topics like that attracts Team Devil's Advocate.
"To be fair"
Heh.."To be fair"
I use it all the time now..sarcastically..I had to take this out of my GAF vocabulary from all the over use in social issue threads.
Just came back from the store, saw a 60ish black woman and white male couple with the cutest little cookie and cream baby with a crazy fro. Warmed my heart and made me think of the Manky Squad
The Trailer for Spike Lee's Chi-Raq is out!
Lysistrata is an inspired choice for a play adaptation. Especially in this type of modernization.
I hope it goes well for Spike.
"To be fair", "Let's look at it from both sides" and "He/She was no angel" are the kind of buzzwords to look out for.
Shit..looking good! Nice to see "Black Don" in so much lately. She bugged me out when I saw her in that "Dear" movie..The Trailer for Spike Lee's Chi-Raq is out!
Lysistrata is an inspired choice for a play adaptation. Especially in this type of modernization.
I hope it goes well for Spike.
"He/She was no angel"
looks coolThe Trailer for Spike Lee's Chi-Raq is out!
Lysistrata is an inspired choice for a play adaptation. Especially in this type of modernization.
I hope it goes well for Spike.
Dang. Screenshots are atleast something.Waited until midnight last night for Kingdom Hearts news only to get 3 screenshots and the promise that the trailers would be available at 10pm tonight..
They replaced "I am not racists but..." for me
This doesn't seem like justification equivalent to the severity of the punishment.
Dang. Screenshots are atleast something.
When they announce the date of when they will announce something tho...
Yeah but two are screenshots of 2.8.
The only screenshot of 3 shows what looks to be either Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters or Toy Story Midway Mania as an attraction flow.
But the trailers are supposed to be damn good. Hopefully they'll give us more because for the time being we only know about two new worlds (Tangled and Big Hero 6).
The Trailer for Spike Lee's Chi-Raq is out!
Lysistrata is an inspired choice for a play adaptation. Especially in this type of modernization.
I hope it goes well for Spike.
Can we talk about the cinematography, color composition and set design in Blacked (NSFW)?
something something abundance of blacks
Lol that's a new one.
The Trailer for Spike Lee's Chi-Raq is out!
Lysistrata is an inspired choice for a play adaptation. Especially in this type of modernization.
I hope it goes well for Spike.
Hateplanet where people that hate come to find love.
Let us hate things and people together.
well atleast racism will be over when he leaves office, right americans?
Good luck
Hope they don't screw you again.
The Trailer for Spike Lee's Chi-Raq is out!
Lysistrata is an inspired choice for a play adaptation. Especially in this type of modernization.
I hope it goes well for Spike.
As much as I agree with number one (lol), what fucked with you about point two and three? A response of "The Obvious" is acceptable, btw..I'm a bit conflicted on this based on the trailer.
-Spike Lee
-The cast minus Nick Cannon
-Nick Cannon
-I understand this is a reinterpretation, but with what's going on in Chicago right now, I'd rather Spike Lee had chosen another location for something this "light hearted"
-Again, I know this is a reinterpretation of an old play, but black women using their power of "withholding sex" from black men to keep them from being violent outside of the remake context is not a good look.
I'd be a little less critical if this wasn't Spike Lee and about Chicago.
Hey. Progress today. We finally acknowledging minorities can be racist. The evidence is there. It's hard to recognize it until there's irrefutable evidence. Finally, it's happened! Now getting folks to call anyone else racist..In 2115, 'let's get all the facts' will beer replaced by 'nothing really happened when she was stopped'.
Naw, just kidding, they will both be around.
As much as I agree with number one (lol), what fucked with you about point two and three? A response of "The Obvious" is acceptable, btw..
FUCK! Kreed..be right with you. My phone deleted my shit twice..
Shouldn't have got that Viewtiful Wireless plan.
Fuck you, BJShouldn't have got that Viewtiful Wireless plan.
http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=183946265The Church's of cell phone providers
Shouldn't have got that Viewtiful Wireless plan.
Yale University fraternity 'sets white girls only party admission policy'
I'm sure someone will make a thread, but at least you guys will be mentally prepared.
Bonus: Rachel Dolezal finally admits she was born white
Just came back from the store, saw a 60ish black woman and white male couple with the cutest little cookie and cream baby with a crazy fro. Warmed my heart and made me think of the Manky Squad
The Trailer for Spike Lee's Chi-Raq is out!
Lysistrata is an inspired choice for a play adaptation. Especially in this type of modernization.
I hope it goes well for Spike.
Fuck you, BJ
😒 Whigro, pls..
I still eat Church's chicken strips. No hesitation.
Careful today, opinions are not allowed unless you have your pelican briefs in order
The Trailer for Spike Lee's Chi-Raq is out!
Lysistrata is an inspired choice for a play adaptation. Especially in this type of modernization.
I hope it goes well for Spike.
I'm not as cynical as Kreed, but his reaction most closely mirrors my own. Nick Cannon is a cheesy goofball, far more suited for a comedy like fucking Underclassman than a satire with an edge.
But I'm sort of feeling the style. And Dave Chappelle is in this so I feel obligated to at least give this a chance.
lol, the dolly shots. He is not giving that shot up, ever.
Afternoon, folks. I repped well for the community. How y'all doing?
Desus vs Mero has to talk about a bunch of stuff this week. Who saw Russell Wilson on Bomani's show? is the BCT siding with Wale or Meek in their schism?
The country was erupting in protest over the deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of law enforcement when a single word appeared on a wall in Twitters downtown headquarters: #Ferguson.
When Leslie Miley, the only black engineer in a management position at Twitter, saw it, he felt proud. It was a nod to the 27 percent of black Americans who use the social media network, according to 2014 numbers collected by Pew Research Center. It was an acknowledgment, he said, that this moment matters, that we matter.
But one year later, Miley announced he was done at Twitter, disillusioned and doubtful of the companys ability to diversify.
Twitters most recent diversity numbers showed the company is 70 percent male, 58 percent white and 34 percent Asian in the U.S. and has zero black, Latino, Native American or other racial minorities in leadership positions, which Twitter defines as director level or above.
With Mileys departure on Saturday, the company now employs zero black, Latino, Native American or other racial minorities as managers in its engineering or product management divisions.
The biggest obstacles I ran into were just apathy or people giving lip service to diversity but not actually following through, Miley said. When you start to say something about diversity, people get defensive. When we point out Twitters numbers, were not calling anyone racist, were just saying theres an unconscious bias that marginalizes people of color and women.
Miley was one of the more than 330 people ousted in Twitters recent restructuring, but, he said, his departure was negotiated in September after he learned that one of his most recent diversity projects had been rejected.
He chronicled his experiences in a post on Medium because, he said, its something tech executives largely dont want to talk about and underrepresented minority workers are sometimes afraid to address.
I look around and I see how young Twitter is and I know that those people early in their careers are not going to want to take that chance and speak out, he said. Theres a cost to your career for speaking out. People dont want to hear that, but its true. There is a cost. Every time I brought up diversity, it made some people really uncomfortable. That impacts you and it impacts how youre viewed and treated.
Miley, who has worked in tech since the early 2000s with jobs at companies including Apple and Google, said he was far enough along in his career to shoulder any damage that might come from his advocacy. He said he gave up about $60,000 in severance by refusing to sign a nondisclosure agreement.
Twitter declined to comment on the specifics of Mileys departure, but issued the following statement: Were committed to making substantive progress in making Twitter more diverse and inclusive. This commitment includes the expansion of our inclusion and diversity programs, diversity recruiting, employee development, and resource group-led initiatives.
The company, whose own diversity goals call for increasing its number of underrepresented minorities from 7 to 11 percent, maintains its diversity numbers have not been impacted by October layoffs.
Miley, who had worked at the company for nearly three years, said many managers are afraid to explicitly say theyre looking to hire minority or female candidates. Theres also a concern inside the company, Miley said, that doing so would require them to lower the bar.
Once, Miley wrote, Twitters vice president of engineering, Alex Roetter, suggested tracking the ethnicity of potential candidates in the pipeline to track where minorities were falling out of the running.
As the discussion progressed, Miley said Roetter suggested he create a tool to analyze candidates last names to classify their ethnicity. Roetter could not be reached for comment.
Miley built a prototype of the tool, which proved ineffective last names are not a foolproof indicator of race or ethnicity, and the software regularly miscategorized multiethnic candidates.
The suggestion, basically, was that I write a racial profiling tool, and heres the really warped part about it: I considered it, Miley said. That was it. After that I thought, No, I dont want to be in an environment where Id consider something like this.
I'm ok, just sitting here wishing desperately i was in the overwatch beta.Afternoon, folks. I repped well for the community. How y'all doing?