In non-pornstar news, I found myself elected onto my university's college democrats board. I just saw a flyer when I was walking for lunch and my roommate was like "Bruh, you're a poli-sci major, go for it!" So we walk over to the 1st meeting in this big room and as it turns out, they're having elections this very day! Roomie keeps bugging the fuck outta me "Dude, you gotta do it, you gotta run!" and I keep trying to tell him that I'm way too new for this ish.
Bottom line, it turns out no one there was running for secretary of the board. He just spouts out, "I NOMINATE [Bronx-Man]!" I'm thinking, I ain't got any other shit to do, so whatever. I win by default so they make me go up and give a speech. I just ramble on for a couple of minutes about how cynicism is killing the progressive movement in America and how we all need to unite and yadda yadda. Turns out all secretary does is just keep tabs on shit and send emails to members and all that. Nothing big but it's always nice to have something to add on my resume, idk.