So... the last dragon.
Not the greatest of transfers. Its still very grainy. But im noticing details i didnt notice on my dvd copy (taimaks acne). I wish i had a bluray drive on my laptop to screenshot for you guys.
Doesn't seem to have a lot of special features. Commentary, a interview of the cast and the theatrical trailer. If only we got the soundtrack music videos.
But for a movie created 2 years before my birth, i can't complain. Only cost 17 bucks. I would pay twice that much for this movie. It basically was on repeat in my house from age 7 till 16. I know the whole movie, including the amazing soundtrack word for word. And It'll probably be on repeat for the next few weeks.
Tomorrow night I'll watch hackers. Another movie that was on repeat for much of my childhood. In the mirc days, hackers quotables was the only language spoken.
Edit: just popped in hackers for a second, definitely a better transfer. But its a film thats 10 years younger so that should be expected.