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The Black Culture Thread |OT12| Days of Future Bans

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It's always about "artistic integrity" and letting the developers carry out their vision until it's something they don't like, which is almost always diverse main characters.

Wrote a thing about that... last week?

I find that when these discussions happen online, "creative freedom" pops up when the changes being asked for are those the commenter disagrees with. It's intended as a hammer to shut down speech. In turn, when that commenter wants a specific change, they have no issue demanding that it be made. We are all customers or potential customers; it only makes sense to offer our input into the development process. But it's disingenuous to say the creator must be unfettered only when it's not beneficial to you. I'm sure there are those who prize pure creative freedom above all else, but I've rarely found them when it comes to discussing entertainment. Most feedback is a statement that something could be better if only it was done this way.
White anger Wednesdays....I love it


how many people really played mafia 2 though, wasnt it mixed results?

the dev wants to clearly go a new direction still based on the mafia obviously.
One of the things i remember is listening to the radio alot. Enjoyed the game overall but a change is welcome. I just didn't think the change would hype me up this much.
Well that's enough racism for one day. The veins in my arms are starting to tense.

Looked into the hair thread aswell and it's crazy.
The 100% rate of changing the subject into some other weird dumb thing continues.
I want to stop going into these threads but can't help it sometimes.


People need to read this guy's posts in the mafia thread. He is hilariously unaware of his racism:

Yeah. What do you want from me? You want to label me a racist? Go right ahead, then you are closeminded.

I also hope Black Pete stays forever just to spite salty ppl like you. Kids love black pete.

It's an especially laughable attempt to shut down discussion when you consider that this and other video game forums would cease to exist if we never questioned the artistic integrity of developers. It's only when representation is brought up when questioning developers becomes verboten.


His post defending that is even better:

The only black community that takes offense to it are americans.

Americans should worry about their own traditions before looking at other countries.

The Black Pete is racist shit has only begun a few years back. Before that you never heard anything about it.

But honestly this is not the thread for it, but I didnt bring up black pete.

Also I never constantly said Im leaving just that one time. Sadly people keep calling me racist im gonna post on ot cause I dont agree.

If anyone wants to take it up with me go by PM then, let me not shit up this thread worse.


So far, everything for the past year has been

That's me every single time.
I should just go back to just checking out the couple of well established Gaming communities i followed before i joined without the crazy.
Fuckery happening is not a matter of ''if'' just ''when'' in those threads.


Dude is so caught up in his feelings he's not even thinking about his racist comments. Everybody else is the problem lol


Y'all ain't even thinking about all the kids that love him. Set aside your feelings.
Won't somebody please think of the children?

Hey man, racism's fine as long as you make it fun for the whole family.

I can feel it in the air folks

times are changing

Things are just cycling faster due to the exponential jump in the speed of spreading information. The major shift is happening so quickly that the people getting left in the dust are trying to hang on to what they already believe because change is hard. But you have to change.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Where you're from - Central New York
Where you live - Central New York
What is your age? - 28
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - African American/ Caucasian
Do you know your roots - On my mother's side
Favorite musical genre - rock and roll and metal
Your profession/major/career interest - none
Your religious affiliation - none
Hobbies - video games
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - I don't really like fried chicken


I like the faster combat in this one. And she doesn't pick up a single gun which is exactly what I wanted.

I'd be down for another game in the Cybertron series too as long as it doesn't try to link to the Michael Bay-verse.
Was expecting those games to be shit at first but they were cool. I was sad to find out the newer one was not like the war of cyber-like.
Where you're from - Central New York
Where you live - Central New York
What is your age? - 28
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - African American/ Caucasian
Do you know your roots - On my mother's side
Favorite musical genre - rock and roll and metal
Your profession/major/career interest - none
Your religious affiliation - none
Hobbies - video games
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - I don't really like fried chicken

Welcome welcome welcome.
What about chicken nuggets?
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