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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked

Cosby *did* kickstart the careers of numerous black actors. Not that that remotely justifies his awful actions, but I see where they are coming from. And the media has destroyed black icons before.

There are many comedians who were inspired by him as well. Please note that some of his victims were hoping that he would mentor them in the same fashion.

Yeah, he got so many passes. Fuck him, he kept taking advantage. And he broke the oj/tiger rule. I'm not sure how many devils he made a deal with. Like each religion's devil and a few unnamed devil's in a galaxy, far, far away.

Yeah, if I were totally superstitious, I would believe that Cosby was into some dark ass magic. Used it to curse Eddie Murphy so that he could only do kid movies, possibly cursed Richard Pryor to set himself on fire, etc etc. And he used it to get away with raping all those women. Of course, you pay the price for dark magic. Palpatine got all hideous with the dark side of the Force, and Cosby...look at the man. He's his own portrait of Dorian Grey.

Anyways, Happy New Year, BCT. I know I'm late, but I'm about to go to the kitchen and make some Hoppin John. Peace.


Well, Happy New Year BCT!
Already off to a great start in real life, having some friends over I haven't seen in forever.
On NeoGAF however, people still fail to understand culturally insensitive practices.


It's nice to see the Native American costume thread going the same way as all Blackface threads go. Never get between certain white folks and their willingness to mock and dismiss a minority group. The best part is that I'm sure most of those same people would claim to be progressive too.

The new year is off to a good start here!
happy new year niggas

2016 the last year of President
Obama, gonna be weird seeing him gone from the office :(

It's nice to see the Native American costume thread going the same way as all Blackface threads go. Never get between certain white folks and their willingness to mock and dismiss a minority group. The best part is that I'm sure most of those same people would claim to be progressive too.

The new year is off to a good start here!

i saw the title and backed the fuck up cause the fuckery is too much for the start of the year for me,nope. nope


Going back and forth between the Hemsworth thread and this is seriously like fuckery on repeat. The defenses never change no matter what.


2 terms really is bullshit. Limit should be 3-4.

Yeah eight years really isn't a long time to get shit done in the grand scheme.

One of the main reasons shit can't get done in America.

I think there should be no term limit period. It's much easier to run on a promise than on a record; President Obama could never defeat Candidate Obama in an election. There's a reason so many incumbents get defeated. Furthermore, as the years go on any given president's opposition would have more and more ammunition to attack them with. If the country likes this person and are statisfied enough that they want them to continue in the role, the law shouldn't hop in to stop it. Laws should serve the will of the people.


happy new year niggas

2016 the last year of President
Obama, gonna be weird seeing him gone from the office :(
I've been thinking about that and it's funny how, for me and a whole generation of black people, the only president we've known as eligible voters is the first black president. He was the first person I was able to vote for and the first person I campaigned for and it's weird having two people running who don't excite me in any way.


aka Mannny
I think there should be no term limit period. It's much easier to run on a promise than on a record; President Obama could never defeat Candidate Obama in an election. There's a reason so many incumbents get defeated. Furthermore, as the years go on any given president's opposition would have more and more ammunition to attack them with. If the country likes this person and are statisfied enough that they want them to continue in the role, the law shouldn't hop in to stop it. Laws should serve the will of the people.
Slippery slope


Slippery slope
I think people underestimate how difficult it is to both not fuck up in office and upset your constituents and maintain your likability high enough to get elected over and over. Again, every re-election gives opponents four more years of dirt and I can't imagine anyone who could go, let's say, 16 years without a major fuckup.
I think people underestimate how difficult it is to both not fuck up in office and upset your constituents and maintain your likability high enough to get elected over and over. Again, every re-election gives opponents four more years of dirt and I can't imagine anyone who could go, let's say, 16 years without a major fuckup.
i honestly dont know how FDR did it for 4 terms
I've been thinking about that and it's funny how, for me and a whole generation of black people, the only president we've known as eligible voters is the first black president. He was the first person I was able to vote for and the first person I campaigned for and it's weird having two people running who don't excite me in any way.

Yep. Also, a whole generation of children who have a black man as their First President. My son was born in 2006. He would point at the Obama logos on PoliGAF and say "Obama." (no that was not his first word) He and his peers know that it really is possible for a person of color to be President, not just some bullshit recited on SchoolHouse Rock.

EDIT: Oh yeah, you know how to stop "Outrage Culture"? Stop doing "outrageous" things.


It blows my mind that people actually think Prince is even remotely comparable to Michael Jackson. That's like equating that one kinda fast dude in high school to Usain Bolt. MJ was one of the greatest musical talents to ever live bar none.


It blows my mind that people actually think Prince is even remotely comparable to Michael Jackson. That's like equating that one kinda fast dude in high school to Usain Bolt. MJ was one of the greatest musical talents to ever live bar none.

Prince was pretty fucking good bruh. Comparing Prince to some random somewhat fast dude in high school is misguided as fuck lmao


Prince was pretty fucking good bruh. Comparing Prince to some random somewhat fast dude in high school is misguided as fuck lmao

Somewhat fast dude from college.

Prince didn't virtually invent a subgenre of music. The comparison isn't denigrating Prince, but rather pointing out the superiority of MJ.

Somewhat fast dude from college.

Prince didn't virtually invent a subgenre of music.

What subgenre of music did MJ invent?

Also, Prince is also very musically talented. He can play multiple instruments, and although he is no where as good a dancer as MJ was, the man was not horrible on the dance floor.

I will say this, Michael Jackson was a much better actor than Prince. No argument can be had there.


What subgenre of music did MJ invent?

Also, Prince is also very musically talented. He can play multiple instruments, and although he is no where as good a dancer as MJ was, the man was not horrible on the dance floor.

I will say this, Michael Jackson was a much better actor than Prince. No argument can be had there.

When the last time you watched Purple Rain?


What subgenre of music did MJ invent?

AKA the king of ___

Again, I'm not saying Prince is bad. Just that MJ outclasses him musically in every way and transcends the width and breadth of music. MJ songs can and often do go in wildly different directions from each other. Prince is good. Michael was a genius. One of the two will still be getting regular play fifty years from now, the other will fall from the collective subconscious not long after dying.

AKA the king of ___

Again, I'm not saying Prince is bad. Just that MJ outclasses him musically in every way and transcends the width and breadth of music. MJ songs can and often do go in wildly different directions from each other. Prince is good. Michael was a genius. One of the two will still be getting regular play fifty years from now, the other will fall from the collective subconscious not long after dying.

You really underrate Prince dude.
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