I shouldn't be surprised that most people are defending him in the youtube comments.this entire video is actually really embarrassing to watch, he just wanted a problem to happen
it's like he expected a stronger reaction but everyone's just watching him with dead eyes as he goes on about "muh tax dollars", dude obviously doesn't want to hear the other side of the argument
and then the dude's just racist, hope he has fun working now
Couldn't find this using Google
Turning 35 in 11 days......where has my time gone, and why the fuck did I waste so much of it.
I look forward to be 75 and watching people in spandex fight rubber monstersSonic 3 and Knuckles still the GOAT.
I'm gonna be 27 in a few months. Knocking on the door of 30 and I'm honestly forward to it. My 20's have been shit.
Look how he was shaking and stuttering,
What are they saying?Responded to Waka Flocka defending Bill Cosby on Twitter over 6 hours ago and my phone is still blowing up.
Lost mine to a fat jawn. Took me too long to realize I was barely there. But it was her fault cuz she didn't correct me.We swapping cherry poppin stories now? Who next.
Most black Americans I meet are 6ft1 minimum.
What's wrong with y'all
Y'all play basketball?
Hey why are people ready to die over these Pattie Labelle baked goods? Dude outside WalMart tried mug me for a fucking vanilla pound cake.
That James Wright Chanel dude talked those pies up so good.
But yeah, I made my own damn pies, and they were so gooood.
Regarding Bill Cosby. This resonates with me. Also fuck Eddie Griffin.
#TeamICanCookMyDamnSelfThat James Wright Chanel dude talked those pies up so good.
But yeah, I made my own damn pies, and they were so gooood.
Being of average height is great;don't want to be a lame shopping at big & tall 😂That's cool.
I don't really care about height because it's never hindered me.
I just played Xenoblade X for 170 hours, so no.Anyone finding themselves playing fewer and fewer games. Feel like I really only play Destiny and Splatoon on a regular basis with everything else just going through the story and being done. Feels like my time is more vauble and can be used doing other things now.
Anyone finding themselves playing fewer and fewer games. Feel like I really only play Destiny and Splatoon on a regular basis with everything else just going through the story and being done. Feels like my time is more vauble and can be used doing other things now.
I just played Xenoblade X for 170 hours, so no.
I'm glad Monolith Soft is making good games again.Still playing here, loving Xenoblade.
Now he is getting paid to hustle struggle bacon
Can't hate that
Most black Americans I meet are 6ft1 minimum.
What's wrong with y'all
Made from the pigs not good enough for hotdog meatOh, I'm not hating the hustle at all. Though it's sad that he's pushing Steve Harvey bacon. This bacon is made from a pig who wore twelve button suits and wrote "Think Like A Boar, Act Like A Sow".
I hate you tall fucks with all of my 5'6" being.
Mike Epps new standup has one star on Netflix, lmao
It's probably because Mamoa probably passes for white to people who would complain. Kinda like Oscar Issac:/ can't have nice things it seems.![]()
Surprised people aren't complaining that Aquaman is Polynesian.
Mike Epps new standup has one star on Netflix, lmao
Mike Epps new standup has one star on Netflix, lmao
Still to high
Lol. Yea I don't get why he felt he had to shit on Hart. Diet Chris Tucker need to calm down.It was shit, and Mike Epps is a little bitch. I remember reading about him shitting on Kevin Hart just because of his success. I can understand not personally enjoying someone's comedy, but don't shit on a guy because he's done more and gotten to places you haven't with considerably more time. It's not his fault the pinnacle of your acting career is fucking "Friday After Next"
Must have been cus of the 4 star I gave to 'Seriously Funny'.That star rating on Netflix is actually based on your personal preferences and Netflix's algorithm rather than being an average user rating.
Yeah, that's good.http://kinfolkkollective.com/2015/1...d-to-rapists-why-ill-never-defend-bill-cosby/
Regarding Bill Cosby. This resonates with me. Also fuck Eddie Griffin.
Im painfully aware that white men are often forgiven, excused or barely punished for committing rape. I just dont see how white supremacys inherent leniency on white men gives black men carte blanche to rape women for decades. And Ill admit Im legitimately stumped at the correlation between Charlie Sheens remaining sexually active despite his HIV status and Bill Cosby drugging, groping and penetrating women without consent.