One of my favorite restaurants just opened up 5 minutes away from me.
Damn this gumbo good as hell
Damn this gumbo good as hell

just let it happenSeason 3 of Arrow brehs.
I feel like this is bad, is it bad?
1 month laterOne of my favorite restaurants just opened up 5 minutes away from me.
Damn this gumbo good as hell
Season 3 of Arrow brehs.
I feel like this is bad, is it bad?
Season 3 of Arrow brehs.
I feel like this is bad, is it bad?
Season 3 of Arrow brehs.
I feel like this is bad, is it bad?
Season 3 sucks and never let Arrow-Gaf try to tell you any different.
Still haven't gotten around to watching season 4 arrow. I stay watching the flash tho
Put a game on hold at GameStop
Get the confirmation that they are holding it.
Go to pick up the game
They ain't got it.
I'm sorry, what?
Put the wrong game in the sleeve and only have one copy. Fucking clown shoes.
Welp, I needed the reminder of why I don't fuck with them.
Do places like Best Buy allow for holding games? That might be a better option in the future
Arrow season 3 is bad but the Atom and Katana were cool.
Best Buy holds pre-orders when they come in for 6-7 days (I honestly forget). You can also call them and ask them to hold onto an item in general, but it's store-by-store, and they can only do it until the end of the day.
Proud to say it's been 2 years since I've set foot in a GameStop. Do places like Best Buy allow for holding games? That might be a better option in the future
Body horror..
Katana putting in work and dissing Oliver every chance she got were highlights of the season.
Which Jay Z verse is the worst?
Ha (remix)
Oh GOPBlackchick, she been at this for a while, and I thought she learned her lesson. But seems she is going harder.
Thanks! I'll hold onto that. Might not need to buy anything physical until the NX is out but I'll try my luck with BB.
Not even joking, pawns always made me feel uncomfortable. My entire motivation for wanting co-op tbh.
Then some woman doing surveys got super angry at me and a coworker of mine at the bus stop. She asked to sign one of those shadey looking petions and I said I'm not registered to vote and she went off on us and got into this big argument wih my buddy about this is why the whites, Chinese and Arabs are doing better then us.
3 thoughts.
Project Sampson, the hidden elite 1%'s plan to co-opt all outstanding minority voices and actors by surrounding them, exposing them to certain things, and asking them certain questions. Assaulting them psychologically with acceptance and veiled reproach at the same time, turning them with new experiences and souring their growth by poisoning their ears, like some kind of ill benefactor.
also, why did they make the new Amanda Waller so sexy?
and also, maybe we haven't met her mother yet, Mrs. Waller? (bring her back yall.)
Then some woman doing surveys got super angry at me and a coworker of mine at the bus stop. She asked to sign one of those shadey looking petions and I said I'm not registered to vote and she went off on us and got into this big argument wih my buddy about this is why the whites, Chinese and Arabs are doing better then us.
It was weird most people I tell I'm not registered to vote say nothing of it and keep it moving. This woman pretty much defeated the point of me lying to save time with conversations I don't want to have.
No is literally one syllable.Then some woman doing surveys got super angry at me and a coworker of mine at the bus stop. She asked to sign one of those shadey looking petions and I said I'm not registered to vote and she went off on us and got into this big argument wih my buddy about this is why the whites, Chinese and Arabs are doing better then us.
It was weird most people I tell I'm not registered to vote say nothing of it and keep it moving. This woman pretty much defeated the point of me lying to save time with conversations I don't want to have.
It was weird most people I tell I'm not registered to vote say nothing of it and keep it moving. This woman pretty much defeated the point of me lying to save time with conversations I don't want to have.
if they really wanted to do something they could have given us a sexy bbw Amanda Waller...but that means more than just wearing short skirts and stilettos, they'd have to actually let her be a person.
Makes sense the skinniest nigga here would like that lol..
The concept is fine, the execution of it? Nah.
Call them companions and give them a personality like D3 or multiple other games.
Or just include co-op and do away with the nonsense.
Makes sense the skinniest nigga here would like that lol..
if they really wanted to do something they could have given us a sexy bbw Amanda Waller...but that means more than just wearing short skirts and stilettos, they'd have to actually let her be a person.
Saw some pics and that beard makes me look more middle eastern than expected tooHow does Numb somehow manage to look European in his avatar?
Something about the beard grooming I think.
Is that wise where you live? Honest question..Saw some pics and that beard makes me look more middle eastern than expected too
Thought about cosplaying this dude
Probably notIs that wise where you live? Honest question..
Bout damn time.
...Well maybe 1 won't hurt.
This is actually really cool.Bout damn time.
it's a glitch in the matrixUm???
The gumbo post just gave me the biggest feeling of deja-vu I've had in a while. wow
Yeah, Suicide Squad and other comics that featured Waller had the time to show her as a human being. A movie? Where she isn't even the second tier character? That's too much like work.
Okay, Slayven, I know you go for those deep cuts, but...who is this woman?
.The Caregiver is one of the Elders of The Universe. She has devoted herself to nurturing and or healing those who she deems as cosmologically important.
The PS4 I bought had that game bundled with Luke, Leia and Boba..I think. Gave that crap to my daughter. Perhaps I'll also buy just one.Ugh. I already regret dipping my toe into Amiibos. Don't tempt me with Disney Infinity figures too....Well maybe 1 won't hurt.
The PS4 I bought had that game bundled with Luke, Leia and Boba..I think. Gave that crap to my daughter. Perhaps I'll also buy just one.
Ugh. I already regret dipping my toe into Amiibos. Don't tempt me with Disney Infinity figures too....Well maybe 1 won't hurt.
oh boy
"Just gimme 1 amibo to get me through..."This is actually really cool.it's a glitch in the matrix
The PS4 I bought had that game bundled with Luke, Leia and Boba..I think. Gave that crap to my daughter. Perhaps I'll also buy just one.