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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked


Ta-Nehisi does it again

Ta-Nehisi Coates said:
This, too, leaves us in poor company. “Hillary Clinton is against reparations, too” does not differ from, “What about black on black crime?” That Clinton doesn’t support reparations is an actual problem, much like high murder rates in black communities are actual problems. But neither of these are actual answers to the questions being asked. It is not wrong to ask about high murder rates in black communities. But when the question is furnished as an answer for police violence, it is evasion. It is not wrong to ask why mainstream Democrats don’t support reparations. But when the question is asked to defend a radical Democrat’s lack of support, it is avoidance.

The need for so many (although not all) of Sanders’s supporters to deflect the question, to speak of Hillary Clinton instead of directly assessing whether Sanders’s position is consistent, intelligent, and moral hints at something terrible and unsaid. The terribleness is this: To destroy white supremacy we must commit ourselves to the promotion of unpopular policy. To commit ourselves solely to the promotion of popular policy means making peace with white supremacy.

But hope still lies in the imagined thing. Liberals have dared to believe in the seemingly impossible—a socialist presiding over the most capitalist nation to ever exist. If the liberal imagination is so grand as to assert this new American reality, why when confronting racism, presumably a mere adjunct of class, should it suddenly come up shaky? Is shy incrementalism really the lesson of this fortuitous outburst of Vermont radicalism? Or is it that constraining the political imagination, too, constrains the possible? If we can be inspired to directly address class in such radical ways, why should we allow our imaginative powers end there?
These and other questions were recently put to Sanders. His answer was underwhelming.

It does not have to be this way. One could imagine a candidate asserting the worth of reparations, the worth of John Conyers HR-40, while also correctly noting the present lack of working coalition. What should be unimaginable is defaulting to the standard of Clintonism, of “Yes, but she’s against it, too.”A left radicalism that fails to debate its own standards, that counsels misdirection, that preaches avoidance, is really just a radicalism of convenience.

Yoooo, Ta-Nehisi Coates is going one man army against Bernie and his stans.

Bernie Sanders and the Liberal Imagination

Praying for him, February is coming, and so is the fuckery.
I didn't see that you already posted the link.
Mrs. Manky I found a better children's book dealing with black people.



“I created Emi, because I realized there weren’t enough heroines for little brown girls to look up to. Emi reminded me of the confident and inquisitive little girl I was and the importance of nurturing the spark inside every girl.”

-Tina Olajide

This first book introduces Emi talking about her Curly, Coily, Cotton Candy Hair and appreciating what makes her uniquely different. Images have a powerful affect on the psyche, shaping and affirming how we see ourselves, so why not create a positive character through vivid imagery and storytelling.

Tina Olajide is a London-based writer and this is her first children’s book.

Young Magus

Junior Member
If you guys want any articles / videos / general links / etc (even if they're just personal blog posts) added to the OP when I do my BHM update, PM me.


My favorite Disney movie
and second favorite movie period

This was around the time I realized that Amy Adams is pretty much the best.

a young woman must choose between her cosplayer boyfriend, and the 43 year old successful bankerlawyer who offers her an entirely new life of spending money and shopping at Whole Foods.


assholes are covering my sister's car with snow while digging their cars out in their parking lot. she's the only black person in her row in off-campus apartments. I told her to warn them once that she sees what they're doing.

I wonder if police would even do anything.


assholes are covering my sister's car with snow while digging their cars out in their parking lot. she's the only black person in her row in off-campus apartments. I told her to warn them once that she sees what they're doing.

I wonder if police would even do anything.
Tell her to get some of her friends and prank them back or leave a note on their cars.
I thought the salt would have been enough ��

Ha ha ha you called it Jeevesmeister lost his fucking mind called Hillary a criminal, insulted her foreign policy, posted that same stupid anti-BLM pro-Sanders article, only this time he explicitly implied that BLM is part of the Establishment....

Oh and DragonSworne thinks Clinton voters are gonna go Republican if Sanders gets the nom. which is funny given that it's been Sanders people threatening to go Trump if Clinton gets it.
Ha ha ha you called it Jeevesmeister lost his fucking mind called Hillary a criminal, insulted her foreign policy, posted that same stupid anti-BLM pro-Sanders article, only this time he explicitly implied that BLM is part of the Establishment....

Oh and DragonSworne thinks Clinton voters are gonna go Republican if Sanders gets the nom. which is funny given that it's been Sanders people threatening to go Trump if Clinton gets it.
lol..BLM is totally the establishment! Clown fucking shoes.
Also maylse = dreamydrop ?
Sho nuff..that's our Demi.
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