If you wouldn't bring it up so much, it would've gone away already.most people still blame minorities for racism
If you wouldn't bring it up so much, it would've gone away already.most people still blame minorities for racism
If you wouldn't bring it up so much, it would've gone away already.
Don't you know? MLK ended racism, so it's a non-issue.
And Obama super ended it.
WOW LMAO..OT race threads are like an Oxford debate over brandy and scones compared to gaming.
Two Scoops..Post-Post Racial America.
Speaking of race in video games, would you guys be interested in reading an article that explored the concept of race / humans living in a post-racial society in the Halo franchise? I was disappointed to find out nobody had really done anything similar, but then realized I own a Halo content site and also write, so yeah.
The Incredibles 2 needs to happen though. One of the best superhero movies that people hardly mention.
I think I'm looking at this video and getting frustrated because I'm at a point in my life where I'm kinda through working with white men and having to deal with bullshit that stems from ignorance despite the fact they can call all the shots at a company.
When I see Druckmann, I just see a white man who has the authority to say what stays and goes. He said there will be a black woman, and God created a black woman in Uncharted. I can't say if he thought he figured he'd get a point toward his "i'm not racist" scoreboard, but I'm still tired of it.
I think what I'm stumbling around trying to say is that I dislike how it feels like we gotta wait all the time for white people decide to add people of color to our videogames.
Two Scoops..
lol I said that to myself when I clicked reply
LMAO Ethics in boobyism. Also, leave Demi alone! 😁God, you guys need to let it go and stop caring about race in video games. It's such a pointless non issue!
Now let me tell you about why removing the boob slider from Xenoblade Chronicles X is a affront to man and nature.
Let it be about a CGI 11 year old in a G string
Mothafuckas would be ready to jump down my got damn throat over their 1000 year old demons. But we can't have shit....
I am so ready for the African game industry to get bigger. They're probably not going to go beyond small titles and mobile games but just the thought of a game like Aurion getting the full AAA treatment makes me salivate.
Saving this one lol
I'mma have to take a break from gaming side for a while. The sheer frustration that place gives me isn't worth it.
What did I miss?
Came back an hour later to this http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=188092456
VR gonna be something i need impressions from people i know to see what's up cos no amount of demoing is helping.
Here and saw some BCT folk in the OT.Anyone playing Xenoblade in here? I'm loving it, cannot wait to unlock the Skells.
Hoping someone I know gets to mess with it as well. I'm all for it, but also like to know what I'm getting into.
Came back an hour later to this http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=188092456
I'm very much down with it, but i suffer from extreme motion sickness, and feel very uncomfortable (possibly afraid) of being cut-off from my surroundings.How does the BCT feel about VR? Are we ready for a VR future?
OmgListen here Dollar Tree JC ripoff, don't play with grown folks.
God, you guys need to let it go and stop caring about race in video games. It's such a pointless non issue!
Now let me tell you about why removing the boob slider from Xenoblade Chronicles X is a affront to man and nature.
You see
Mothafuckas would be ready to jump down my got damn throat over their 1000 year old demons. But we can't have shit....
I am so ready for the African game industry to get bigger. They're probably not going to go beyond small titles and mobile games but just the thought of a game like Aurion getting the full AAA treatment makes me salivate.
It will be 2 decades before you look down in VR and see non-white hands/armsWhat did I miss?
Yeah PSX happened and I need help holding all these games. FF7 remake trailer continues to wow me. How does the BCT feel about VR? Are we ready for a VR future?
Cudi just released the worst album of the year and no one is talking about it.
Yeah PSX happened and I need help holding all these games. FF7 remake trailer continues to wow me. How does the BCT feel about VR? Are we ready for a VR future?
Cudi just released the worst album of the year and no one is talking about it.
Anyone playing Xenoblade in here? I'm loving it, cannot wait to unlock the Skells.
It will be 2 decades before you look down in VR and see non-white hands/arms
If someone more knowledgeable on the subject could correct me if I am wrong that would be appreciated but from my understanding the fact that many sub-saharan African nations were isolated and separated by harsh weather conditions made it harder for communication and the trade of ideas. Europe on the other hand, had access to knowledge coming from the middle east, the horn of Africa, and asia and was able to use that to their advantage. There's a book on the subject I've been meaning to read actually its called Guns, Germs, and SteelSorry to double post, but a few Google searches have brought up the term "Silicon Savannah," specifically around Nairobi. So the ball has already gotten rolling.
I guess I should finally ask though, and this is a more general question that might turn into a long-ass paragraph, but I never really figured out why Sub-Saharan Africa was less developed to begin with, I mean before European colonization happened. If you'll allow me to indulge in some geographic determinism, a bit of looking around has led me to believe the native civilizations of the Americas lacked indigenous pack animals which really slowed down their development compared to Europeans and Asians. The Middle East and Eastern Europe got destroyed by the Mongols in the 13th century (and khanates dominated China and India for a time from what I can tell). China was simply not expansionist like Europe was, either that or it and India were already surrounded by hinterlands to assimilate while the Europeans had to get on boats to find some. Australia had no indigenous founder crops or pack animals (that I know of). What was it that held Africa back?
I know there were places south of the Sahara where things developed beyond hunter-gathering before Europeans arrived, but to what extent I'm not sure.
Sorry to double post, but a few Google searches have brought up the term "Silicon Savannah," specifically around Nairobi. So the ball has already gotten rolling.
I guess I should finally ask though, and this is a more general question that might turn into a long-ass paragraph, but I never really figured out why Sub-Saharan Africa was less developed to begin with, I mean before European colonization happened. If you'll allow me to indulge in some geographic determinism, a bit of looking around has led me to believe the native civilizations of the Americas lacked indigenous pack animals which really slowed down their development compared to Europeans and Asians. The Middle East and Eastern Europe got destroyed by the Mongols in the 13th century (and khanates dominated China and India for a time from what I can tell). China was simply not expansionist like Europe was, either that or it and India were already surrounded by hinterlands to assimilate while the Europeans had to get on boats to find some. Australia had no indigenous founder crops or pack animals (that I know of). What was it that held Africa back?
I know there were places south of the Sahara where things developed beyond hunter-gathering before Europeans arrived, but to what extent I'm not sure.
LOL, yep, the game does look fun.dam you Duck for not having TTC out this year! and another beta late into next month! I need it in my veins
These games represent something fairly unique, but also unfortunately shared a big problem. While the parent types are voiced by black actors, Orlessa Altass as Scylla Cartier-Wells (mother to Nillin) and Dave Fennoy as Lee Everett (adoptive father to Clementine) respectively, both Nillin and Clementine are voiced by white actors quite literally removing their blackness. I have caught a lot of backlash mentioning this, but my argument always is, would you put brown makeup on a white actor to cast them as a black character in this day and age? The answer is obviously no.
As the previous would be considered blackface, casting black characters with white voice actors is what I coined "digital black face". It removes everything from the character, and only perpetuates that games are so white, that they can't even find actors to play the occasional black character. Saturday Night Live caught hell for this, why not games?
I am actually sorry for doing this to you.
Cloud has always been a weakling. It's because he's a fake, a wannabe.Crisis Core and Advent Children Cloud do look pretty similar in terms of build, but for some reason FFVIIR Cloud is looking extra weak. Maybe it's just that you can see the actual muscles under his skin now. God damn. He's definitely a lot slimmer compared to the Kingdom Hearts and Smash Bros. models though.
Anyone playing Xenoblade in here? I'm loving it, cannot wait to unlock the Skells.
This one. Folks are getting real mad about the battle system they've seen all of 6 seconds of.
I would kill for a real honest discussion on race in gaming and gaming culture.
Mr. Escalante hard at work again.
It's those turtles right?
Like the way the game is already but could use smoother animations.
Down with the AAA treatment.although games like these rarely get it
He said he was color blind. I blame the parents and leaders. They sold them fake goods. You can't give a kid a negative response every query and expect that to be 'color blind'.After reading that "How my parents explained race" thread, the scales fell from my eyes, and I was enlightened. If that is the background the more 'moderate' ,relatively, people have on offtopic, what of those in gaming?
I'd view it as a lost cause, but it could influence some developers so it should happen for that sake alone.
Mr. Escalante hard at work again.
can't wait for the deep rebuttals.
" Gay Black teen" is the new Bernie Marched with MLKFantastic post. Looks like the response from the other side is just variations on: "Well if you read the OP, you'd know that Nadine was cast before they decided on race! Shouldn't have wasted your time typing dumdum."
Rather than learn a greater truth about the industry, they choose to shut down the argument for the technicalities of this particular situation, despite the very post they're "rebutting" stating explicitly that they had no further beef with ND since it was addressed by the creator. "Well I see it's bad but don't you see that in this situation, it's not as bad as you claim to be so you black people should stop bullying Naughty Dog!"
Ni No Kuni 2 looks cool, hopefully L5 uses the expeeience to work on a console Yokai Watch or Dark Cloud 3.