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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked

Sanders supporters seem to have a hard time understanding that criticizing Bernie and his supporters doesn't mean you automatically like Hillary.

This is so true about so much stuff. It's always amusing seeing someone get heated about opinions they've projected onto you based on you not liking their favourite thing.





The Black guy who tips is breaking down the Young TUrks video and pulling receipts.

I listened to this last night and I really enjoyed the part where he's talking about Trump and how the media obsesses over him so much and jokes about him despite how dangerous he is to people like Latinos and Muslims (basically he's only a joke to people who have no stake in his policies/what he'd do to the country).

The Young Turks and the Bernie Bros discussion was on point, but also it was funny because I really didn't realize so many people still listen to them. I gave them a chance back when Keith Olbermann got kicked off of MSNBC and he was put on a cable channel with them. You know how GAFers who say "all the parties are the same" keep attempting to describe MSNBC as the opposite of Fox News? This channel was what they keep trying to make MSNBC to be, so it turned me off of the Young Turks back then.

Young Magus

Junior Member
Sanders supporters seem to have a hard time understanding that criticizing Bernie and his supporters doesn't mean you automatically like Hillary.

B. Real Talk......

Sanders supports have a hard time understanding how to fuckin government in general and that one dude ant gonna fix everything by themselves


Well I think I'm going to be dipping here for a while. I downloaded a music program a couple days ago, the next day my audio jack wasn't working so I could no longer use my external speakers. I ran malware bytes and McAfee but they found no viruses. Today, my computer freezes when I was watching a video with a loud buzz sound. After I turned it back on the sound completely stopped working and its running slow. When I wake up something else will probably be wrong. Running Malware again to find something, but it looks like my computer is going to die when I need it most.
So now I don't have a functioning phone or computer, so it looks I'll have to be going to a library to apply for jobs and check on them. I wish for the best for y'all.
keep your head up

It's crazy how Insanity Report or TBGWT or Elon James or Imani Gandy will post something critical about Sanders and here come the BernieBros. And the response to the BBs is "I don't like Hilary either!" and the BBs don't believe them.

I am amused that the BernieBros don't say "You're all just shills for Martin O'Malley!" And speaking of Abs Dad, to quote Hamilton, "Never gonna be president now..."
They never tell you why you should be for bernie, they just talk to you like you are stupid for not already feeling the bern.

I listened to this last night and I really enjoyed the part where he's talking about Trump and how the media obsesses over him so much and jokes about him despite how dangerous he is to people like Latinos and Muslims (basically he's only a joke to people who have no stake in his policies/what he'd do to the country).

The Young Turks and the Bernie Bros discussion was on point, but also it was funny because I really didn't realize so many people still listen to them. I gave them a chance back when Keith Olbermann got kicked off of MSNBC and he was put on a cable channel with them. You know how GAFers who say "all the parties are the same" keep attempting to describe MSNBC as the opposite of Fox News? This channel was what they keep trying to make MSNBC to be, so it turned me off of the Young Turks back then.

Yeah no one really talks about how dangerous trump is for his rhetoric and no one calls him out on it


bitch I'm taking calls.
I feel like I'm the crazy one at work during the rare times I allow myself to get sucked into the political discussions.

Trump is dangerous and I don't want to hear anyone talking about supporting him in any context. And yet I continue to be appalled and disappointed by acquaintances who say they agree with him and when questioned say things like:

"Well he's got the right idea about immigrants"

"He's the only candidate that isn't afraid to speak his mind. He's giving us the truth with no spin."

"He will make the tough choices that have to be done for our country."

Are you fucking kidding me? Immigrants are the foundation of this country and what made it great. You can't just change your mind and start shutting people out en masse because of a few attacks. Not to mention the horrible rhetoric against religious and ethnic minorities only serving to scapegoat them for the country's problems. Pander to stormfront and bible thumping pieces of shit, breh.

Not afraid to speak his mind and no spin? This is perhaps the most ridiculous concept that I hear and I am sickened that I have heard it touted by people with computer science degrees.

I don't even know what to say about tough choices. That only makes sense if by tough choices you mean fucking over everyone without white priviledge and returning us to most hated world status.


I feel like I'm the crazy one at work during the rare times I allow myself to get sucked into the political discussions.

Trump is dangerous and I don't want to hear anyone talking about supporting him in any context. And yet I continue to be appalled and disappointed by acquaintances who say they agree with him and when questioned say things like:

"Well he's got the right idea about immigrants"

"He's the only candidate that isn't afraid to speak his mind. He's giving us the truth with no spin."

"He will make the tough choices that have to be done for our country."

Are you fucking kidding me? Immigrants are the foundation of this country and what made it great. You can't just change your mind and start shutting people out en masse because of a few attacks. Not to mention the horrible rhetoric against religious and ethnic minorities only serving to scapegoat them for the country's problems. Pander to stormfront and bible thumping pieces of shit, breh.

Not afraid to speak his mind and no spin? This is perhaps the most ridiculous concept that I hear and I am sickened that I have heard it touted by people with computer science degrees.

I don't even know what to say about tough choices. That only makes sense if by tough choices you mean fucking over everyone without white priviledge and returning us to most hated world status.
Don't forget the fact that he's a liar.
Is [insert] racist?

Was it made mainly by white people without or with minimal minority input?
I feel like I'm the crazy one at work during the rare times I allow myself to get sucked into the political discussions.

Trump is dangerous and I don't want to hear anyone talking about supporting him in any context. And yet I continue to be appalled and disappointed by acquaintances who say they agree with him and when questioned say things like:

"Well he's got the right idea about immigrants"

"He's the only candidate that isn't afraid to speak his mind. He's giving us the truth with no spin."

"He will make the tough choices that have to be done for our country."

Are you fucking kidding me? Immigrants are the foundation of this country and what made it great. You can't just change your mind and start shutting people out en masse because of a few attacks. Not to mention the horrible rhetoric against religious and ethnic minorities only serving to scapegoat them for the country's problems. Pander to stormfront and bible thumping pieces of shit, breh.

Not afraid to speak his mind and no spin? This is perhaps the most ridiculous concept that I hear and I am sickened that I have heard it touted by people with computer science degrees.

I don't even know what to say about tough choices. That only makes sense if by tough choices you mean fucking over everyone without white priviledge and returning us to most hated world status.

They can only be so ho-hum about it because their bubble is more easily threatened. All it takes for people who've been so sheltered by privilege is one news story to condemn a whole group of people when in reality they don't even recognize that they group in question is not only closer to the issue but also has to deal with overt xenophobia from their fellow Americans. Trump is the lord for people who've never had to truly experience/empathize with an outside perspective. He only works on people who are inherently narrow-minded. That's why he can outright lie and flip flop because none of the people cheering for him are interested in asking questions about whether Mexicans have anymore rapists per capita than the US or if there really was a Muslim tailgate right in front of the WTC or some shit because they've already made up their mind about those groups of people.

BTW a recommendation for this book popped up on my timeline. Seems worthwhile if anyone has $15 to spare:

Amazon said:
The truth of who Rosa Parks was and what really lay beneath the 1955 boycott is far different from anything previously written.

In this groundbreaking and important book, Danielle McGuire writes about the rape in 1944 of a twenty-four-year-old mother and sharecropper, Recy Taylor, who strolled toward home after an evening of singing and praying at the Rock Hill Holiness Church in Abbeville, Alabama. Seven white men, armed with knives and shotguns, ordered the young woman into their green Chevrolet, raped her, and left her for dead. The president of the local NAACP branch office sent his best investigator and organizer to Abbeville. Her name was Rosa Parks. In taking on this case, Parks launched a movement that ultimately changed the world.

The author gives us the never-before-told history of how the civil rights movement began; how it was in part started in protest against the ritualistic rape of black women by white men who used economic intimidation, sexual violence, and terror to derail the freedom movement; and how those forces persisted unpunished throughout the Jim Crow era when white men assaulted black women to enforce rules of racial and economic hierarchy. Black women’s protests against sexual assault and interracial rape fueled civil rights campaigns throughout the South that began during World War II and went through to the Black Power movement. The Montgomery bus boycott was the baptism, not the birth, of that struggle.


Don't forget the fact that he's a liar.
Is [insert] racist?

Was it made mainly by white people without or with minimal minority input?

Roy is the correspondent in the bit and he talks to two black porn stars (Prince Yahshua and Missy Stone) and one white (Lisa Ann), basically about things we already know (racist porn titles, black people portrayed as thugs, things white women will do before sleeping with a black man, etc...).

I can't even understand what the excuse could be. Do the stars demanding more just think black guys are more dangerous? More likely to give them an STD? Like literally everything is equal on the playing field of one white body to one black body so I can't see it as anything other than the stars thinking that to fuck a black guy is literally like fucking a lesser being. I'm sure that Lisa Ann has heard that "my parent's wouldn't approve" excuse too which I can't even imagine saying without realizing how lame it sounds.



That's a great article. I agree with its premise.

A lot of other Bernie supporters need to chill. If you are thinking about not voting for Hillary in the general election if she wins, you are being irresponsible, period. I see her faults but she's a hundred times better than any GOP candidate. Look at her stances on social issues particularly. She is right where she needs to be on those.

I think a lot of it with the Sanders crowd is that they are privileged. Most of the people I know who support him are white males or females and middle-class or upper middle-class. The social positions that the GOP support don't really affect them, so they can pass on Hillary. I can't do that.

I listened to this last night and I really enjoyed the part where he's talking about Trump and how the media obsesses over him so much and jokes about him despite how dangerous he is to people like Latinos and Muslims (basically he's only a joke to people who have no stake in his policies/what he'd do to the country).

The Young Turks and the Bernie Bros discussion was on point, but also it was funny because I really didn't realize so many people still listen to them. I gave them a chance back when Keith Olbermann got kicked off of MSNBC and he was put on a cable channel with them. You know how GAFers who say "all the parties are the same" keep attempting to describe MSNBC as the opposite of Fox News? This channel was what they keep trying to make MSNBC to be, so it turned me off of the Young Turks back then.

TYT vs MSNBC is a comparison between hosts who are unabashedly progressive (but heavily biased) versus an establishment news channel that has a range between great progressives like Rachel Maddow, to center-left heads like Chris Matthews, all the way to neoconservatives such as Joe Scarborough. MSNBC is like a liberal CNN with 50% less fuckery (and no clownish Don Lemon). TYT is like a leftist Fox News. So I like the Young Turks but I know what I'm getting when I watch it. Cenk is also a pretty awesome political commentator.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Sanders supporters seem to have a hard time understanding that criticizing Bernie and his supporters doesn't mean you automatically like Hillary.

Flip side of that is criticizing any candidate doesn't mean you hate them. The tendency is for people to get eXTREME with everything. I can have disagreements with parts of a platform, doesn't mean I want to tear it all down. Bernie says something things I really agree with, says some things I disagree with, and somethings that just aren't based in reality. But at the same time, I have a hard time trusting Clinton. I get the feeling that Bernie would atleast try (and probably fail) to change things, while Clinton would be fine with the status quo. Unfortunately it is the normal routine of picking the lesser of two evils.

Ah, that. Since Deray seems to usually divide opinions a bit, i thought it was something else.

I expect it will get a lot worse than that though given his popularity on twitter.

I wish him the best, but being a politician is dirty, nasty, frustrating business. You can't just say, "We should do X," and expect it to happen. It is all about making deals, balancing budgets, and not pissing off too many people so you can get re-elected. At times I feel that with the right backing, you can get more done as an outsider than an elected official. I would hate for him to win, see all the roadblocks and get disillusioned with it all.


I can't even understand what the excuse could be. Do the stars demanding more just think black guys are more dangerous? More likely to give them an STD? Like literally everything is equal on the playing field of one white body to one black body so I can't see it as anything other than the stars thinking that to fuck a black guy is literally like fucking a lesser being. I'm sure that Lisa Ann has heard that "my parent's wouldn't approve" excuse too which I can't even imagine saying without realizing how lame it sounds.

DY/Rio would be more knowledgeable explaining this, but one thing the Daily Show bit didn't discuss is the industry itself catering to discrimination against black people. The "fans" of these porn stars for example, think less of them when they sleep with black people. There was a video posted on GAF a while back where porn stars discussed the worst comments they've gotten online, and many of them commented on racists attacking them for sleeping with black men. Found it while I was typing this:


So there's this idea that sleeping with black people "lowers" the porn stars value, so sleeping with a black man becomes the last thing these women will do to make money over other acts that don't "devalue" them to fans, encouraging these racists to charge more and/or outright refuse sleeping with black people.
DY/Rio would be more knowledgeable explaining this, but one thing the Daily Show bit didn't discuss is the industry itself catering to discrimination against black people. The "fans" of these porn stars for example, think less of them when they sleep with black people. There was a video posted on GAF a while back where porn stars discussed the worst comments they've gotten online, and many of them commented on racists attacking them for sleeping with black men. Found it while I was typing this:


So there's this idea that sleeping with black people "lowers" the porn stars value, so sleeping with a black man becomes the last thing these women will do to make money over other acts that don't "devalue" them to fans, encouraging these racists to charge more and/or outright refuse sleeping with black people.

Christ that was a hard watch. I can't imagine going on a tirade like that about many things, particularly not porn. Such a sick and sad mindset.
Yeah, definitely not touching that Deray thread. The company getting shat on is one I'm personally involved with. Yikes.

Also, spending my b-day (today) in DC... Anyone around that area know some good bars there?


bitch I'm taking calls.
Don't forget the fact that he's a liar.
He's completely hypocritical in many ways.
They can only be so ho-hum about it because their bubble is more easily threatened. All it takes for people who've been so sheltered by privilege is one news story to condemn a whole group of people when in reality they don't even recognize that they group in question is not only closer to the issue but also has to deal with overt xenophobia from their fellow Americans. Trump is the lord for people who've never had to truly experience/empathize with an outside perspective. He only works on people who are inherently narrow-minded. That's why he can outright lie and flip flop because none of the people cheering for him are interested in asking questions about whether Mexicans have anymore rapists per capita than the US or if there really was a Muslim tailgate right in front of the WTC or some shit because they've already made up their mind about those groups of people.
This makes a lot of sense. It is just infuriating because I expect people of supposed intelligence to be better about this. That's my own faulty assumption though.

Interracial porn is the top 10 WOAT porn ever. It always consist of little innocent white girl about to get her back blown out by 10 Immortal lookin ass black dudes.

No but seriously it's one of the only industries I can think of that so obscenely clings on to blatant ass colonial-era "keep those blacks away from the white women" style racism. That's without even touching the cuckhold shit. It's a god damn sad state of affairs when someone thinks a porn star, someone who takes dick in a variety of ways and can often be degraded in the most creatively fucked up ways, is somehow still devauled by sleeping with a black man.

Same type that says "I'm not racist but black people are ugly to me." The mental gymnastics are Olympic worthy.


Possibly i/r porn might have a effect on their escorting business on the side.
I'm asking what do you expect from comments on tube sites?


Junior Member
Possibly i/r porn might have a effect on their escorting business on the side.
I'm asking what do you expect from comments on tube sites?
It's definitely them concerned about their pay and customers. They know a bunch of racists buy porn. Who actually buys porn nowadays? If you buy it, I think you are a backwards goat fucker even if you neck is paler than those clowns on Mad Max.


Interracial porn is the top 10 WOAT porn ever. It always consist of little innocent white girl about to get her back blown out by 10 Immortal lookin ass black dudes.

Interracial Porn has made some huge strides (the genre itself, the industry is an entirely different matter) over the last few years. Don't get me wrong, it's still extremely fetishized - but that's an issue thoroughly ingrained within porn itself. It used to be a bunch of thugged out homies absolutely wrecking white girls. It was hypermasculine and incredibly aggressive/violent. You still have a lot of that, but Blacked has definitely left a mark on the genre - and places like DarkX, Naughty America, etc have moved forward with their blueprint.

I've already touched on the cinematography, visual fidelity, wardrobe and set design of Blacked - but the best thing about it is the fact that black men aren't restricted to being straight up Hoods. They're businessmen, husbands, etc. They're no longer depicted as the pursuer, and often times are actually the individual being pursued. These are elements that are making their way into other sites as well.

And you used to have your top talent not touch IR porn with a 10 foot dildo, but in recent times - you're hard pressed to find performers who haven't dabbled within the genre.

The genre that absolutely sucks right now, barely exists, and hasn't undergone a similar top to bottom change is Black on Black porn.


Junior Member
The genre that absolutely sucks right now, barely exists, and hasn't undergone a similar top to bottom change is Black on Black porn.
True. Very true. It needs a talent infusion.

I feel like you can find a large variety of white or latina performers. But most black performers are cut from the same cloth.
It's definitely them concerned about their pay and customers. They know a bunch of racists buy porn. Who actually buys porn nowadays? If you buy it, I think you are a backwards goat fucker even if you neck is paler than those clowns on Mad Max.

dont ever tell them pornstars on social media we dont buy their shit, man they go iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinn on you heh


Yeah, definitely not touching that Deray thread. The company getting shat on is one I'm personally involved with. Yikes.

Also, spending my b-day (today) in DC... Anyone around that area know some good bars there?
Happy Birthday Kid. I hope you have a fuckery-free day.
Roy is the correspondent in the bit and he talks to two black porn stars (Prince Yahshua and Missy Stone) and one white (Lisa Ann), basically about things we already know (racist porn titles, black people portrayed as thugs, things white women will do before sleeping with a black man, etc...).
How can they be racist one of them is called Black Cocks Matter


Stacey Dash is thrilled Michael Jackson is being played by a white man.

“But I say, BRAVO! I’m sick and tired of being told ‘Sorry, Stacey, this is a Caucasian-only role,'” She wrote. “Counterintuitively, this decision by Hollywood — which looks like a diss to blacks — is actually what we’ve been saying all along: roles should NOT be based on color.”

The Slayven hating sandbox of BCT fans could learn a trolling tip or two from Stacey.
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