Prototype Viktor
First ban of BHM? Figures a non-black would beat onw of us to it
First ban of BHM? Figures a non-black would beat onw of us to it
Evan Michael Hardin 1 week ago
There would be a lot less crime and taxes would be lower. Failed to mention those statistical facts.
black dude dying to protect white heroes 5 min into story is still a trope in 2016
thank you, janky as fuck xcom 2
I just realized, Ishibear been gone for a year
Londa feels like another life ago.
Londa feels like another life ago.
shit, shes been gone for years
The one on the left..
The one on the left..
The one on the left..
I didn't see a video.The video makes it obvious, but the picture is pretty *whew*.
Black, in fact, does not crack.
Happy Black History Month, everyone!
lol fluvian about to get banned. in that coen thread.
He's so done.
I don't think people really consider how essential their anger to the very idea of diversity is to the overall issue. The fact that one flippant question can't be asked without people defending "the artist's vision" with their lives and all their vitriol is part of the reason that this discussion can't lead to anything substantial and is in part why this lack of diversity can continue. It treats a simple challenge as though it's a mobbing and call for destruction of a particular artist.
I'm pretty sure the dude wanted the hammer. Either that or he was someone's alt.yep one of my favorite mods took care of him
I'm pretty sure the dude wanted the hammer. Either that or he was someone's alt.
Rest and slip into sleep as we all change into costume. Don’t fret while a tonal detour takes me back to a strange piano recital, you can dream of sweets. The contest will be held and a dictator will be dealt with. In the end it will be like a “Saved by the Bell” and “Wizard of Oz” mashup. Really, that’s the end so now there is no need to stay awake.
Join Drake and I as we put you to sleep via dance. Eventually. You might fall asleep, but there is no need to work. With Drake’s help Judy Garland will have a costume. As will Drake. And Scooter? As you wish.
Sonic and the sound of rings should echo through your dreams. What started as a first date ends in a lesson about the downsides of chewing toys.
Lost pets, birthmarks and a trip on the Oregon trail will be your lullaby. Don’t fret about Tommen and Pounce as they have a new adventure for you.
I’ll swirl your thoughts into dreams and cosmically ladle them over your sleeping head, like that generic punch they always have at parties. Don’t worry this is liquid and sense free as we return to Hell for a welcome back party.
Fall asleep fast while our costume contest quest continues. Join Drake and Mumblebear as we travel to meet Julie Andrews. As you sleep you might say “weee message” but don’t worry it is just nonsense. Rest easy knowing that I will do my best to save this universe by picking out something that fits Dame Judy Andrews as perfect as her assistants’ teeth.
Members are rarely alts. I'm just curious if this is suspension or expulsion.
You remind me of a tumblr post I saw going around talking about how the way to make white folk angry isn't to say honkey or cracker, but to tell them no or call them racist.
That being said, I think it bears repeating that Hamilton shows that there is no reason to not recast traditionally white roles as minorities.
Members are rarely alts.
Members are rarely alts.
I mean it's too true. And I don't even get up in my own feelings when I act wrong. I've been racist before. I've been a sexist and a bigot before and acknowledging it hasn't destroyed me just made me more aware. Yet some people act as though the word is a curse. You won't die from acknowledging you've done, said or feed into something racist. But I guess you can only acknowledge that if you don't live in a bubble otherwise the very idea of saying a way you acted was wrong, hurts or disadvantages someone else is like a knife to the heart.
And yeah with Hamilton is heightened pseudo-reality just like Hail Ceaser but arguments of historical accuracy reign supreme, despite the fact that a complete absence of minorities at any level in Hollywood isn't really historically accurate either. And like I said in that topic, I've got even more of an issue with the Coen's smarmy response than I do with the movie. A competent and considerate artist can address a lack of diversity within reason. One that isn't resorts to "well we don't have martians in our movie do we?!"
Anyway, I'm done there. Get's me too riled up.
In 13 OTs, I've YET to see anyone drive by post in here telling us we complain too much (most criticisms being about us talking about other things we aren't "supposed" to talk about like comics and video games) in the same fashion OT topics do.
I mean it's too true. And I don't even get up in my own feelings when I act wrong. I've been racist before. I've been a sexist and a bigot before and acknowledging it hasn't destroyed me just made me more aware. Yet some people act as though the word is a curse. You won't die from acknowledging you've done, said or feed into something racist. But I guess you can only acknowledge that if you don't live in a bubble otherwise the very idea of saying a way you acted was wrong, hurts or disadvantages someone else is like a knife to the heart.
And yeah with Hamilton is heightened pseudo-reality just like Hail Ceaser but arguments of historical accuracy reign supreme, despite the fact that a complete absence of minorities at any level in Hollywood isn't really historically accurate either. And like I said in that topic, I've got even more of an issue with the Coen's smarmy response than I do with the movie. A competent and considerate artist can address a lack of diversity within reason. One that isn't resorts to "well we don't have martians in our movie do we?!"
Anyway, I'm done there. Get's me too riled up.
Let sleep take you into her arms like a loving mother. Take a shell and listen to the sounds of me rambling about why it sounds like the ocean. Ever wonder about country bumpkins and sweet sixteens? I’ll cover that too, but you’ll be asleep. Don’t worry about missing Leslie Neilsen and his singing. Rest as Tommen yells to Kelpalina and I speak to the gods.
In 13 OTs, I've YET to see anyone drive by post in here telling us we complain too much (most criticisms being about us talking about other things we aren't "supposed" to talk about like comics and video games) in the same fashion OT topics do.
Always about historical accuracy, until it's time to tell a story about people who aren't white.
Always about historical accuracy, until it's time to tell a story about people who aren't white.