I've never played an Uncharted game so I've just been avoiding
those topics. Seems it was a good choice for my sanity <3
What am I even looking at?
Who that with all that ass?
Also we posting black cosplay again?
More black cosplay.
Some capos
This is gorgeous.
Not turning the cycle back, but I found my go to post about whitewashed roles.
If you haven't read it, you should.
Back to the topic at hand:
At some point we should talk Steven Universe. Y'all know that show has a ton of voice actors of color, right?
This is all some great cosplay <3
I won't be surprised if it gets to the point where complaining about outrage or accusing posters of "making a fuss" becomes bannable. Every social issue thread is getting flooded with posters complaining about anyone having any form of criticism as "overreacting" or "why are you so mad?" in attempts to kill any discussion. Meanwhile these same posters make entire threads around x game developer changing a female character's costume from a cat costume bikini to a cat costume one piece swimsuit like the developer stepped on their new shoes.
I mean yes and no. I think a lot of these issues or controversies and more nuance to them than discussions of GAF would allow or suggest. It's been my feeling for a while, and I feel its getting worse, that there is a strong sense of tribalism among a lot of the opinions and positions on GAF with regards to certain topics. That people are adopting them because they are the "right" position rather than one they either truly hold or one they can articulate why the hold them. I think its also true that some people are so poor at articulating their position or indeed just fucking mouthbreathers that by association they taint the opinions of those who are much more well-adjusted and articulate that might share some/part of those opinions as well. Like you can be a non-fan of say boob slider removal or butt shot crops without being an asshole or a raging pervert but I feel less and less like you can express those sorts of opinions without people thinking otherwise of you. Like I feel those sorts of topics should be able to have opposing sides argue opposite perspective while respecting each other and not blowing up to 35353532 posts. I won't say "both sides are the same" because that's not necessarily true in every case but I sometimes feel uncomfortable with the hardline positions people often take. Like I can often see a posters name and I'll know what they say before they'll say it and said position never moderates with perspective. Maybe its because I just have a generally moderate personality?
Fanboys need to learn that when you make a full retail game with modern graphics in today's market, it can't be turn-based or have tank controls. At least that's what producers are convinced of. You can't please just the fans unless you're making a digital-only $20 game.
Nah I can't cosign on this. This is the sort of thinking that said "2D is dead" at the start of the PSX/N64 generation and led to the proliferation and creation of a ton of garbage looking games and such. Make the game fun and put the right money/IP behind it and it will sell. I don't think the FF7 Remake has to have the exact same battle system of the original but "it had to change" it a non-sense narrative and people are justified in being disappointed or upset by the prospective of this change. The few who are threatening to rage-quit life about don't represent the majority reaction I feel.