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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked


aka Mannny
As it stands I think the whole thing is a bunch of hyperbole, though I agree about it being unprofessional. If it's in the final game and no credits it''ll look bad.


I don't think the kardashians are evil people, not even bad people. But I can see being around them while you going through some shit could be unhealthy. And what can boost your confidence more than a bad chick on your arm?

And if she's helping the kid out then it shouldbe cool. I really don't blame him.



Video of the whole mess at the link!

A Spring Valley, New York village meeting descended into chaos yesterday when a constituent publicly accused the mayor of breaking up his marriage. The Journal News reports that maintenance worker Reginald Alfred grabbed the mic to claim Mayor Demeza Delhomme used his “power to get into my house.”

You can watch the Journal News’ video of the incident above, which plays out like a scene from Desperate Housewives. “Mr. Delhomme is trying to use his power to get into my house!” Alfred says in the video. “He destroyed my house. He destroyed my family. I have two daughters.”

Delhomme denied any involvement, shouting, “I don’t know this man! I’ve never met this man.”

A village trustee shouted back, “You screwed his wife and you say you don’t know him?”

As The Journal News notes, Alfred did not provide any receipts, so whether or not the mayor fucked his wife remains an open question.

What we do know is that Delhomme is a bad mayor, in general; he has previously declared himself “king of the village,” vowed to discriminate against Jewish land developers, and allegedly ordered village workers to install a generator at his girlfriend’s house during a snowstorm. The Journal News has a full accounting of his shady dealings here.

Mayor didn't care during the whole spiel:


Then other dude on the bench went straight in on the mayor after that, good lord.


Man, politics on every level can get so fucked up.


Thread was nuked. (Actually "momentarily" locked). Naughty dog used an art asset from assassins creed 4 in their uncharted 4 trailer (concept art of a beach with arched rock-like structure) within large picture frame. People are flipping out and screaming cause he artist isn't credited or acknowledged when it's essentially a non-issue. No one would have noticed the picture otherwise.

Tell me trey, were you going to buy uncharted based on that picture? If they take it out is your preorder cancelled?

EscoBlades looking at this post like "I thought we were cool?".


aka Mannny
Gaming side....

I've said all i need to many times over.

Its all done now. We can move on.
Ride for your employer breh ...or get an alt
No shade doe

I'm actually surprised naughty dog didn't double down but they've been caught before. It is over now though
until TLOU 2


aka Mannny
I mean we're talking about people who talk about games more than they play them. The actual spin-off thread for the trailer moved faster than the actual trailer thread itself. It had to be locked just for the OG thread to gain a good lead.

Edit; hol up. I just went to the thread. Dudes is still mad!!! Lmao they apologized and fixed it! Hahahaha dudes want to talk about the defense force but damn this is a witch hunt.


aka Mannny
Esco you ruinin people's lives with that original post. Some gaffer somewhere won't play uncharted 4 because you exposed naughty dog. Their pre-orders are forever cancelled.
BTW I'm 50/50 on the Pokemon Direct. I'll be cool with Z or the next gen announcement but anything else would be disappointing. Pokken is meh, Dekachu was meh, VC releases of the original 4 aren't even on my radar.


Why did they give up on pokemon colosseum?

If I was petty i would want them to announce an exculive pokemon game for mobile.

If I was petty.
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