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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked


I want more black girls in my life without relying on online dating since the subject is up.

Tbh I think I'm getting bored with using tinder and OKC because I find it exciting to run into someone randomly and try to jump each other's private parts.


Good ass video. I'm a firm supporter of men and women doing equal work in the house and outside the house. But I have some background.

My parents got divorced at age 2. It's all I know of family life as a kid. Went from being one of the few with divorced parents to being one of the many, as time went on. So, I remember a lot. The government cheese and that wire slicer, going to the hood for day care in Camden, NJ, cuz my mom had 3 kids. Living in places I wouldn't even try to look at twice, nowadays. I remember we moved on up to a place in Southwest Philly that is a Superfund site. Untold waste/chemicals and that was the hill we used to sled on. They still have petitions to try and get the government to clean it up. We was playing in the water and everything, not thinking of anything.

So, without a male grownup in the house, we had to grow up quick. We were latchkey kids. Which meant, we had to get quick on taking care of ourselves. Home by ourselves until 6, 7 or 8. We never ate dinner before 7pm. Had to wait for mom's and everything was good. Had to learn how to do our own laundry each week. Wash and clean every room in the house on Saturday morning. Mop the floor, wash the dishes every night, clean the bathroom with old rags/socks. Every part of the bathroom.

Now, things are different and I see it in my kids. We are too busy so we get other people to help. But the kids lose out on opportunities. Opportunities to be a decent human apart of civilization. If anything, a good thing from the lost generation without fathers is you grow up quick. You become independent.

I cook the most in our house, I can do laundry without being asked, can clean the whole house if necessary. I never picked up on repair jobs; somehow my wife is better at that than me. That's okay. I can do a ton of 'domestic' jobs and it makes the house move smoother. I hate walking without socks and stepping on crumbs. But I still have to replace the toilet seat downstairs after 4 months (I'll get to it).

I think our generation will be a lot different challenging the social norms. I was putting the kids to bed every night, for a few years. They come to me first, to ask questions, resolve conflict and such. My wife reminds me how important a strong father is for kids and daughters, especially. So, I'll teach my kids how to cook, clean, (maybe repair?) and keep the house running nicely. Good solid citizens who are well adapted and ready for all of the world. Big hearts full of love and not bigotry. That's my aim. Not beholden to old rules on gender roles.

So, yeah, some of our kids may be 'single' for a long period of time before marriage. I didn't get married until I was 30. My kids may do the same. They don't need 'another' to do those small things. They can survive. It's call life skills. Anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't been paying attention to the last 20 years. Shit's changes and if you can't do some basic ass things, like laundry, what the fuck can you do? Seriously, it's soap and temperature. It's not rocket science or an IRS audit or something. We expect women to work, the least we can do is put a bunch of clothes in the wash and hit a button.

So, I agree. Roles in the family unit are not tied to jobs. Washing clothes is a job. Being the protector of the house or disciplinarian is a role. Sweeping the floor is different than being a Provider. Some of these things were mixed up over the past 1000s of years. Don't get it twisted. Anyone can accomplish a job but only a few can define a role.

Really well said.
I want more black girls in my life without relying on online dating since the subject is up.

Tbh I think I'm getting bored with using tinder and OKC because I find it exciting to run into someone randomly and try to jump each other's private parts.

You need to hangout on the block, meet more black men and their friends and families, R&B concerts etc.
y'all seen Zoe Saldana's depiction of Nina Simone?



Trailer here: http://mashable.com/2016/03/02/nina-simone-biopic/?utm_cid=mash-com-Tw-main-link#bh5Dnw7nsSqg

It gets the 'please stop' of the year - despite it being only March
Fuck her for doing this. That's all I have to say about that.


Mr. Terrific himself is out? Say it ain't so.
He goes to Popeyes and buys low quality knives he really represented my interests.


My thoughts are that zoe shouldn't have been cast in the first place. They put themselves in the difficult position of choosing between light white washing and light blackface. I think the former would have been worse fwiw.

Just thinking more about it, back when we first heard about this decision in BCT |OT2|, Zoe being cast has become even more ridiculous between now and then due to the number of darker skinned black women actresses that have come to the forefront. And I say that even with Will Smith out here doing Nigerian impersonations.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Just thinking more about it, back when we first heard about this decision in BCT |OT2|, Zoe being cast has become even more ridiculous between now and then due to the number of darker skinned black women actresses that have come to the forefront. And I say that even with Will Smith out here doing Nigerian impersonations.

..was it that long ago?


[Agent]ZeroNine;197356565 said:
You need to hangout on the block, meet more black men and their friends and families, R&B concerts etc.

True. Tbh I don't have black friends I hang out with now that I'm out of college. Been this way for three years now. I feel it too and I am most comfortable chatting with them via Internet or phone, which I guess is kinda messed up.

Fuck her for doing this. That's all I have to say about that.

She at first said she didn't think she was right for the role, but then she kinda went crazy and got delusional, and got on a soapbox about how race isn't a thing or some shit she was on


I think Agent Carter will get a season 3. Apparently, her new show doesn't preclude AC and S2 dropped one of the most egregious cliffhangers I've seen in some time.
True. Tbh I don't have black friends I hang out with now that I'm out of college. Been this way for three years now. I feel it too and I am most comfortable chatting with them via Internet or phone, which I guess is kinda messed up.

Are you a New Yorker? If so, join the Schomberg center and volunteer, and if you're not a New Yorker, find your equivalent. Volunteer. Also start chatting at the barbershop, go play some backetball or handball at the local spot. Get out there.

Unfortunately meeting black women online seems harder than meeting other races of women. Not exactly sure as to why.


I'm dying to hear the definition of fandom that doesn't describe you.
Fans are people who like a thing. Fandom is people obsessed with a thing to the point of it effecting their life.

I don't own any Disney merch. I've never been to Disneyland or Disney World. I haven't seen every Disney movie. I don't even go to every movie on its premiere. Quite frankly, there are plenty of things I like significantly more than Disney, but they are either so incredibly esoteric that bringing them up would be pointless or something that merits no more discussion than "I like thing", "I also like thing" or "I dislike thing". You judge based on a persona.

Not all fans are in fandom. Some who casually likes Marvel movies isn't the same as some who has an encyclopedic like Slayen. To argue otherwise is quite frankly stupid. To not see that is willfully ignorant.
Wish I could take that click back.

EDIT: oh and I raise the Disney question because I enjoy seeing people upset over literally nothing. It's the fucking Internet. Lighten the hell up.


Wait, so people's Blackness are on trial? Are you some sort of expert?

I'm talking about her self-attestation of whether she's black or not. She shifts between labeling herself Black or Dominican/Latina depending on which will benefit her career the most at that specific moment.

He's referring to her embracing her blackness

How does one embrace their Blackness? If it is only a skin color and not a universal cultural identifier. A Black person in America will have a different perspective than a Black person in Haiti.

I'm talking about her self-attestation of whether she's black or not. She shifts between labeling herself Black or Dominican/Latina depending on which will benefit her career the most at that specific moment.
But she can consider herself either or... Who cares if she might do it for personal gain. First people complain about the lack of roles for non-white people, now they complain about which non-whites can't get the roles? come on. I can consider myself Mexican, Latino, American or non of the above given the circumstance.


[Agent]ZeroNine;197361050 said:
Are you a New Yorker? If so, join the Schomberg center and volunteer, and if you're not a New Yorker, find your equivalent. Volunteer. Also start chatting at the barbershop, go play some backetball or handball at the local spot. Get out there.

Unfortunately meeting black women online seems harder than meeting other races of women. Not exactly sure as to why.

Because they're all on WorldStar.

I kid


How does one embrace their Blackness? If it is only a skin color and not a universal cultural identifier. A Black person in America will have a different perspective than a Black person in Haiti.

She is only black when it's convenient for her or when it may be beneficial for her to land a part.
It is like a certain cop who posts on GAF who has only claimed to be half black when he is trying to deny that racism exists. Every other time he has spoken about his race he was white.


[Agent]ZeroNine;197361050 said:
Are you a New Yorker? If so, join the Schomberg center and volunteer, and if you're not a New Yorker, find your equivalent. Volunteer. Also start chatting at the barbershop, go play some backetball or handball at the local spot. Get out there.

Unfortunately meeting black women online seems harder than meeting other races of women. Not exactly sure as to why.

I don't live in NY despite being born there. What's the Schomberg?


How does one embrace their Blackness? If it is only a skin color and not a universal cultural identifier. A Black person in America will have a different perspective than a Black person in Haiti.

But she can consider herself either or... Who cares if she might do it for personal gain. First people complain about the lack of roles for non-white people, now they complain about which non-whites can't get the roles? come on. I can consider myself Mexican, Latino, American or non of the above given the circumstance.

Zoe Saldana was cast to play Nina Simone, a woman with a darker skin tone than hers and different facial features (ex: larger nose and lips). In order to compensate for this, they darkened her skin with make up and gave her a nose prosthetic. This is arguably blackface, something frowned up in the black community. It makes it worse when you consider there is a history in Hollywood of not just not hiring black actors and actresses but also preferring lighter skinned black people over darker skinned ones, ESPECIALLY black women. So not only was a lighter skinned actress chosen over a darker skinned one, but they are using black face make up to make it work.

Now, adding onto this, Zoe Saldana has gone on record in interviews saying she does not identify as a black woman. Whether or not you think this ok or not and approve the casting decision, try putting yourself into someone else's shoes before passing judgment and throwing out generalizations and think about how this casting decision would be at least "troubling" to some black people.


How does one embrace their Blackness? If it is only a skin color and not a universal cultural identifier. A Black person in America will have a different perspective than a Black person in Haiti.

But she can consider herself either or... Who cares if she might do it for personal gain. First people complain about the lack of roles for non-white people, now they complain about which non-whites can't get the roles? come on. I can consider myself Mexican, Latino, American or non of the above given the circumstance.

Zoe Saldana ain't shit, and doesn't deserve your defense.

Zoe Saldana's thoughts on her ethnic background when she was getting roles like Drumline?

When I go to the D.R., the press in Santo Domingo always asks, "¿Qué te consideras, dominicana o americana?" (What do you consider yourself, Dominican or American?) I don't understand it, and it's the same people asking the same question. So I say, time and time again, "Yo soy una mujer negra." ("I am a black woman.") [They go] "Oh, no, tú eres trigueñita." ("Oh no, you are 'dark skinned'") I'm like, "No! Let's get it straight, yo soy una mujer negra." ("I am a black woman.")

Zoe Saldana once she made it?

I find it uncomfortable to have to speak about my identity all of the time, when in reality it’s not something that drives me or wakes me up out of bed everyday. I didn’t grow up in a household where I was categorized by my mother. I was just Zoe and I could have and be anything that I ever wanted to do…and every human being is the same as you. So to all of a sudden leave your household and have people always ask you, “What are you, what are you” is the most uncomfortable question and it’s literally the most repetitive question. I can’t wait to be in a world where people are sized by their soul and how much they can contribute as individuals and not what they look like.

I literally run away from people that use words like ethnic. It’s preposterous! To me there is no such thing as people of color cause in reality people aren’t white. Paper is white. People are pink, it’s a bit ridiculous when I have to explain to a human being, that is an adult like I am, that looks intelligent but for some reason I have to question his intelligence and explain to him as if he was a two year old, my composition in order for him to say, “Oh I guess I can chill with you, I can work with you.” I will not underestimate a human being and I will not allow another human being to underestimate me. I feel like as a race, that’s a minute problem against the problems we face just as women versus men, in a world that’s more geared and designed to cater towards the male species.

That is a situation that, I spend time thinking about, and working towards ending that, I guess we could talk about that

Oh wait, I'm going to get called out?

“It doesn’t matter how much backlash I will get for it, I will honor and respect my black community because that’s who I am.”

The person playing Nina Simone, who not only was a stellar musician, but a civil rights activist who broke barriers with her actions and fought for the betterment of her people. Clearly someone paying tribute to the great Nina Simone, and everything she stood for, would have some progressive views towards black women within the industry:

“We have a Black president right now,” the actress said in her Ebony magazine cover story. “So why the f— would I sit down and talk about how hard it is for Black women in Hollywood when there’s a Black president in my country?”

And it’s that attitude she says that helps her land her movie roles. “When I go after a part, [people] better watch their backs,” she says. “Not because I’m going to crush everybody, but because I’m going to give the best that I can because I strive for excellence. When you don’t get a part, it is for a reason, and these pieces will fall into place soon.”


Good way of handling race:


Bad way of handling race:

M52b28 I feel you on white people being really apprehensive about speaking on race. Dating a black dude, but scared to talk about the elephant in the room. It's like they feel they're walking on eggshells, which they shouldn't if they're an empathetic human being. It makes me feel uncomfortable because you know a person can like you and still harbor racist feelings. Every once in a while you meet a non black girl who's woke af though. Me personally, I'd like to find a black woman to date, but options in vegas ain't the best. Maybe I should move to Atlanta.

That's a huge indictment on gg for sure. Damn.

We good breh lol. Too many people moving here as is lol.
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