So what you're saying's doo doo?
lol Just couldn't resist could you? I knew I wasn't the only one... concerned with the manufacturer bottom line.
It really wasn't good. There are a few character moments between the two that work but the entire rest of the show is flaming trash. Folks been talking about how it got better since the beginning. No. No it didn't. Not that episode anyways. The lighting made the sets cheapness obvious. The dialogue was atrocious. Direction and Editing made the Lighting look Oscar Worthy.
It was like Two Broke Girls writers took Chicago Fire's camera operators to a live action Disney TV Show's set and made the crossover. It's easily the worst of the Berlanti produced Superhero shows. Hell it might be the worst of the currently running comic IP based shows... across genres.... and worse than some of the cancelled ones too.
Brutal takedown. No lies detected.