Mobile Suit Gooch
Grundle: The Awakening
I've done this before but maybe none of you know who I am. (Perhaps I should post more?)
Where you're from -North Carolina
Where you live - North Carolina
What is your age? - 24
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - I need help with this one.
Do you know your roots - Not really
Favorite musical genre - Hip-hop/ R&B/ Gospel/ Alt. Rock/ Video game and anime music/ some J-pop
Your profession/major/career interest -Keyboard player at church, IT/ interested in Game development.
Your religious affiliation - Christian-Baptist
Hobbies - Roasting and hangout with my friends, Video games, internet, Pro Wrestling, attending anime cons (well only the one that takes place in Raleigh.), cooking.
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - Bojangles all day.
Where you're from -North Carolina
Where you live - North Carolina
What is your age? - 24
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - I need help with this one.
Do you know your roots - Not really
Favorite musical genre - Hip-hop/ R&B/ Gospel/ Alt. Rock/ Video game and anime music/ some J-pop
Your profession/major/career interest -Keyboard player at church, IT/ interested in Game development.
Your religious affiliation - Christian-Baptist
Hobbies - Roasting and hangout with my friends, Video games, internet, Pro Wrestling, attending anime cons (well only the one that takes place in Raleigh.), cooking.
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - Bojangles all day.