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The Black Culture Thread |OT14| Ruthless: The So Well Spoken Story

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This isn't mine but maybe because of this. Don't know if every point is true honestly.


Southern strategy refers to a strategy by Republican Party candidates of gaining political support in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans.

During the 1950s and 1960s, the African-American Civil Rights Movement achieved significant progress in its push for desegregation in the Southern United States. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, in particular, largely dismantled the system of Jim Crow laws that had enforced legal (or de jure) segregation in the South since the end of Reconstruction Era. During this period, Republican politicians such as Presidential candidate Richard Nixon worked to attract southern white conservative voters (most of whom had traditionally supported the Democratic Party) to the Republican Party,[4] and Senator Barry Goldwater won the five formerly Confederate states of the Deep South: (Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina) in the 1964 presidential election. In the 1968 presidential campaign, Nixon won Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee, all former Confederate states, contributing to the electoral realignment that saw many white, southern voters shift allegiance from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party during this period.


Rewind to the early to mid 1800s: Democrats (Confederates during the Civil War, 1861-1865) dominated the South. Democratic President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830 and shut down the national bank in 1833. It was Democrats who favored limited government, championed manifest destiny and fought to preserve slavery.

The Republican party was formed in the North out of an opposition to slavery in 1854, but it wasn’t only abolition they stood for. The party favored expansionist government policies like a national currency, high tariffs to protect fledgling industries and increased spending to fund the railroads and a state university system.

Fast forward to today: the map is reversed, with pro-regulation and pro-welfare Democrats in the West and Northeast, and free-market, limited-intervention Republicans in the South and Midwest.

So when did the switch happen, and why?

Sometime in that window, Republicans went from being the party of government expansion to the party vehemently opposed to FDR’s New Deal. But it wasn’t an immediate transition–there were a few decades at the turn of the century when both parties advocated an increased role of the federal government.

Rauchway credits the Democrats’ ideological shift to their ambitions to win the Western votes that were up for grabs in the post-Civil-War era. Much of the Republican federal expansions of the late 1800s had benefited interests in the Northeast—railroad companies, banks,and other big businesses—while small-time farmers in the West received little attention. Republicans and Democrats alike tried to woo Western voters with federal support, but Democrats ultimately stuck to a platform of helping out the “little guy,” while Republicans eventually transitioned to a non-interventionist approach that favored big business.

Although modern Republican and Democratic ideologies had developed by 1936, state loyalties continued shifting for many years after. In fact, only two states—Maine and Vermont—voted Republican in the 1936 election, and in 1972, every state but Massachusetts voted red.

One of the largest shifts in voting patterns occurred in 1964, during what many scholars call the Southern realignment–when white Southern voters, likely motivated by race, abandoned the Democrats to vote for Republican Barry Goldwater. Other scholars say that it wasn’t race, but an up-and-coming generation of Southern voters joining the Republican party who shifted the tides.

While it’s difficult to explain the shift in each state’s party preferences, Rauchway points out one thing that’s stayed the same over the years: “Although the rhetoric and to a degree the policies of the parties do switch places, their core supporters don’t—which is to say, the Republicans remain, throughout, the party of bigger businesses; it’s just that in the earlier era bigger businesses want bigger government and in the later era they don’t.”

First thing I'm going to do when I get my money is buy a new phone .

I hate the 6+ , it chokes or just flat out crashes on me often when I have a lot of pictures loaded, tumblr takes a long ass time to refresh when I open it.

But what phone do I trade this one in for is the question
It's around the time they push firmware to make the phone stupid sluggish. Come to the Android side


Everytime I see this bullshit on my facebook feed I feel like shaking whoever posted it and yelling southern strategy over and over in their faces.

Like said above I'm already aware of this strategy. But I don't really know every single detail. Probably why I'm getting this reaction. I guess I have to spent more time reading about it.
Like said above I'm already aware of this strategy. But I don't really know every single detail. Probably why I'm getting this reaction. I guess I have to spent more time reading about it.
Wasn't aimed at you particularly, just venting some frustration about the oddly large amount of people on my facebook that I am completely ideologically opposed to. Also that picture labeling MLK as a Republican is very wrong. He didn't officially endorse any party.


Wasn't aimed at you particularly, just venting some frustration about the oddly large amount of people on my facebook that I am completely ideologically opposed to. Also that picture labeling MLK as a Republican is very wrong. He didn't officially endorse any party.

OK, that's reassuring. I was expecting atleast one thing to be wrong in that pic.


This isn't mine but maybe because of this. Don't know if every point is true honestly.


That's intellectually dishonest.

Democrats before Nixon are Republicans today. The south was a democratic stronghold and the Republicans hatched up a strategy to convert Democrats to their side by specifically promising them that conservatives would make sure that laws would leave the black americans worse off. It was called the southern strategy. Here's wikipedia on it:

During the 1950s and 1960s, the African-American Civil Rights Movement achieved significant progress in its push for desegregation in the Southern United States. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, in particular, largely dismantled the system of Jim Crow laws that had enforced legal (or de jure) segregation in the South since the end of Reconstruction Era. During this period, Republican politicians such as Presidential candidate Richard Nixon worked to attract southern white conservative voters (most of whom had traditionally supported the Democratic Party) to the Republican Party,[4] and Senator Barry Goldwater won the five formerly Confederate states of the Deep South: (Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina) in the 1964 presidential election. In the 1968 presidential campaign, Nixon won Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee, all former Confederate states, contributing to the electoral realignment that saw many white, southern voters shift allegiance from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party during this period.
Although the phrase "Southern strategy" is often attributed to Nixon's political strategist Kevin Phillips, he did not originate it[15] but popularized it.[16] In an interview included in a 1970 New York Times article, Phillips stated his analysis based on studies of ethnic voting:
From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.[1]​

Here's an article from May 17, 1970 on it: http://www.nytimes.com/packages/html/books/phillips-southern.pdf


First thing I'm going to do when I get my money is buy a new phone .

I hate the 6+ , it chokes or just flat out crashes on me often when I have a lot of pictures loaded, tumblr takes a long ass time to refresh when I open it.

But what phone do I trade this one in for is the question

I never used tumblr before I got this phone, but I did always browse the Coli random pictures thread. Then I get the 6+ and now the browser crashes when I open the thread 😐

Blame the phone and not the site for being unoptimized shit. 🙃

OK, that's reassuring. I was expecting atleast one thing to be wrong in that pic.

Those republicans aren't the ones around today.

Even if completely real, you can't point to 200 years ago when they've been dicks the last 30 years.

'But I was nice when I was young...' don't count.
Dat too.


Well, I'm officially 19 today. I'll probably go out partying with some friends tonight to make up for how boring my 18th birthday was.


All ya'll do is talk comics so what are your thoughts on this new X-Men trilogy? I just saw the Apocalypse trailer. It looked okay. Don't see why so much focus is given to Mystique. Cause she's Jennifer Lawrence?
All ya'll do is talk comics so what are your thoughts on this new X-Men trilogy? I just saw the Apocalypse trailer. It looked okay. Don't see why so much focus is given to Mystique. Cause she's Jennifer Lawrence?

I liked First Class and Days of Future Past. I haven't seen the Apocalypse trailer but I'll probably enjoy the film unless it's garbage.


Happy Birthday Bronx and everyone else who's had a birthday since the last time.


First Class was alright, wish they had continued.

Fuck what they did to Darwin

and fuck Belly Blast Havok

What do you mean?

their superhero films but they don't capture the characters and feel of the X-men.

The focus on Wolverine, Mystique, and Magneto leaves the team aspect to the bushes


First Class was alright, wish they had continued.

Fuck what they did to Darwin

and fuck Belly Blast Havok

their superhero films but they don't capture the characters and feel of the X-men.

The focus on Wolverine, Mystique, and Magneto leaves the team aspect to the bushes

Yeah, I've seen that. I think it was said flat out Wolverine is the protagonist overall.


All ya'll do is talk comics so what are your thoughts on this new X-Men trilogy? I just saw the Apocalypse trailer. It looked okay. Don't see why so much focus is given to Mystique. Cause she's Jennifer Lawrence?

First Class was decent. Days of Future Past was actually really good.

Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique is the worst thing about these movies. Unfortunately, her star power exploded between first Class and the other films, so now she's a focus even though she's clearly phoning this shit in, and it's not a particularly good take on the character.

For example, Mystique should either be disguised as someone else or completely blue at all times, because she is supposed to be proud to be a mutant. Instead, Jennifer Lawrence apparently doesn't like the makeup, and she's the biggest star in these movies now, so she just looks like a regular blonde all the time. It's also why they are shoehorning her into a leadership role that doesn't fit the character.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I hate the X-Men in general, but I really liked First Class and the one right after. Felt really refreshing. Got tired of Wolverine back in the 80s and 90s when he was in everything to boost sales. Then again my comics opinions aren't that great, I hate Peter Parker and Daredevil's weak ass, but I love Frankencastle and Death's Head.

That reminds me, Dolph Lundgren has been pushing to play Cable in a movie, I think it'd be a great fit.



I don't like they turned Mystqiue into a fangirl that doesn't know what to do with herself until she is told.

Mystqiue in comics is a fucking boss, does what she want when she wants and dares anyone to fuck with her


Yeah, I don't remember Mystique being this weak child-like character. Then again, isn't JLaw supposed to be portraying a younger version of her?

I didn't read the comics so IDK anything.
First Class was decent. Days of Future Past was actually really good.

Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique is the worst thing about these movies. Unfortunately, her star power exploded between first Class and the other films, so now she's a focus even though she's clearly phoning this shit in, and it's not a particularly good take on the character.

For example, Mystique should either be disguised as someone else or completely blue at all times, because she is supposed to be proud to be a mutant. Instead, Jennifer Lawrence apparently doesn't like the makeup, and she's the biggest star in these movies now, so she just looks like a regular blonde all the time. It's also why they are shoehorning her into a leadership role that doesn't fit the character.

I don't like they turned Mystqiue into a fangirl that doesn't know what to do with herself until she is told.

Mystqiue in comics is a fucking boss, does what she want when she wants and dares anyone to fuck with her

I'm with y'all on that. I haven't read a single comic, but this way off the other end that I'm used to from the cartoons and the first few movies. It's pretty much because it's Jennifer Lawrence.


I guess the tumblr app is unoptimized too huh?
God damn right.

So, you can use the mobile site, but if someone hides their blog you can only see it on the app. But if you view it on the app, then you lose the ability to search their blog or see the tags they use, because tags default to the global search instead of on that blog. Meaning the tags in a hidden blog are literally useless. Meaning that you would have to look through someone's entire blog, which is a total pain in the ass for something like a cosplay blog. You can't just search for Korra cosplay, you have to scroll and scroll and scroll until you find the picture in question. And that's before we broach the fact that hidden blogs are very broken on the desktop site as well. Tumblr doesn't know what the fuck they are doing, nor do they care since Yahoo threw an assload of cash at them in the buyout. Fucking incompetent.
X-Men and Transformers introduced me to comics.

Still like Transformers, but hate X-Men with a firey passion. Outdated faux analogies.

I get what I wanted from the X-Men by reading old Blood Syndicate and Doom Patrol stories.


Jennifer Lawrence ain't that great of an actress if we're being real.
She's america's sweetheart.

No, but she's awkward and cringe inducing in every interview I've seen of her, so the fact that she ever comes across as normal makes her an amazing actress.
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