Account is compromisedMan, Barbie girl is such a good song.
Only if we get more black heroes and they can't all be in one game.I think there should be more black villains.
Where my superhero rpgs at, I want them.,
I want an Icon game and a Static Shock game then I'll be happy, also Dwayne McDuffie needs a statue in his honor.It's becoming abundantly clear that this is what the official BCT game should be.
I was so confused when I realized this was actually a real movie. It's funny but the whole time I couldn't help but think "how the fuck did this get greenlit?".Sausage Party trailer
I'm really not a fan of this collectives works, but this might be good for a laugh or two.
I was so confused when I realized this was actually a real movie. It's funny but the whole time I couldn't help but think "how the fuck did this get greenlit?".
You know that Divergent chick is mad as all the fucks
you don't do Divergent for anything other than a pay check and a fan base you can extort later
Man, Barbie girl is such a good song.
Now we're ain't got shit on Len - Sunshine
Is the stupidest, lamest, corny, dumb song i've ever heard. And i love it.
it ain't got shit on Len - Sunshine
Now we're talking..
But that Vitamin C - Smile though
And Graduation is GOAT
I just had to pay 75 bucks for 2 damn rocks. I am mad as hell right now
Who the fuck still does crack, it's 2016 bruh.
First kiss my ass, second I had to have my dryer repaired because some kids jammed the vent to the outside with rocks
You couldn't just like...move your dryer and push the rocks out yourself?
Hindsight is 20/20, of course I am mad I didn't think of it myself. But not everybody is Amadeus Cho
Hindsight is 20/20, of course I am mad I didn't think of it myself. But not everybody is Amadeus Cho
Honestly the crack angle sounds cooler at this point.
Slayven do children regularly jam crack into your appliances?
I always knew Slayven was a children's film character.only after they break into his back yard to retrieve their baseball and out smart his rabid dog
Ain't our fault you can't keep rocks out of your holesTHis is why i don't share with you guys. I hope y'all biscuits are forever dry and lineups jacked up
I always knew Slayven was a children's film character.
Just treating him like he treats us. Only we do it with proper spelling and grammar.Why you all giving Slayven such a hard time. Show him a little compassion will ya.
NoWhy you all giving Slayven such a hard time. Show him a little compassion will ya.
THis is why i don't share with you guys. I hope y'all biscuits are forever dry and lineups jacked up
THis is why i don't share with you guys. I hope y'all biscuits are forever dry and lineups jacked up
no worries, you good bro. And you are a good person for this.Can't get over how fucked some people are....
I might have mentioned her once before. I worked with this girl for two years. She moved to another city. We have always been in contact.
She developed this really rare illness. Constant pain. Just very debilitating. She has to wait a few months to get government assistance. And she hates it since she is a person who has worked for the past few years without skipping a beat, and studying.
Now her family basically said they aren't going to support her since she is dying... And her roommates who own the house she is in told her to leave since she makes the house environment depressing, because she is close to death.
What the fuck. How can u even say such shit to people.
I'm gonns have her live in my house for a while until she gets more treatment.
Not saying this to pat myself on the back and be a hero... Just completely speechless at the lack of empathy from her friends and family.
This is a person who spent two years of her life, volunteering on a native American reserve and helping them day and night. And this is what people around her do to her...
Sorry for the rent.. This whole thing really infuriated me.
NahWhy you all giving Slayven such a hard time. Show him a little compassion will ya.
Morning fam.Good morning my people and Jandro
Well, I'm officially 19 today. I'll probably go out partying with some friends tonight to make up for how boring my 18th birthday was.
Excellent pic of Daisy and one of the shorter members of the bct.
BCT meetup picture
I like the black power one of the left
Can't get over how fucked some people are....
I might have mentioned her once before. I worked with this girl for two years. She moved to another city. We have always been in contact.
She developed this really rare illness. Constant pain. Just very debilitating. She has to wait a few months to get government assistance. And she hates it since she is a person who has worked for the past few years without skipping a beat, and studying.
Now her family basically said they aren't going to support her since she is dying... And her roommates who own the house she is in told her to leave since she makes the house environment depressing, because she is close to death.
What the fuck. How can u even say such shit to people.
I'm gonns have her live in my house for a while until she gets more treatment.
Not saying this to pat myself on the back and be a hero... Just completely speechless at the lack of empathy from her friends and family.
This is a person who spent two years of her life, volunteering on a native American reserve and helping them day and night. And this is what people around her do to her...
Sorry for the rent.. This whole thing really infuriated me.
That's fucking disgusting, those people should be ashamed of themselves.Can't get over how fucked some people are....
I might have mentioned her once before. I worked with this girl for two years. She moved to another city. We have always been in contact.
She developed this really rare illness. Constant pain. Just very debilitating. She has to wait a few months to get government assistance. And she hates it since she is a person who has worked for the past few years without skipping a beat, and studying.
Now her family basically said they aren't going to support her since she is dying... And her roommates who own the house she is in told her to leave since she makes the house environment depressing, because she is close to death.
What the fuck. How can u even say such shit to people.
I'm gonns have her live in my house for a while until she gets more treatment.
Not saying this to pat myself on the back and be a hero... Just completely speechless at the lack of empathy from her friends and family.
This is a person who spent two years of her life, volunteering on a native American reserve and helping them day and night. And this is what people around her do to her...
Sorry for the rent.. This whole thing really infuriated me.
Can't get over how fucked some people are....
I might have mentioned her once before. I worked with this girl for two years. She moved to another city. We have always been in contact.
She developed this really rare illness. Constant pain. Just very debilitating. She has to wait a few months to get government assistance. And she hates it since she is a person who has worked for the past few years without skipping a beat, and studying.
Now her family basically said they aren't going to support her since she is dying... And her roommates who own the house she is in told her to leave since she makes the house environment depressing, because she is close to death.
What the fuck. How can u even say such shit to people.
I'm gonns have her live in my house for a while until she gets more treatment.
Not saying this to pat myself on the back and be a hero... Just completely speechless at the lack of empathy from her friends and family.
This is a person who spent two years of her life, volunteering on a native American reserve and helping them day and night. And this is what people around her do to her...
Sorry for the rent.. This whole thing really infuriated me.
Can't get over how fucked some people are....
I might have mentioned her once before. I worked with this girl for two years. She moved to another city. We have always been in contact.
She developed this really rare illness. Constant pain. Just very debilitating. She has to wait a few months to get government assistance. And she hates it since she is a person who has worked for the past few years without skipping a beat, and studying.
Now her family basically said they aren't going to support her since she is dying... And her roommates who own the house she is in told her to leave since she makes the house environment depressing, because she is close to death.
What the fuck. How can u even say such shit to people.
I'm gonns have her live in my house for a while until she gets more treatment.
Not saying this to pat myself on the back and be a hero... Just completely speechless at the lack of empathy from her friends and family.
This is a person who spent two years of her life, volunteering on a native American reserve and helping them day and night. And this is what people around her do to her...
Sorry for the rent.. This whole thing really infuriated me.
Can't get over how fucked some people are....
I might have mentioned her once before. I worked with this girl for two years. She moved to another city. We have always been in contact.
She developed this really rare illness. Constant pain. Just very debilitating. She has to wait a few months to get government assistance. And she hates it since she is a person who has worked for the past few years without skipping a beat, and studying.
Now her family basically said they aren't going to support her since she is dying... And her roommates who own the house she is in told her to leave since she makes the house environment depressing, because she is close to death.
What the fuck. How can u even say such shit to people.
I'm gonns have her live in my house for a while until she gets more treatment.
Not saying this to pat myself on the back and be a hero... Just completely speechless at the lack of empathy from her friends and family.
This is a person who spent two years of her life, volunteering on a native American reserve and helping them day and night. And this is what people around her do to her...
Sorry for the rent.. This whole thing really infuriated me.
Can't get over how fucked some people are....
I might have mentioned her once before. I worked with this girl for two years. She moved to another city. We have always been in contact.
She developed this really rare illness. Constant pain. Just very debilitating. She has to wait a few months to get government assistance. And she hates it since she is a person who has worked for the past few years without skipping a beat, and studying.
Now her family basically said they aren't going to support her since she is dying... And her roommates who own the house she is in told her to leave since she makes the house environment depressing, because she is close to death.
What the fuck. How can u even say such shit to people.
I'm gonns have her live in my house for a while until she gets more treatment.
Not saying this to pat myself on the back and be a hero... Just completely speechless at the lack of empathy from her friends and family.
This is a person who spent two years of her life, volunteering on a native American reserve and helping them day and night. And this is what people around her do to her...
Sorry for the rent.. This whole thing really infuriated me.
Can't get over how fucked some people are....
I might have mentioned her once before. I worked with this girl for two years. She moved to another city. We have always been in contact.
She developed this really rare illness. Constant pain. Just very debilitating. She has to wait a few months to get government assistance. And she hates it since she is a person who has worked for the past few years without skipping a beat, and studying.
Now her family basically said they aren't going to support her since she is dying... And her roommates who own the house she is in told her to leave since she makes the house environment depressing, because she is close to death.
What the fuck. How can u even say such shit to people.
I'm gonns have her live in my house for a while until she gets more treatment.
Not saying this to pat myself on the back and be a hero... Just completely speechless at the lack of empathy from her friends and family.
This is a person who spent two years of her life, volunteering on a native American reserve and helping them day and night. And this is what people around her do to her...
Sorry for the rent.. This whole thing really infuriated me.