Junior Member
Oh yupIn Honor of the career of yasiin bey Im currently bumping Black On Both Sides....Classic
Oh yupIn Honor of the career of yasiin bey Im currently bumping Black On Both Sides....Classic
Oh, okay. That I get, lol. Thought it might be something more that maybe I've missed out on, but yeah. Loads of stuff will go lost on someone who can't relate. And they can try to sympathize, or empathize, but they're not going to truly understand. Carry on, we're on the same page. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Basically the story of this year to me was that white people are even more willing to throw anybody under the bus even people they claim to care about. I saw too many instances of interracial couples being broken up because of the past election, seen race specific abuse, fetishization etc etc.
I always thought it was silly how people were so concerned about black men/women dating outside of the their race, more specifically white people but after this year, I can definitely see why. Understanding is already a major corner stone of relationships in the first place and adding the big ass subject of race in that just adds to the mountain of complications. I feel that white people will have a harder time in that aspect and can be borderline if not completely apathetic to most issues POC face. That's my personal concern and I can see why other black folks feel that way. They may be more ignorant about it, but there is something to idea that staying with your own or at least within the realm of POC. I mean not to say that they won't treat you wrong either. Its a nuanced subject foreal.
Because its home, because it's comfortable, because your own will know your struggle more than any other race ever will, true. But its work, just like any other relationship, its work, and those whom aren't willing to put in the time are frauds, like you said this year took the wool from our eyes and let it be known there are very few allies willing to be empathetic to POC and nonBlackPOC struggles.there is something to idea that staying with your own or at least within the realm of POC. I mean not to say that they won't treat you wrong either.
I'm extremely happy with my girlfriend, but there are times I'm a bit upset she won't and can't understand how I feel about race shit. Tis life
Your girl is white?
My girl is Hispanic but could pass for White but she understands my concerns as a Black man and she really cares about all minority issues.
It's her extended family that seems more slow in understanding race, despite being darker Hispanics.
In college I met some Black female students that were born into very wealthy family. I did not feel like we were the same Black though. They did not have the same concerns as other Black students and it was questioned if they saw themselves as Black or just another person.
Your girl is white?
My girl is Hispanic but could pass for White but she understands my concerns as a Black man and she really cares about all minority issues.
It's her extended family that seems more slow in understanding race, despite being darker Hispanics.
In college I met some Black female students that were born into very wealthy family. I did not feel like we were the same Black though. They did not have the same concerns as other Black students and it was questioned if they saw themselves as Black or just another person.
Basically the story of this year to me was that white people are even more willing to throw anybody under the bus even people they claim to care about. I saw too many instances of interracial couples being broken up because of the past election, seen race specific abuse, fetishization etc etc.
I always thought it was silly how people were so concerned about black men/women dating outside of the their race, more specifically white people but after this year, I can definitely see why. Understanding is already a major corner stone of relationships in the first place and adding the big ass subject of race in that just adds to the mountain of complications. I feel that white people will have a harder time in that aspect and can be borderline if not completely apathetic to most issues POC face. That's my personal concern and I can see why other black folks feel that way. They may be more ignorant about it, but there is something to idea that staying with your own or at least within the realm of POC. I mean not to say that they won't treat you wrong either. Its a nuanced subject foreal.
someone get Slay an eHarmony account
Does her sister have a mama?Your girl is white?
My girl is Hispanic but could pass for White but she understands my concerns as a Black man and she really cares about all minority issues.
It's her extended family that seems more slow in understanding race, despite being darker Hispanics.
In college I met some Black female students that were born into very wealthy family. I did not feel like we were the same Black though. They did not have the same concerns as other Black students and it was questioned if they saw themselves as Black or just another person.
Eharmoney don't like race mixing. Just watch their commercials for further proofsomeone get Slay an eHarmony account
Darryl got me a spot at the family reunion
Slayven date starter pack
someone get Slay an eHarmony account
Slayven date starter pack
That could have gone way worse. That woman was dumb as hell.
I'm just pissed they had to kill off the whole Suicide Squad on Arrow because of that goddamn awful movie.
Watched the first 15 minutes of suicide squad. The music does not fit at all and is distracting
Slayven date starter pack
Slayven date starter pack
Mornin' y'all.
Anyone ever use Target Cartwheel coupons? Wondering if the stack or if they'll give me some fuckery on the 50% off Gears4 coupon. Wasn't interested but at $15, I'll take it.
Your girl got a sister?
Does her sister have a mama?
Just got my last paycheck from my last job today. I really feel sista is on to something it's just stupid that some fuckheads don't think her methods are profitable and the drug version will take way longer to be effective vs the laser method. As having a family member died of Cancer I can resonate and will be giving her a donation today.
Can you share the donation link and any info on her? I'm about to head out and be on mobile but I want to take a look into it.
Good morning all--destroyed some deadlifts at the gym today. I have the day off but I'm going to a funeral of a family friend and then getting my haircut later.
G'morning bro, I never stacked them before but it's worth a try
So someone tweeted a picture of an image search for "human Knuckles" and what's pissing me off more than anything else is 1) they all drew him as a white dude, and 2) with regular hair and not dreads. I distinctly remember the manual for Sonic 3 saying "dreadlocks."
Sup, honkies..
Basically the story of this year to me was that white people are even more willing to throw anybody under the bus even people they claim to care about. I saw too many instances of interracial couples being broken up because of the past election, seen race specific abuse, fetishization etc etc.
I always thought it was silly how people were so concerned about black men/women dating outside of the their race, more specifically white people but after this year, I can definitely see why. Understanding is already a major corner stone of relationships in the first place and adding the big ass subject of race in that just adds to the mountain of complications. I feel that white people will have a harder time in that aspect and can be borderline if not completely apathetic to most issues POC face. That's my personal concern and I can see why other black folks feel that way. They may be more ignorant about it, but there is something to idea that staying with your own or at least within the realm of POC. I mean not to say that they won't treat you wrong either. Its a nuanced subject foreal.
At any rate, I think it certainly adds some nuance to why I've seen so many black people seem to frown or at least give side-eye to interracial dating (Though some people just spit on said nuance, and are just simply hateful for the sake of it), because to many of them, the simple fact is that nobody got you like your own. I mean yea, they can obviously potentially disappoint you in several other ways, but they'll always have that inherent understanding of what it means to navigate as a black person in this country. There's an implied "safeness" and comfort in dating someone with the same skin color as you, or primarily sticking to having black friends, as you 9.9999/10 you don't have to worry about explaining certain things to said non-black people, because they already get it.
But yea, basically, people just want to avoid that "dubious" relationship, the one where when it's all said and done, the S/O ultimately feels apathetic towards your race. Of course, that just means I need to do as thorough a job as possible in picking the right girl for me, regardless of skin color, but these are thoughts I've wanted to express whenever the topic gets brought up.
Why do interracial relationships send (certain)black people into a fit? Why do you even care that two people of different races found love?
Hey! Do we get fight money from playing each other? I need some bread
¡Órale! This is cool!Descendants Of Native American Slaves In New Mexico Emerge From Obscurity
SFV in almost 2017, smh
You talking reckless, jandro control your boyA game that's getting character updates all year? Yeah. It's no Tekken. Meanwhile, this nigga plays his baby shooters because Battlefield is to intimidating..go chew on some dumplings.
Its a good gameSFV in almost 2017, smh
I still don't get everyone's beef with SFV.
Then again they nerfed Cammy 😒
I still don't get everyone's beef with SFV.
Then again they nerfed Cammy 😒
I still don't get everyone's beef with SFV.
Then again they nerfed Cammy 😒
SFV was a letdown on so many levels. Say what you will about Neverrealm/WB Games, but they could at least nail a decent story mode.
Capcom too broke to make good games
Your mom pays for my internet after our weekly sessionsYou ain't got fingers but that doesn't stop you from paying for Internet to type shit up. 👀