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The Black Culture Thread |OT16| - I'm blacker than you'll ever be

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All y'all are nu-black now while I sit with my light skin ass still with the dark theme
And all these dam plus size clothes ads because I accidentally clicked that OT thread hours ago


Y'all nikkas need M.neogaf.com
On that and dont know whats going on

Burger King 1/10
Top bun broke in half while unwrapping. No joke
Meat dry af. No moisture
Zero flavor might aswell be cardboard
Garbage fries with taste only coming from the ketchup
15 piece nugget deal was ok though


time to take my meds
Just finished 13th on netflix.

Shit is heavy. Like on the verge of tears heavy.

If youre in this thread and dont make an effort to watch that film. You aint shit to me.


Trump says he will keep people in suspense
Expecting him to call for a revolution but then say "maybe" or " i dont know" at the end


Trump says he will keep people in suspense
Expecting him to call for a revolution but then say "maybe" or " i dont know" at the end

"We were robbed tonight by the liberal media and Saturday Night Live, but we won't take this lying down! Find out how I'm going to start the revolution tonight on Trump TV with Billy Bush! And if you sign up for Trump TV premium now for only $9.99, you can find out how I start the revolution with Tomi Lahren in a low cut outfit instead."


Presidental candidate using such a platform to shill his stuff
Your hands must be as minuscule as your sense of shame to pull it off


Sitting down about to take the written firefighter exam, overwhelmed by how many people are here, and a few seem to be firefighters from other cities and states.


Junior Member
So Mafia III has the best licensed soundtrack in a game in a long time right? But having to use 1960's American music is kind of easy mode.


So Mafia III has the best licensed soundtrack in a game in a long time right? But having to use 1960's American music is kind of easy mode.
They just take music from the time. Easy but good.
Mafia 2 OST was good too and introduced me to white people music


Sitting down about to take the written firefighter exam, overwhelmed by how many people are here, and a few seem to be firefighters from other cities and states.

D i Z

Mornin' BCT.

Presidental candidate using such a platform to shill his stuff
Your hands must be as minuscule as your sense of shame to pull it off

Bruh, that man has no shame. The closest equivalent emotion he would have ever felt would be embarrassment. He spirals around that one with such frequency, ping ponging his feelings into a dervish of resentment, that it actually gives his little life purpose.

Sitting down about to take the written firefighter exam, overwhelmed by how many people are here, and a few seem to be firefighters from other cities and states.

You've got this bruh. Handle that.

Morning all!

Gooooood morning Aiustis.

Edible.. *tips hat*


Just got out of the test and with the expection of a couple of questions on feeling really confident. I wont know my results until Nov.7 now I just have to send in my remaining info and get prepared for the physical cert next month.


Just got out of the test and with the expection of a couple of questions on feeling really confident. I wont know my results until Nov.7 now I just have to send in my remaining info and get prepared for the physical cert next month.

Best of luck, I hope that written portion went well.


Junior Member
I wonder if this Tomi Lahren girl is at peace with knowing she's going to get sexually harassed on a daily basis.
Best/worst timeline is Trump losing his business because he harasses the Republican national sweetheart. I mean, that's terrible for her but damn near preordained. It's the only way this ends, considering the fuckery.

God and Muhammed up there like, 'watch, watch. Look at this nikka.'

And she'll be criticized and Republicans will wander the desert for 40 years. They don't even know who they are.


Am I the only person who is not voting? I'm not feeling either candidate

Not every poster in this community is from the US, so no. And I'm sure there are some people who share your opinion, so also no.

That said, IMO you and those that share your opinion probably haven't been paying much attention to this election at all, otherwise you'd be voting. Because even if you aren't "feeling" either candidate, there is clearly one candidate that isn't fit for the job and has proposed policies that would do harm to every woman, LGBT individual, and person of color in the United States. So at a minimum, you should be making sure that candidate doesn't get elected.

In addition, depending on where you live there are other candidates and laws in your state/local community that need your support.

D i Z

Am I the only person who is not voting? I'm not feeling either candidate

There is more on that ballot than voting for the top spot. If you want to see effective change in your community, you HAVE TO vote for who will be representing you there. If for nothing else, focus on the down tickets. People over look them all of the time, and that is just crazy actively working against own self interest type shit. And while you're there, just check the box for the opponent of the lying racist, ego-maniacal sexist white nationalist shit stain for the rest of us.
True. Mobile didn't catch an L? I didn't know what y'all were talking about.
PC NeoGAF.com catching malware getting pigs blood poured on it again from toxic ads while mobile far sitting pretty at prom laughing at Carrie (non mobile)

Am I the only person who is not voting? I'm not feeling either candidate
Not voting is voting for Drumpf in this crazy election, see Al Gore


I'm not voting either(religious beliefs) and if your living in a blue state like myself, it doesn't really matter if you vote because the electoral college votes are already in the bag.

There aren't any laws or amendments in your blue state you care about? Local mayors promising police reforms? New young black politicians wanting to make change? Republican Judges that ruled in favor of the police in a unarmed black man shooting looking for reappointments that you might want to vote against?


Junior Member
Vote for the pot smoker and down ballot candidates, at least.

But it's amazing how easily the candidates are shown as equal or unworthy of the vote. Last time we saw a guy unworthy of the vote elected, 100K-500K Iraqis died. I you can't connect those dots, you have no right to complain of the fitness of the two major candidates.

Trump is unfit and does not care. He'll start another war. That's not to say Hillary won't but I know she will fully evaluate the situation. Trump won't start a war based on a tweet but he will turn his back on Nato and Europe, encourage Russian aggression, ignore China in any thoughtful way, antagonize many of our allies and declare war on many of our citizens. There is no equivalency.

Allowing Trump to be president will be two strikes against our generation. We were here for Bush. We need to let things cool down and let the millenials hold the next L.

Actually, don't vote for Johnson or The Fake Doctor. He can't even stop smoking long enough to research Allepo and she is 'unclear' on the science behind the best medical breakthrough in 2 centuries, vaccines. These guys would probably resign if they were put in office, like, 'Woah, I wasn't serious. Are you kidding me?'
Yeah, in a normal election I would say to either vote for your favorite or stay at home. But this is so far from a normal election that I would say voting is nearly mandatory in this case.


Everyone I've ever encountered in person who tries to say they're so absurdly turned off by both candidates, that they're disinterested from exercising their right to vote completely, has been unable to articulate in words why they feel that way about Hilary beyond generic terms like 'Untrustworthy,' 'Hawkish,' etc. Basically it amounts to they don't know why they hate her, they just do.
There aren't any laws or amendments in your blue state you care about? Local mayors promising police reforms? New young black politicians wanting to make change? Republican Judges that ruled in favor of the police in a unarmed black man shooting looking for reappointments that you might want to vote against?
I live in Massachusetts which is as blue as they come. I try to stay politically neutral as much as I possibly can, and this election made it really hard to do so. I certainly have preferences in the outcome, but I can't and won't vote anyone into office as a Jehovah's Witness. If a president i voted for enacted a law that made it harder for my people to preach, or got involved with a war that harmed witnesses in other countries I would share a part of the blame. I will continue to pay my taxes and be an upstanding citizen but i have to keep politically neutral.


I live in Massachusetts which is as blue as they come. I try to stay politically neutral as much as I possibly can, and this election made it really hard to do so. I certainly have preferences in the outcome, but I can't and won't vote anyone into office as a Jehovah's Witness. If a president i voted for enacted a law that made it harder for my people to preach, or got involved with a war that harmed witnesses in other countries I would share a part of the blame. I will continue to pay my taxes and be an upstanding citizen but i have to keep politically neutral.

That's fine in regards to the presidential election, but again, there are other things people in the US are voting for this year. Example, Googling the state of Massachusetts ballots came up with these as measures that people across the state are voting for:

The four certified measures are listed below:

-Question 1 would allow the Gaming Commission to issue an additional slots license.
-Question 2 would authorize the approval of up to 12 new charter schools or enrollment expansions in existing charter schools by the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education per year.
-Question 3 would prohibit certain methods of farm animal containment.
-Question 4 would legalize recreational marijuana for individuals at least 21 years old.

Based on your faith you may or may not care about any of these, but regardless you should be at least aware of what is going on in your city/state and see if religiously, anything being passed/proposed might make things more difficult for you or other people in your faith.
That's fine in regards to the presidential election, but again, there are other things people in the US are voting for this year. Example, Googling the state of Massachusetts ballots came up with these as measures that people across the state are voting for:

Based on your faith you may or may not care about any of these, but regardless you should be at least aware of what is going on in your city/state and see if religiously, anything being passed/proposed might make things more difficult for you or other people in your faith.
I understand and respect your argument but it's really not up to me. Don't get me wrong, based on the facts presented, Trump is a scumbag that shouldn't win, and his devotees prove to be awful human beings. But I can't take part in or support any human government that's not doing things according to Gods will. That's just my beliefs and they've been serving me well so far.
Everyone I've ever encountered in person who tries to say they're so absurdly turned off by both candidates, that they're disinterested from exercising their right to vote completely, has been unable to articulate in words why they feel that way about Hilary beyond generic terms like 'Untrustworthy,' 'Hawkish,' etc. Basically it amounts to they don't know why they hate her, they just do.


Junior Member
There is a ballot measure in Georgia about the states taking over 'failing schools'. Which is code for people not wanting their taxes going to poor black school disctricts and they'll just undercut the schools and unions and suggest charter schools that have no accountability. That was enough to vote for. Some homestead acts for my gentrified city. Yup, that was enough.

Voting for John Fucking Lewis. A national treasure. Yeah, I can say I voted for him.

And sending a distinct message that you are against these deplorable tactics. They only learn when they burn.

I have a million reasons to vote.



Mornin' BCT.

Bruh, that man has no shame. The closest equivalent emotion he would have ever felt would be embarrassment. He spirals around that one with such frequency, ping ponging his feelings into a dervish of resentment, that it actually gives his little life purpose.

You've got this bruh. Handle that.

Gooooood morning Aiustis.

Edible.. *tips hat*
Obama ended racism with entering office

Trump may have helped bring racism to the forefront and given it a spotlight instead of it being ignored before(unknowingly/unintended) but i wonder how much damage he has caused to the American society
The people who hate Hilary never bother to know she actually doesn't give a fuck about you unless your a child but she needs you to get in power see the last 30+ years of her


That's fine in regards to the presidential election, but again, there are other things people in the US are voting for this year. Example, Googling the state of Massachusetts ballots came up with these as measures that people across the state are voting for:

Based on your faith you may or may not care about any of these, but regardless you should be at least aware of what is going on in your city/state and see if religiously, anything being passed/proposed might make things more difficult for you or other people in your faith.

if you go to vote411.org, you can put in your address and it will show you all the people up for election on your ballot. If nothing else, it's fun to see the answers some of these third and fourth party candidates give to the questionnaires that have been sent out.

Like for Texas Supreme Court Place 3, there's a Green Party candidate named Rodolpho Rivera Munoz, who describes himself not just as a lawyer or attorney, but as "Autochthonous Advocate; litigation experience in Personal Injury, Civil Rights, Discrimination, and development of governance by European Invaders under guise of the rule of law."

Oh, for real?

What training and experience qualify you for this position?
Born an “Indian” in Texas on 1945, I came to realize Invader-Americans were falsely claiming to be the “Ultimate Sovereign” from here. Litigation has established this putative state was fraudulently established and has no jurisdiction over me because the rule of law permits only “the people” to establish such and it does not here exist. I am the only candidate who knows and understands this and therefore the only candidate qualified to work to establish a government under the rule of law here!

Oh. My. God.
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