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The Black Culture Thread |OT16| - I'm blacker than you'll ever be

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In positive news, Hilary Clinton is on tract to end sexism forever by becoming president. No woman will ever be mistreated in the US based on gender ever again.


In positive news, Hilary Clinton is on tract to end sexism forever by becoming president. No woman will ever be mistreated in the US based on gender ever again.

Awesome. Racism and Sexism both completely ended within ten years. What a time to be alive.


Better look at the Ryu and Chun outfits from before



I know I'm piling on at this point but I will also reiterate the importance of voting

A) It's important for the sake of the country that Trump and his bullshit be repudiated. This needs to be a blowout with huge margins - even in Blue States. I don't want a close election and then have to hear shit about a "rigged election" for 4+ years.

I also don't want to see anymore silliness like this:


Trump has to go down bigly!

B) Clinton isn't perfect (nor is ANY candidate) but I hope y'all who may not be rushing to vote for her have more than "I dunno I ain't just feeling her" as a rationale. Of all the choices, its clear she's the only one who would push the government and country in a direction that would be favorable for all the people who post in here. Trump is a disaster, Johnson and Stein are morons and McMullin may at least be woke on issues like BLM but would still push supply-side economics, gut the ACA (rather than improve it) and push other standard conservative talking points.

C) If Clinton gets elected, she needs as friendly (i.e. as many Democrats as possible) a Congress as possible. If you've got Senate or Congressional Races going on in your backyard, give them your attention and support

D) Local judges, district attorneys, ordinances, etc. are all up to vote at the same time too. These will have immediate impacts on your life and those who live close to you. Research them and vote for those who will best represent your interests!

I feel triggered by this >_<

Oh Boyega is playing the son of Elba's character? Interesting. I'm looking forward to Pacific Rim 2. I though the first movie mostly succeeded in what it set out to do.

what does the bct think of the word c**n and who is considered one?

is it offensive and not to be used?

I personally wouldn't go in any harder than "Uncle Tom" even if the word in question wasn't already banned. I feel the word in question is harsher and you need a particularly egregious scenario to pull it out.

This fan art is super cute <3

Anyone know what happened to Aaronology?

I think he went a bit too "all in" in one of the political threads. I hope he comes back soon he was a high quality poster.

Yeah I've seen a lot of think pieces written about this in the past few days. It's a very good skit.

Elder Scrolls hasn't been good since Morrowind, and even then I got bored. The Witcher 3, on the other hand, has turned out to be way more interesting and neater than I ever imagined it would be. I always though Geralt was another boring focus-tested hero, but boy was I wrong.

Just wish you could customize it a bit more. My wife asks me every time I get a game if you can play as a girl, and most of the time I have to tearfully say no. Then when a game features a female protagonist, the female protagonist usually isn't badass enough, like Shantae, or the RPG is something she hates, like Star Wars. Jade Empire might work, but it might be too old-looking for her to get into now. Mass Effect is too Star Wars-y. Basically anything in space is out, but she likes medieval and some fantasy stuff like Fable, but she hates Lord of the Rings because it's a big franchise. Cyberpunk might be too sci-fi for her when that comes out too. Sigh, she helps me realize just how much games are garbage for finding representative characters for everybody.

It's nice to be able to play Witcher 3 on ultra, though, with 60 fps. During Gwent FPS goes up to like 1,000+, but that's a static screen mostly. I'm not used to being able to play new games this well, or that look this good. I've never had that before. It's weird.

What's wrong with Shantae? :(

Though admittedly it more a tongue-in-cheek, playful world rather than something grounded or "serious"

<3 <3 <3
What's wrong with Shantae? :(

Though admittedly it more a tongue-in-cheek, playful world rather than something grounded or "serious"

I was inaccurate. She thinks Shantae is cute, but she doesn't care for the gameplay. She gets bored with side-scrollers that aren't NES/SNES Mario.
Better look at the Ryu and Chun outfits from before

Ryu looks like MC Frontalot.

And Obama got ya'll spoiled when it comes to voting. Back in the day we had to choose between two white men, and hold our nose doing it.

And waaay back in the day, we couldn't even do that.

So, please vote, especially down ticket. And come back and vote at the mid-term.


Shinigami-sama ni Saigo no Onegai wo is the single most infuriating ending I've seen to anything ever.


Shantae is the best.


I made a prediction tweet a while back about it, but I wonder if Nintendo is going to be the third console company nVidia burns through with the Switch.

They worked with MS and tried to hold them hostage and got bounced.

They shorted Sony on promises with the PS3 and got bounced.

Now they're signed on with Nintendo. Third time's the charm?
Probably not, Nintendo will likely move on after NV nv's them
They seem to be holding up okay. Y'know, considering the opponent. You gonna watch the Spurs/GSW game?

If we could manage to play with out any substitutions we might have this &#128542;

Wait you a warriors fan too?! Say it ain't so!
I was thinking about it but I wanted to get a few rounds of Battlefield in before bed. That reminds me add me on Xbox gamer tag is Forearm Star


Got you


In the end it is your decision.

But people died and fought for my right to vote.

I'm going to vote every chance I get even if I have to write my own god damn name in.

My exact thought process. One thing Selma honestly did for me was give me the motivation to vote when I'm legally able to. Too many people died for me to be able to vote, I ain't ever givin that up


If we could manage to play with out any substitutions we might have this &#128542;

Wait you a warriors fan too?! Say it ain't so!

I was thinking about it but I wanted to get a few rounds of Battlefield in before bed. That reminds me add me on Xbox gamer tag is Forearm Star

Naw, b. Not a Warriors fan whatsoever. I'm rooting against them for this game.



NBCNews is reporting that Trump's father told a former sales agent not to rent to black people, but used the n-word and Trump nodded in approval. Not the Trump n-word tape I've been waiting on but we're getting there.
Can you believe this fuckery? I responded in the thread, but it has to be repeated

Probably been answered already but publishers enforce white male protags because it's easier for the (currently) biggest chunk of the gaming audience to relate to said protags (being white males themselves, etc). This, in return, increases sales and revenues which firms seek to maximize because capitalism. Easy. Nothing sexist or racist about it.

"White guys only enjoying/relating to games with white guys isn't sexist or racist guys!"
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