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The Black Culture Thread |OT16| - I'm blacker than you'll ever be

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Just to let SFV peeps know.

There's a new update (1.11) so make sure to boot it up before Friday and get the update, for our get together.


time to take my meds


Srry double post didnt see your post until after, I tried to edit it in my other post but not sure how to or if I can

Its incentive if hes for real but he would have to give more details about the loans and interest rates . If Hilary said something like that I would consider voting for her or a more exclusive affirmative action where it only applies to black men and women and not white women .

If we talking who has more privilege in this world its white male then white female and so on we are obviously at the bottom and should not be sharing policies with privileged people.

If it's that easy to flip you on either of these candidates you're either not as informed on these candidates as you should be by now and/or you're way too susceptible to lip service to your own detriment. There's no reason why you should be even considering voting for someone who refuses to denounce support from David Duke, discriminated against black people in his real-estate companies by refusing to allow them to rent from him, and continues to talk to large white crowds about how he is going to help black people, among other issues with the candidate himself, let alone the political party he represents.

Meanwhile, DeRay McKesson just endorsed Hillary Clinton. Might be worth your time to read his article.
I'm a little rough lately. but thank you for asking. 😘

Hope everything works out for the best my dude..

Hey. Hey. Hey. I said onward. I know you got lives. And sleep. Psh. C'mon

I'm sorry for yelling :(

Just to let SFV peeps know.

There's a new update (1.11) so make sure to boot it up before Friday and get the update, for our get together.

Always on top of everything..
I don't have a life at all.

I just don't wake up till around 19:30 my time. So i have to eat my dinner/breakfast, and wake up a little first.

Makes sense that people on your line of work only are awake during the night hours. Easier to plot and do hits on fools during the night!
If it's that easy to flip you on either of these candidates you're either not as informed on these candidates as you should be by now and/or you're way too susceptible to lip service to your own detriment. There's no reason why you should be even considering voting for someone who refuses to denounce support from David Duke, discriminated against black people in his real-estate companies by refusing to allow them to rent from him, and continues to talk to large white crowds about how he is going to help black people, among other issues with the candidate himself, let alone the political party he represents.

Meanwhile, DeRay McKesson just endorsed Hillary Clinton. Might be worth your time to read his article.

To me this comes off as very condescending and I never said I was voting for him . I showed interest in his plan to give black entrepreneurs loans because if hes serious that would help with jobs.

I am well aware of his discrimination and the people who support him. I'm srry if you feel me not voting for a white woman who has called black men super predators and that stole funds from Haiti for her own profit along with a list of other issues.

As far as BLM endorsing Hilary , I like their cause and what they stand for but I dont trust an organization that was funded by George Soros. RIP Darren Seals

Does it offend you that I dont like her? I'm not afraid of Trump nor do I care if he becomes president as many of the people in my circle feel the same. I'm focused on getting my degree , my money and doing me.
]To me this comes off as very condescending and I never said I was voting for him . I showed interest in his plan to give black entrepreneurs loans because if hes serious that would help with jobs.[/b]

I am well aware of his discrimination and the people who support him. I'm srry if you feel me not voting for a white woman who has called black men super predators and that stole funds from Haiti for her own profit along with a list of other issues.

As far as BLM endorsing Hilary , I like there cause and what they stand for but I dont trust an organization that was funded by George Soros. RIP Darren Seals

Does it offend you that I dont like her?

Let's be honest, this isn't going to happen. Just look at his history and you can see he is just saying things to try to appeal to a people he has no love or concern for. Might as well say he's gonna give each black that votes for him a job after the election, it ain't happening
To me this comes off as very condescending and I never said I was voting for him . I showed interest in his plan to give black entrepreneurs loans because if hes serious that would help with jobs.

I am well aware of his discrimination and the people who support him. I'm srry if you feel me not voting for a white woman who has called black men super predators and that stole funds from Haiti for her own profit along with a list of other issues.

As far as BLM endorsing Hilary , I like their cause and what they stand for but I dont trust an organization that was funded by George Soros. RIP Darren Seals

Does it offend you that I dont like her? I'm not afraid of Trump nor do I care if he becomes president as many of the people in my circle feel the same. I'm focused on getting my degree , my money and doing me.

He's not giving you or any other black person loans, ever. I don't care about how you feel about Hillary, but you're saying it as if Trump has never done shady shit to black folk. Dude is endorsed by stormfront and other KKK organizations and is alright with it.

Maybe you'd feel more comfortable in that type of environment asking them for a handout. If you want to be on a business grind you'll have your opportunity after you get whatever you're in school for, but a loan from this man is not going to help you. Boggles my mind, that bolded. What type of mindset is this?
Let's be honest, this isn't going to happen. Just look at his history and you can see he is just saying things to try to appeal to a people he has no love or concern for. Might as well say he's gonna give each black that votes for him a job after the election, it ain't happening

That could be said for all politicians .


is a goddamn bear
To me this comes off as very condescending and I never said I was voting for him . I showed interest in his plan to give black entrepreneurs loans because if hes serious that would help with jobs.

I am well aware of his discrimination and the people who support him. I'm srry if you feel me not voting for a white woman who has called black men super predators and that stole funds from Haiti for her own profit along with a list of other issues.

As far as BLM endorsing Hilary , I like their cause and what they stand for but I dont trust an organization that was funded by George Soros. RIP Darren Seals

Does it offend you that I dont like her? I'm not afraid of Trump nor do I care if he becomes president as many of the people in my circle feel the same. I'm focused on getting my degree , my money and doing me.

You should care if he becomes president. Do you understand the catastrophic effects a Trump presidency would have on this country and our relationship with the others? Not only does he have no policies to present but everything he stands for is appalling. Xenophobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, and worship of the second amendment, that is Trump.

This is not about being offended you don't like Hillary. This is about encouraging you to see the bigger picture. If you don't vote, you're allowing Trump a chance to win. We can't risk that. It's infuriating that you refuse to see that. Even people who dislike Hillary are voting for her because she's the lesser of the two evils. It's bad that it is this way, but come on, this is a very important election. Extremely important.


To me this comes off as very condescending and I never said I was voting for him . I showed interest in his plan to give black entrepreneurs loans because if hes serious that would help with jobs.

I am well aware of his discrimination and the people who support him. I'm srry if you feel me not voting for a white woman who has called black men super predators and that stole funds from Haiti for her own profit along with a list of other issues.

As far as BLM endorsing Hilary , I like their cause and what they stand for but I dont trust an organization that was funded by George Soros. RIP Darren Seals

Does it offend you that I dont like her?

Don't confuse me trying to inform you with any sort of negative emotion. You haven't posted here long enough for me to even form a real opinion about you, let alone really care about who you're voting for. But this is a discussion topic where we share information and have discussions. The three posts I've responded to before this one IMO, suggested a lack in information or care about this election cycle as a whole. These opinions/comments are what I felt the need to address overall, not just to inform you, but anyone else lurking or reading this topic in the future that might share IMO "uninformed" opinions about these two candidates.

That said, you might be angered at my post because I suggested you may not be as informed as you should be, but when you're posting easily Googled false information as fact, you might want to at least "entertain" the idea that you don't know enough about these two candidates, regardless of how you feel about the tone of my posts.
He's not giving you or any other black person loans, ever. I don't care about how you feel about Hillary, but you're saying it as if Trump has never done shady shit to black folk. Dude is endorsed by stormfront and other KKK organizations and is alright with it.

Maybe you'd feel more comfortable in that type of environment asking them for a handout. If you want to be on a business grind you'll have your opportunity after you get whatever you're in school for, but a loan from this man is not going to help you. Boggles my mind, that bolded. What type of mindset is this?

A lot of assumptions in this post

D i Z

Mornin all.

Hello all.

'Elo Aiustis.

Ok with Trump being president and the march forward of the Alt right hate machine.
Looking for handouts from a lying sack of shit that never pays his contractors, and is leading the charge for angry white dudes towards violent insurrection and riots against all minorities.
You out of your fuckin mind with this shit.

Too early in the morning for this. I'll sit back and be quiet.
Don't confuse me trying to inform you with any sort of negative emotion. You haven't posted here long enough for me to even form a real opinion about you, let alone really care about who you're voting for. But this is a discussion topic where we share information and have discussions. The three posts I've responded to before this one IMO, suggested a lack in information or care about this election cycle as a whole. These opinions/comments are what I felt the need to address overall, not just to inform you, but anyone else lurking or reading this topic in the future that might share IMO "uninformed" opinions about these two candidates.

That said, you might be angered at my post because I suggested you may not be as informed as you should be, but when you're posting easily Googled false information as fact, you might want to at least "entertain" the idea that you don't know enough about these two candidates, regardless of how you feel about the tone of my posts.

There are plenty of other sources that say http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/aug/16/black-lives-matter-cashes-100-million-liberal-foun/ but im sure you will discredit that a long with other sources that say the same thing.

So you felt I was ignorant about my views and concluded I was not informed about both candidates because I showed interest in him talking about loans and because I dont like Hilary.

You want me to be afraid of him?

I will not be responding to certain posters talking down to me about my opinions moving forward it creates hostile discussion. If you cant respect my opinions while being condescending at the same time its really hard to want to have a discussion with you
Hello all.

Morning! :)

You want me to be afraid of him?

The dude literally wants to use the unconstitutional and backwards 'stop and frisk' major policy as a way of "fixing" the inner cities. He's been endorsed by KKK elite. His VP makes his homophobia and transphobia a priority in his policies. He is not a man who needs to be anywhere near power of any kind let alone the presidency. Anything you'd count as progress is the exact opposite of what he wants for America. At least the America that minority populations occupy.


Morning! :)

The dude literally wants to use the unconstitutional and backwards 'stop and frisk' major policy as a way of "fixing" the inner cities. His VP makes his homophobia and transphobia a priority in his policies. He is not a man who needs to be anywhere near power of any kind let alone the presidency.

Don't forget that he is actively working to undermine the whole democratic process because he can't handle being a bigly loser.
Morning! :)

The dude literally wants to use the unconstitutional and backwards 'stop and frisk' major policy as a way of "fixing" the inner cities. He's been endorsed by KKK elite. His VP makes his homophobia and transphobia a priority in his policies. He is not a man who needs to be anywhere near power of any kind let alone the presidency. Anything you'd count as progress is the exact opposite of what he wants for America. At least the America that minority populations occupy.

Don't forget that he is actively working to undermine the whole democratic process because he can't handle being a bigly loser.

But loans for black entrepreneurs brehs.


There are plenty of other sources that say http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/aug/16/black-lives-matter-cashes-100-million-liberal-foun/ but im sure you will discredit that a long with other sources that say the same thing.

So you felt I was ignorant about my views and concluded I was not informed about both candidates because I showed interest in him talking about loans and because I dont like Hilary.

You want me to be afraid of him?

I will not be responding to certain posters talking down to me about my opinions moving forward it creates hostile discussion. If you cant respect my opinions while being condescending at the same time its really hard to want to have a discussion with you

...your source is saying the same thing as my link.

That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, as well as grant-making from the Center for American Progress.

You see the part that I bolded? The wording is the key here and it is deliberate in regards to not giving more information and misleading interpretation in order to get clicks and social media sharing.

Second I am not disrespecting your opinions. If you had come into the thread and said "I don't like Hillary or Trump" I probably wouldn't have even responded to you. It's when you ASKED everyone in this topic if they didn't feel like voting because you weren't feeling either candidate, that I first responded to you and others responded to you about your lack of care about the election and the importance of voting. And then you have responded to posts in this thread with information and links that have been proven false and/or you haven't read carefully in regards to Hillary. That's not an opinion, that's you spreading false information and being corrected. Us correcting you doesn't mean we're being hostile or condescending, vs you not wanting to entertain the idea that you might be wrong.
Morning! :)

The dude literally wants to use the unconstitutional and backwards 'stop and frisk' major policy as a way of "fixing" the inner cities. He's been endorsed by KKK elite. His VP makes his homophobia and transphobia a priority in his policies. He is not a man who needs to be anywhere near power of any kind let alone the presidency. Anything you'd count as progress is the exact opposite of what he wants for America. At least the America that minority populations occupy.

I agree that stop and frisk is horrible and should not be allowed.
...your source is saying the same thing as my link.

You see the part that I bolded? The wording is the key here and it is deliberate in regards to not giving more information and misleading interpretation in order to get clicks and social media sharing.

Second I am not disrespecting your opinions. If you had come into the thread and said "I don't like Hillary or Trump" I probably wouldn't have even responded to you. It's when you ASKED everyone in this topic if they didn't feel like voting because you weren't feeling either candidate, that I first responded to you and others responded to you about your lack of care about the election and the importance of voting. And then you have responded to posts in this thread with information and links that have been proven false and/or you haven't read carefully in regards to Hillary. That's not an opinion, that's you spreading false information and being corrected. Us correcting you doesn't mean we're being hostile or condescending, vs you not wanting to entertain the idea that you might be wrong.

How is that not funding if he is using his foundations to give the money to BLM. Hes just not doing it directly .

I said am I the only person who is not voting? I'm not feeling either candidate. The replies after that I wasnt bothered with because they gave me their opinions which I respected without them questioning my knowledge about the election. Its cool tho
Presented a deliverable to the client and he loved it. A week later my project manager submitted my name for a financial award from the firm. Going straight to my PS4 Pro funds



gotta stop jandro from posting these criminal food pics
Just to let SFV peeps know.

There's a new update (1.11) so make sure to boot it up before Friday and get the update, for our get together.
Thx for the heads up
Everytime the console is turned on there is always waiting for update for me -_-

Presented a deliverable to the client and he loved it. A week later my project manager submitted my name for a financial award from the firm. Going straight to my PS4 Pro funds




How is that not funding if he is using his foundations to give the money to BLM. Hes just not doing it directly .

The difference between my link and your link is that your link is (deliberately) leaving out information that is allowing you to jump to your own conclusions. In this case, you assuming that George Soros is donating to BLM by using his organizations. Whereas my link elaborates on George Soro's lack of involvement in OSF in addition to explaining the $33 billion dollar figure in ways that are more informative but less "headline grabbing" as there's no "sinister Illuminati style" plots that can be drawn from it. This post isn't a jab at you either BTW, as I see this style of article/headline all the time on GAF, which is something that actually annoys me because of people being fooled into spreading misinformation.

Note: the original title for the thread I linked was along the lines of "California University offers Segregated Housing for black students"
The difference between my link and your link is that your link is (deliberately) leaving out information that is allowing you to jump to your own conclusions. In this case, you assuming that George Soros is donating to BLM by using his organizations. Whereas my link elaborates on George Soro's lack of involvement in OSF in addition to explaining the $33 billion dollar figure in ways that are more informative but less "headline grabbing" as there's no "sinister Illuminati style" plots that can be drawn from it. This post isn't a jab at you either BTW, as I see this style of article/headline all the time on GAF, which is something that actually annoys me because of people being fooled into spreading misinformation.

Note: the original title for the thread I linked was along the lines of "California University offers Segregated Housing for black students"

That thread was a treat.

"Sometimes black people might want to do something on their own without necessarily informing or inviting a white person"


keep your strippers out of my American football
Outside of Ben Carson and those paid off reverends, I didn't think there were any black folk who were cool with or didn't have any opinion about Trump or the idea of him being president. Trump not wanting to rent his properties to minorities then act like he is "for the blacks" should be enough to make blood boil, but I guess some people just don't care about a bigger picture.
You should care if he becomes president. Do you understand the catastrophic effects a Trump presidency would have on this country and our relationship with the others? Not only does he have no policies to present but everything he stands for is appalling. Xenophobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, and worship of the second amendment, that is Trump.

This is not about being offended you don't like Hillary. This is about encouraging you to see the bigger picture. If you don't vote, you're allowing Trump a chance to win. We can't risk that. It's infuriating that you refuse to see that. Even people who dislike Hillary are voting for her because she's the lesser of the two evils. It's bad that it is this way, but come on, this is a very important election. Extremely important.

Would me voting in the mid term elections for people who are against trump policies if he did some how become president from a few people not voting ,impact what he could and couldnt do

Like how it is argued that Obama couldnt do anything for black people specifically because the republicans blocked it

I take into consideration peoples like Tariq Nasheed and Umar who have strong followings that advice us not to vote. However I will be voting in the midterms elections because its something I learned is important on here to balance out me not voting for the presidency,I think thats fair
Anyone booting up Skyrim this weekend? Can't wait to play as a Redguard and get that extra boost in natural athleticism. In all seriousness I can't wait to dive back in,but with mods this time around.
Anyone booting up Skyrim this weekend? Can't wait to play as a Redguard and get that extra boost in natural athleticism. In all seriousness I can't wait to dive back in,but with mods this time around.

I'm thinking about, I never finished skyrim because I always got so overwhelmed. This time I will, any advice on whats the best starting race for a thief build?
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