Whos BCT nWo and Degeneration-X?
Hollywood Shy and Beef Nash are the leaders of nWo and D-X.
Whos BCT nWo and Degeneration-X?
Try going without locking on if you have been so far. It'll give you a lot of freedom of movement, and the area is small enough that you can blind strike towards him conservatively and usually get a hit in. But don't get greedy with strikes. Get in a out and stay on your heals.
Good luck on this.
GGs, fellas..catch y'all tomorrow afternoon.
Why tho
I'm just not a fan of the combat of For Honor
Why tho
GGs, fellas..catch y'all tomorrow afternoon.
Why tho
Why tho
Why tho
Saints Row: the third or Gat outta hell?
Both are $3 usd each.
There's no winning with the Switch.
There's no winning with the Switch.
Switch stays winning brah!!!
The winner was us all along
The man with more than one preorder has spoken.
I won because I don't care about the Switch. 👀
Saints Row: the third or Gat outta hell?
Both are $3 usd each.
I won because I don't care about the Switch. 👀
Saints Row: the third or Gat outta hell?
Both are $3 usd each.
Why not both, then?
If I must choose, 3.
The Third is the better game for sure. Both are fun though.
Where the hell are these 3 dollars?!!
Iight, I know yall sleep, so when y'all wake up I need help...
BestBuy B2G1F Preowned is coming around the corner so I need you all to help me decide...
- Bloodborne
- RE Revelations 2
- Transformers Devestation
- Wolfenstein
- DMC Definitive Edition
I won't list price so y'all go by gaming merits.
Doom, Wolfenstein, TransformersWhere the hell are these 3 dollars?!!
Iight, I know yall sleep, so when y'all wake up I need help...
BestBuy B2G1F Preowned is coming around the corner so I need you all to help me decide...
- Bloodborne
- RE Revelations 2
- Transformers Devestation
- Wolfenstein
- DMC Definitive Edition
I won't list price so y'all go by gaming merits.
- Bloodborne
- RE Revelations 2
- Transformers Devestation
- Wolfenstein
- DMC Definitive Edition
Because i onlt have $3 in my debit card #thestruggleisreal
Is more in the vein of IV or the older ones? 'Cause i love IV
But that's only for fans, you won't find him Stanning for somethingD.D. i came across this Kingdom Hearts DSi stand. And thought it might be something you're interested in.
For Honor ain't good
Not gonna play it when it comes out
I don't like the one on one combat. Everything else is cool. But since the one on one is the most importatnt. I ain't buyingI'm just not a fan of the combat of For Honor
There's no winning with the Switch.
I will never... ever find myself rooting for any member of the New England Patriots... ever.
Those brothas skipping the Trump visit are alright by me.
Indeed. And unlike when Brady skipped the visit during the administration of President Barrack Obama, these (true) Patriots have a good reason to skip.
Of course, this makes me wonder what would have happened during a Hillary Clinton administration. Would guys not be showing up because of a woman President?
Come on now. You and i both know we are past sexism. They just have a disagreement. But when we do it? We are just being delicate little flowers who need safe spaces.Indeed. And unlike when Brady skipped the visit during the administration of President Barrack Obama, these (true) Patriots have a good reason to skip.
Of course, this makes me wonder what would have happened during a Hillary Clinton administration. Would guys not be showing up because of a woman President?
Not my pace. I don't like swag. Hell, I sell any collectible stuff that comes with.D.D. i came across this Kingdom Hearts DSi stand. And thought it might be something you're interested in.
Fans aren't a problem. Never have been. Kingdom Hearts is like my fifth or sixth favorite franchise.But that's only for fans, you won't find him Stanning for something
Fans aren't a problem. Never have been. Kingdom Hearts is like my fifth or sixth favorite franchise.
Just when you think you've already seen the stupidest question on GAF..behold.
Man, it's been ages since I had a glass of grape juice. Forgot how good it tastes.
Grape and apple juice are godly
Mixed together?
I am not a fan of juice mixing.
Cranberry need to stay in it's own bottle, and let the other good god fearing juices be.
Love cranberry juice..but not more than apple..
People your age do have a lot of bladder infections. Do you down it with your prunes?