The Millennium Eye grants Pegasus the power to not see color.
Mai and Joey along could be funny as fuck
The Millennium Eye grants Pegasus the power to not see color.
I gotta take a break
we have a dude praising neo nazi's for their ability to unite
I gotta take a break
we have a dude praising neo nazi's for their ability to unite
Some dude legit called me racist against white people.
Falcons got black history month on their shoulders. No pressure.
As someone with no real investment in football. Go Falcons.
As someone with no real investment in football. Go Falcons.
Falcons got black history month on their shoulders. No pressure.
Black community offering their prayers and energy like:
I feel like this GIF low-key jinxed the Panthers last year lol
I legit hope Brady's knee explodes today.
Bernard Pollard ain't playing so it's unlikely
Lowkey I've been hoping the Falcons would sign him all week lol.
I'm already resigned to the fact Tom Brady is winning another ring, it's 2017.... this year already ain't shit.
Did someone do an in depth post on the history of Minstrel Shows? Or am I imagining it, I'm trying to find it and can't.
Did someone do an in depth post on the history of Minstrel Shows? Or am I imagining it, I'm trying to find it and can't.
I know a few were in the last Zwarte Piet threads IIRC, might have been another blackface thread too but, honestly there are so many (and I'm kinda drunk) that it's hard to rememebr.
Can you imagine the racist meltdowns if the Falcons win?
I wanna drink..😞
I know a few were in the last Zwarte Piet threads IIRC, might have been another blackface thread too but, honestly there are so many (and I'm kinda drunk) that it's hard to rememebr.
I think the Awful White QBs twitter account will have a meltdown, whoever runs that kinda hates every white QB. Like, all of them
”They initially wanted to call it a March on Washington, but then they came out swinging saying we're going to have this nonpartisan, nonpolitical march," said Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, a theoretical physicist at the University of Washington, referring to the historic 1963 march led by civil rights activists. ”I'm wondering, why? If you really don't feel like it's a partisan issue, why are you having a protest? Or are we having something that mimics a protest, but is actually more akin to what I would call a parade?"
On Thursday, Prescod-Weinstein, co-authored a statement with two other scientists who are calling themselves ”Scientists Against A Fascist Government," arguing that it is the ”moral duty" of scientists to be political when it comes to issues like the immigrant ban, the environment, and women's health — all issues that she argues inexorably tie science to politics. Prescod-Weinstein stressed that the fact that she and her co-author, astrophysicist Sarah Tuttle, are Jewish played a big part in why they decided to pen the letter in the first place.
”I think if we look back at history, negotiating with fascists actually doesn't end well for science," Prescod-Weinstein said. ”It certainly doesn't end well for scientists at the margins.
But there are two awful white QBs in this game, so isn't that going to happen regardless?
Yeah they're pedophiles. Like. What about her as a character is interesting? She's literally a sexualized child.
I mean really where else is there for Nintendo to go? They obviously aren't ever going back to a "traditional" console, so iterating on the Switch since, well, the other two are basically iterative boxes at this point, is the most sound and viable strategy imo.
That thread is legit making me pissed off now. I need a break.
It's Nintendo. While Sony and Microsoft are fighting over left and right, they'll decide that they want to go purple.
I was gonna suggest that you bow need to let the spirits speak for you and get you clapped. Tomorrow is another day..
Nintendo needs to stop making hardware and just do games, they'll succeed better that way
At this point I half expect their next thing to just be a Laptop
Yeah I mean ain't shit left there to "discuss" anyway so, no point. I do, however, think I'll cook cause your ass legit did make me hungry lol.
Yeah I mean ain't shit left there to "discuss" anyway so, no point. I do, however, think I'll cook cause your ass legit did make me hungry lol.
No joke bout to ride out for some hummus and wine LOL
That thread is legit making me pissed off now. I need a break.
Yeah I mean ain't shit left there to "discuss" anyway so, no point. I do, however, think I'll cook cause your ass legit did make me hungry lol.
I think the Switch is a fine stopping point to improve on tbh. If they do end up just making games, I'm glad the Switch is a thing first.
I just want to play console games on my bed lol
If The switch tanks, I can see NIntendo going mobile, and licensing out their IP>
I went in that karaoke thread last night and dipped almost immediately. I checked it again this morning and it went about as I'd figured. I'm good
Off TV play on the Wii U was one its best features. I got a lot of use outta that