Some folks will defend anything..
People still caping this dude to this day.
Some folks will defend anything..
Aren't Tyra's and Terrence's brown? I'm looking at them and they look brown.
We judging by blood now? Thought we were above this, BCT. SMH.
Ain't that about a...
I'm about to go Super Delozaiyan 4 on this thread
I've always found my eyes boring. Only thing I would change if I could. Although more and more people tell me how beautiful my eyes are so idk
They'll fit right in with yelawolf.
They'll fit right in with yelawolf.
He trying to be after he changed his name to MWA.He still relevant?
What sort of fuckery is Viktor posting this time
Nope. Both green. Tyra's are more a hazel/green. Terrence's are full on green, just a brown ring in the middle. I'll share photos:
Nah, not at all. I just had to take the jab at Feenix. It was there.
I accept you, even if your bl to asian ratio is like 1:2.
Mine don't know what they want to do. They're brown, then they have a lighter brown ring around them, then a blue ring. End of the day, though, I don't think there's anything crazy special about coloured eyes over brown eyes. I suppose they're more noticeable? But outside of that...
Brown eyes can be beautiful. A lot of people discount them because they're "common." There's so much variance, though. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
I don't know I see a light brown and isn't that what hazel is, light brown?
Will Super Cracker join the Justice League or The Avengers
My wallet only opens for Izuna's girl, Mrs.Manky, Sch1sm, and Jean.
No one blacker than ya boy tho..
Then, go for it~ Let us know your ancestry results. If you're over 41% black, you've beat out Feenix.
There's no way. I imagine there's gunna be more Jamaican than I thought (since apparently, my Mum has cousins that look just like her living there), but the only thing that's going to be that high is whiteness.
8 weeks is a long af time. It's gunna be interesting.
I might ask my Mum if she wants to do it too.
Call me when Ono gets smart and let's Dee Jay back in the club.
Call me when Ono gets smart and let's Dee Jay back in the club.
I can't justify spending money on those tests. My parents got lists 20 generations and then some long of their ancestry. At best, I'm like max 5% of some country that colonized Somalia way back when, if that.
I'm hella curious, though, on the other hand. What if there's something I'm not being told, or even they're not aware of? I mean, I still don't expect it to be very prevalent. I can vouch at least as far back as my great grandparents that I'm hella, hella, hella black.
Shy has that exact mustacheLol why have I never seen that!
Waiting for them to add Shy, honestly.
I edited my post to clarify.
The way the justice system and social hierarchy works in terms of fucking over people who help others is something, and a big part of what the game is about. People out there also seem to think it's made to satirize issues in western justice systems but it's not. The issues on display in the game are entirely Japanese, but also present in Taiwan and China.
I heard of a story from my friend where a high school kid with a severe brittle bone condition attended this school that had no accommodation for that at all. So he couldn't get to class, which was up a flight of stairs.
So another kid volunteered to help this kid walk up the stairs, every day, for over a year. But one day, he tripped, and the kid with brittle bones had to go to the hospital for it.
The parents sued. The volunteering kid got sent to prison for years because his family couldn't afford to pay up. When he finally got out of prison, years later, he was interviewed and said that he'd learned never to help others again.
In Taiwan's legal system, who wins a case often comes down to who suffered more harm rather than who was at fault.
So, for example, if a car and a scooter are in a crash, the scooter will generally win regardless of who caused the crash, because the person on the scooter will generally suffer greater injuries as a result of the crash than somebody in a car.
There's some interesting stuff at play here.
Keep in mind, I'm not pointing this out to pick on Asian societies or say they're bad, it's just a problem that happens that Persona is exploring, and I find it insanely interesting.
It really is good at handling the societal malaise toward well, everything.People just straight up don't give a fuck if their kids are getting beaten and abused as long as it secures them a better college which will secures them a better job and social position through osmosis.
I wish it wasn't reflective of life, but first hand experience tells me better.
Shits fucked.
And yeah I really really wanted to see Pat and especially Woolie talk about this. Ah well. Such is life.
Edit:Take what happens with Ryuji, Kamoshida legit breaks his leg, but since he struck him first and is an authority figure, it's brushed under the rug and forgotten whole everybody blames him for how bad everything went when he's the actual victim. The legal system is designed to cater to authority and power first while kids and those under that power are left in a position of vulnerability.
Yeah. All that shit is super fucked up.It's the MC's story, and also the theme of the whole game. It's as bad as it can possibly be, with characters in a position of power, down to the staff and board of his school talking shit about him right in front of his face. The guy he stays with only took him in because he got paid to do it, and treats him like shit constantly and like a burden. The teachers literally hope he gets expelled and fucked in society so they don't have to deal with him, and they know it's wrong and know teachers shouldn't feel that way but they don't CARE. He's SUPER fucked.
What was he doing though. ?Holy shit, I found a black guy in Persona 5! It's like finding Atlantis! o.o
What was he doing though. ?
I dunno how the hell John Ridley thought this was a good idea. smh
Edit: Channged the link to the actual article that talks about it.
Ceesay, also present at the Q&A, responded with: Wow, really? You know because you were there?
To which the audience member replied, No, we know this because our parents were a part of it.
Visibly emotional and holding back tears, Ridley explained that the reasoning behind casting Pinto as the lead had to do with the fact that he is married to an Asian woman.
I dont want to make this overly personal, but part of why I chose to have a mixed-race couple at the center of this is that Im in a mixed-race relationship, the writer and show runner said.
Yeah. That's not a positive portrayal. 😞Was a bald bouncer-dude promoting a club. Minor NPC.
I dunno how the hell John Ridley thought this was a good idea. smh
Edit: Changed the link to the actual article that talks about it.
That more i hear about this show, the less i think i should watch it.This is not what you want
Yeah. That's not a positive portrayal. ��
That more i hear about this show, the less i think i should watch it.
Call me when Ono gets smart and let's Dee Jay back in the club.
Who would win between unhinged Reed and Unhinged Doom?
Et tu, Mi Hermano?
Et tu, Mi Hermano?
Yeah. That, and i know there are some good documentaries on the subject. Wish i could remember the name of them though.Sounds like it would be better to find some good books on it
Sorry bro bro, but i still hate him from the ST days.
See, when it's just white women, it's decidedly not about race.Just bringing up black people makes a thread a race thread..some folks really do say the most stupid fucking shit lol.
Unhinged Reed infected his entire team with a zombie virus (not sure how he got it through Ben's rock skin but whatever) because he was like "NEXT STEP OF EVOLUTION, PEOPLE!" and then Doom sends Ash into another dimension to find the Necronomicon to spite Reed.
Not one that's still alive anyway.Is there a Reed in the multiverse that hasn't gone crazy-evil or turned into a chump?
Is there a Reed in the multiverse that hasn't gone crazy-evil or turned into a chump?
Is there a Reed in the multiverse that hasn't gone crazy-evil or turned into a chump?
Not one that's still alive anyway.
You guys never answered my question though: Could Alucard beat Jojo Part 3 DIO?
if this is a serious question, alucard ate shrodinger. time fuckery wont help dio