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The Black Culture Thread |OT2|

Man, shout out to adult swim pushing black comedy shows. Boondocks, Black Dynamite, Loiter Squad, Eric Andre Show........Real nice.


If I read another "heyuck can we get rid of the south" in racism threads, I will scream. That shit comes from the height of ignorance and NLEG.
I've been itching for a real game to play that I can sink my teeth into. I think Darksiders 2 might be it.



How you gonna let America show you up on the combat front, Ninja Gaiden 3? Team Ninja Dog should be ashamed.
The south doesn't do much to help change that reputation though.

I said it before in here, every hispanic I've met who has spent time down south has nothing but bad things to say about it.

My sister brother in law and biological brother in Georgia got constant stink eye from strangers and sometimes co-workers. My sister and niece were constantly followed in stores their two years there. Not nice stores mind you, places like wal mart. It was probably individuals deciding on their own to follow them and not a management decision but it happened on a consistent basis.

My cousin who spent 3 years in Arkansas bemoaned the increased rate at which he was pulled over. When venting his frustrations at work his white co-workers had no idea what he was talking about and the hispanics just laughed with "you must be new here" attitude.

My brother in law had a much easier time due to his military status. The respect for the forces in southern states is the best in the country he would say, but recognized that when he was dressed in his civillian clothes things were different. The swing from the assumption of "he might be a criminal" to "Brave, honorable hero" was very clear to him. He and my sister also spent time in Colorado, which they both thought was immensely better regarding race relations.

Ancedotal I know, but there's definitely something there.

edit: It's probably worth noting that my sister, niece and brother in law were there at the height of America's post 9/11 terrorist phobia and could all pass for middle eastern.


Not saying there isn't racism. Just saying it happens everywhere. The mason-dixon line isn't a wormhole to a post racial world.


Not saying there isn't racism. Just saying it happens everywhere. The mason-dixon line isn't a wormhole to a post racial world.

Of course, those acting as if the souths disappearance will render racism irrelevant as we enter the glorious age of post-racial Obama are delusional. Racism is everywhere. And Boston. At the same time though, you can't deny that racism in the south happens at a disproportionally higher rate compared to racism in other parts of the states.
Not saying there isn't racism. Just saying it happens everywhere. The mason-dixon line isn't a wormhole to a post racial world.

Of course there's racism in every state, but it does seem to be a bigger problem in southern states.

On a somewhat related note, white people moved in down the street and they hung a confederate flag in their garage about the size of their garage door....there goes the neighborhood.
How you gonna let America show you up on the combat front, Ninja Gaiden 3? Team Ninja Dog should be ashamed.

That's looks awesome. Wish there was a game we could all get and play, think it would be fun.
Of course there's racism in every state, but it does seem to be a bigger problem in southern states.

On a somewhat related note, white people moved in down the street and they hung a confederate flag in their garage about the size of their garage door....there goes the neighborhood.

I agree, I've been in the south 10 years and it is bad but can't say it's any worse than the midwest or small towns in the north. Basically anywhere you can go weeks without seeing a black person it's going to be pretty bad. Shit even in Key West I got so many crazy looks when going to a nice restaurant or upscale shop. Like "WTF are YOU doing here?!"


I like how we have similar tastes, I'll be maining him as well. I kinda wish there's a costume choice for his highschool/PS3/ vest look.

Mitsuru, Yu, Akihiko, poor mans Junpei(AKA Yosuke)

I feel like I'll probably main Mitsuru, but I really wanna learn all of them.

Too many choices :(


Of course, those acting as if the souths disappearance will render racism irrelevant as we enter the glorious age of post-racial Obama are delusional. Racism is everywhere. And Boston. At the same time though, you can't deny that racism in the south happens at a disproportionally higher rate compared to racism in other parts of the states.
I say it happens more, but I will also say it gets focused on more. Stories about nypd blowing away dudes seem to fade out quick. All that should get equal focus.
I blame you, JC, for Kamiya mentioning that he wants to make a VJ3. I was perfectly happy with the idea that Joe was dead, and now the wound is reopened. :(
One of these days, Capcom is gonna announce Viewtiful Joe 3. Wars will stop. Racism will be over. World Hunger will be a sad thing of the past. Eddie Murphy will star in a good movie again.

And everything turns out alright in the end.


All lesser beings in the face of her royal majesty, Chie Satonaka. :p

I actually began watching the P4 anime a few days ago and am now interested slightly in maining her too. I think this is the only fighting game where I've been legitimately interested in heavily playing more than 3 characters.

One of these days, Capcom is gonna announce Viewtiful Joe 3. Wars will stop. Racism will be over. World Hunger will be a sad thing of the past. Eddie Murphy will star in a good movie again.

And everything turns out alright in the end.

I've never played a VJ game in my life. Im such a good person :D


You guys remind me I need to finish Persona 4. Chie seems like a ride or die chick, but hotel chick seems like she would be a better wifey.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
You guys remind me I need to finish Persona 4. Chie seems like a ride or die chick, but hotel chick seems like she would be a better wifey.

i need to play persona 4. if i had a vita, id be all over than version.
You guys remind me I need to finish Persona 4. Chie seems like a ride or die chick, but hotel chick seems like she would be a better wifey.

lol, this is what has been said since the game has come out. I loled at how the anime dodged the girlfriend thing altogether.
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