mfw affleck is batman
LOL so much crow is going to be ate on GAF
DD Affleck wasn't even his final form!
mfw affleck is batman
LOL so much crow is going to be ate on GAF
DD Affleck wasn't even his final form!
SF3 was not a big game though, at least in terms of mass appeal. I remember learning about SF3's existence back in like 2004 when I was doing some SF digging on MAME and being surprised as hell that Capcom made a sequel to SF2. It blew my mind that I didn't even know of its existence and that it had been out for quite a while too.
I certainly hope so. I'm cautiously optimistic for if Baffleck directs and stars in a batman movie. It still does not sit well with me right now though. Nope. I don't know, I just don't really like Ben Affleck.
SF3 was not a big game though, at least in terms of mass appeal. I remember learning about SF3's existence back in like 2004 when I was doing some SF digging on MAME and being surprised as hell that Capcom made a sequel to SF2. It blew my mind that I didn't even know of its existence and that it had been out for quite a while too.
hah, well I guess since you only play casually those things shouldn't mean much to you. Even though I'm no longer a fan of the game I'm always down to play gaffers, hit me up of you're on PSN.
Street Fighter and Tekken were most popular growing up, MK was more of a fad from what I saw, and Tekken lost popularity as time went on.
Marvel was always king tho, even during that huge span between the last two games. Super heroes and Capcom characters fighting?! Plus those cabinets were always in the laundry mats and liquor stores, hell even the local spanish market has a MVC2 cabinet next to the NeoGeo machine.
forum where a bunch of bros lift in order to get girls get upset that their hardwork was seemingly for nothing.
It's almost as if personality does count for something. Hmmm.
I mean as someone who didn't grow up in the US, I makes me scratch my head at how that confuses people so much. Like so many people truly believe the only way to get girls is to have money and muscles.
i can't believe it, what the fuck did that kid do? talk to girls? shit can't be that easy!
I mean as someone who didn't grow up in the US, I makes me scratch my head at how that confuses people so much. Like so many people truly believe the only way to get girls is to have money and muscles.
...You'd think that as an average-ish guy I'd be happier about this.
See that is where you are messing up, who cares what you think you are. Some body out there thinks your hot stuff.
Go find em. Unless they are horrible people, then find another.
To be fair, I'm not rating myself. Though accepting ratings from other guys is probably a worse idea anyways...
EDIT: I guess you're right, brah
Some body out there thinks your hot stuff.
Unless you're ReiGun-Ugly. In which case, just buy a cat.
you look like a cool dude to me.
Unless you're me, the phantom of the opera himself.
Unless you're ReiGun-Ugly. In which case, just buy a cat.
Lose the creeper mustache, get a shape up and you will be fine.
EDIT: And the comments them cats was making about that kid.....
The greatest advice I can relay to him FUCK EM!!!
Lose the creeper mustache, get a shape up and you will be fine.
Nah all he need is a 86 monte carlo
Unless you're ReiGun-Ugly. In which case, just buy a cat.
Judging by evo and my own history with fighting games, I'd say Street Fighter and Tekken by far.
Dunno why, but i imagine Slay to have an 80s style fro, complete with comb.
Dunno why, but i imagine Slay to have an 80s style fro, complete with comb.
Slay is bald on top with a fro on the sides
They call that the George Jefferson.
I love me some GITS
Gaf's love affair with Rare is domestic violence. Rare gets their hopes up and then slaps them.