I lol'd heartily at the "Rare at it's peak was the greatest dev of all time" thread.
Not sure about that, but they did make some of my favorite games ever at their peak. They also made DK64 in that same time period so yeah.
Rare was goat in their prime though. Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, DKR, Jet Force Gemini, Conker, and Banjo Kazooie were all top tier: and that was strictly N64. Then you have the old Donkey kong games, Battletoads, and shit like Killer Instinct. You can't really fuck with the run they had from Nes to N64. Microsoft killed the fuck out of them... smh.
R.I.P. Rare...
I was always under the impression that a lot of key Rare talent bolted right when MS made the purchase?
Ah man, freeradical. Damn shame about them.I believe a lot of them did and even some left some time before that to make freeradical. I remember reading something on gaf from those that stayed and how the environment was totally foreign and became stringent and the management were in a bit of disarray.
I lol'd heartily at the "Rare at it's peak was the greatest dev of all time" thread.
Also R.I.P. FreeRadical. Shouldn't have made Haze...
wtf Minus has a dating service? the shit?
Good article with some really nice ideas and thought provoking interpretations of the narrative. If there is something positive that will always be true of the games it is that the origin of the historical and societal source material for the plot of the Creed games will always be fascinating to me.
Who schedules a fantasy draft for 10pm on a Friday night? I haven't even done any research yet.
Who schedules a fantasy draft for 10pm on a Friday night? I haven't even done any research yet.
Reminds me of the scene from Knocked Up where she thinks Paul Rudd is cheating and he is just off doing a fantasy baseball draft. and she's like "this is almost worse than if you were just cheating"Who schedules a fantasy draft for 10pm on a Friday night? I haven't even done any research yet.
Who schedules a fantasy draft for 10pm on a Friday night? I haven't even done any research yet.
I'm in the same fucking boat. At least mine is a draft party though, but I would have preferred it not to be Fri night...
After what Ive seen from the Ravens and Steelers
You can have the AFC north this year
Gaf's love affair with Rare is domestic violence. Rare gets their hopes up and then slaps them.
I didn't know the extent of the death penalty's popularity with "liberal" posters here until these "black perp, white victim" news stories became a fad.
next-gen is all about dem particles, apparently.
Not a huge Killzone fan, but I do profess to a love of that little beep sound when you kill somebody. It's like a signal to my brain I did a good job.
It still amazes me that dev team that was known for having nothing but red and brown and being colorless could make something like that.
Not bad GG, said in the other thread I want to hear impressions on Killzone's MP. Especially if it is targeting 60fps
hated that shitThis is one of the most hilarious statements I've read all day. WOW.
NO BANJO FOR YOU!!! You want more banjo? BUILD A FUCKING CAR. That's your banjo! Love it.
Yup. The beep is satisfying as hell.Not a huge Killzone fan, but I do profess to a love of that little beep sound when you kill somebody. It's like a signal to my brain I did a good job.
Thats dirty of the wife to take that money though.
Thats called a "Son", DYIs there anything more unnerving than having a pet that acts just like you?
Thats called a "Son", DY
JC has just been elevated to King Crab status
Don't take the only thing Slay has.
Don't take the only thing Slay has.