the Smith family reaction was basically how all of Black America reacted.
Rihanna took the cake tho.

the Smith family reaction was basically how all of Black America reacted.
VMAs on tonight. Miley had a performance. Black twitter was seething.
Rihanna took the cake tho.
he was trying to warn us
VMAs told black people to fall all the way the fuck back tonight. We didn't get any awards.
Rihanna took the cake tho.
well at least we finally know what's worrying jaden smith
he was trying to warn us that Miley?
VMAs told black people to fall all the way the fuck back tonight. We didn't get any awards.
VMAs told black people to fall all the way the fuck back tonight. We didn't get any awards.
Leave Miley alone![]()
Miley is just the very definition of "try hard." Just put her pic next to the word in the dictionary.
Good night, GAF
This is amazing.Rihanna took the cake tho.
Gotta baby in that oven too?
I watched The Amazing Spider-Man again for the first time since seeing it in the theater last year.. Am I the only one that thinks this movie is utter shite?
I thoroughly disliked this movie. I hated Andrew Garfield, didn't really care for The Lizard either.
One thing I will applaud the movie for, was the high-school fight scene. That scene was great, mostly when Peter was crawling all over The Lizard like an actual spider and webbing him up. But yea.. apart from that it felt like a Disney movie.
I almost walked out the theater during this scene.
Spider-Man is one of my favorite super-hero's too.![]()
Is it ass shaking if the ass is negligible?
Is the guy she's grinding up against real?
I'm all for Miley's conspiracy to corruptthrough twerking.the pure white pristine angels of America. This movement needs a Lebron James equivalent.She disgusts me personally. I'm appalled that she's the face of this
Is it ass shaking if the ass is negligible?
The best part was Robin Thicke was just laying in the cut like "I'm only here for the paycheck I'll let you do your little 'dance'"
theres nothing special about miley
I don't see why this surprises anyone. We are not MTV's target audience. Especially nowadays, when they've abandoned pretty much anyone whose not a teenage white girl.
pretty sure we all know what Robin was thinking about
pretty sure we all know what Robin was thinking about
pretty sure we all know what Robin was thinking about
It's crazy to see with MTV tho. The channel was always for teens, but back when I watched regularly, it felt like every teenager, no matter race or gender, had something to like.teenage girls made a full on comeback since the 90s, feels like they're targeted the most more than ever nowadays
Hart is hit and miss and since we don't have any black comics to be on the front lines he will do...for the next 3ish years.
Also it's funny that BotL is one of the few songs that Kanye can preform at VMA's since half of that other shit wouldn't really...."go well" with MTV
Kevin Hart was just there to kill time. I don't think he had anything planned really.
Send It Up would do well I think. although the MTV crowd would be looking at King L confused as fuck.
They should've let him go all out for BOTL though.
Drake wouldn't even look at her lmao. He was so disappointed in her.