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The Black Culture Thread |OT4| Learn to love the BBC


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Understandably, the very first thing to go through my mind was "Is this Aaron's kid?". I did the math in my head, laying down timelines against each other and if she wasn't lying about anything else she told me then it couldn't be his. One month pregnant meant that I was probably drinking the guy's beer. I also started to think about how the hell she was living off-post too... I mean, its very possible to be single and have your own place, but its definitely more expensive and its generally a hassle. I never saw a ring on Beth's hand before but that was hardly an indicator too. I zoned out a bit on her couch when she brought me another drink.

It really just didn't matter at the time. As long as Ellen was making things this damned cool and chill, why trip? She didn't ask me for anything other than my conversation. To all men and women who've had to put up with any kind of dumb shit or drama, how great is that? I wasn't going to fuck this vibe up just because. For the time being, she was a damned good friend and I was getting a return on some of the good karma I racked up. We kicked it til late, she drove me back to my spot without any hassle, no hugs or any of that shit, gas money turned down, deuces chucked. Good night with good people, we'd do it again soon. Only thing that I really noted was that she hated Aaron (like all good people should) and she was very, very done with the military (nothing wrong with that either).

Fast forward a week or so. She's still cool people, us hanging out every couple of days is pretty routine. The whole "she's pregnant" thing didn't really even weigh on me at the time. She had her own money and she was responsible with hers too. I never got any sign of drama from her at all. I was busy busting heads at work and getting my name back with the help of my new boss. I never had to help her out with anything on her side and, even though she was absolutely done with everything Army, she always supported me being as reckless as I wanted to be when it came to getting things done on my side. I hadn't had anyone truly in my corner for a long, long time. It was nice. And she was never hard to look at either. I think a couple of people here know that I've always had a thing for women that look like they own part of a gym. Ellen worked as direct combat support and was a junior Olympic swimmer prior to joining up - so her body was godlike. When I went to her house after a long day of work, I laid in her lap sometimes and I swear that whenever we'd roll, she was letting me win. So yeah... I was getting a little caught up with her, and Ellen was definitely feeling me too. This is where I learned the difference and balance between Baggage and Drama. Ellen had a ton of baggage - but she carried that shit like a boss. She never gave me a problem so I made sure to keep things steady in every other way I could.

One day at her place though, she told me exactly how much baggage she had.

She asked me to come through on the weekend, bring over some food since she'd been feeling sick - no problem. A friend of mine drops me off, I leave some Five Guys on the table. Take my shoes off, lay next to her on the epic couch, get ready to go for the kimora but I catch that she's pissed off just in time.

"So my divorce is still fucked up because my douchebag of a husband doesn't want to sign the papers"


Please understand. I'm not trying to hear this shit after 6 months of tightroping legality across two judicial systems, my own morality, and the whims of anyone looking. She told me she was married at one point. Not still married. Yes, I was that dumbass for not asking for clarification, but that's not the point. Even though I hadn't slept with Ellen, it could easily look like I had. Perception is everything. I'm always perceived to be a nigga up to no good.

"I can feel you rolling your eyes, DY. Don't worry about it. This baby isn't coming out black and the dad is not important either. I'm not getting ready to screw you over... just venting"
"I haven't seen this guy in over two years. We got married because we were close back home... I was stupid, doesn't matter. I'm just pissed that he gets my benefits and he doesn't even know what I look like anymore."
"Does he know about you being... uh..."
"No, and he doesn't need to."
"What about the baby's dad? I mean... he's-"
"Military like you. You probably know him. He's not a bad guy, he just didn't want me to have the kid and I understand where he's coming from. But I'm not having an abortion again."
"Again? Wait, where's all this coming from?"

And then Ellen rolled over so that she was right underneath me, so we were face to face. And she told me why things were the way they were. All of it. As focused as I learned I could be in the last year, Ellen made me aware that I was a fool since I showed up.


Ellen arrived to the unit the same day I did. Except she didn't come from training like me - she was returning from Iraq early. We were both labeled as the unit shitbags by the company commander from that point on. I thought it was just me, and I thought it was because of the circumstances of my injury. In actuality, it was because one door down from the seats that we were waiting in (yeah, I didn't even realize she was there - I was that stuck on my ex at the time) my commander was in a room with her Staff Sergeant boyfriend. Giving head. Ellen saw this. I didn't. But because I was sitting next to her, I'd obviously seen the deed as well. And what is the best way to permanently discredit someone in the military? Make them look like the worst soldier possible. I was left to cut dirt with a lawnmower. Ellen was simply separated from everyone entirely.

Ellen always told me that she got hurt in Iraq. Never told me how until then though. She was in a vehicle that got hit by an IED - no one got seriously hurt, but she was diagnosed with a concussion and was taken out of her support role as a precaution. After being treated, she wasn't allowed to return to duty. The reason for this was not typical though. Usually, when a guy sees some shit and he's cleared - he's right back on the schedule. Many times, before he's cleared. With women it can be different. Some leaders don't ever want to be the guy to be responsible for a female casualty. So, in Ellen's case, her leadership did everything it could to keep her away from the field. What was at first one week of light duty turned into nearly two months of doanythingbutbearoundherewhereyoumighttripandfall. To this leadership, it meant that the 'problem' was solved - but to other soldiers on the ground level, it looked very, very different. People that once trusted her felt that she was scratching backs and sucking dicks to get out of going back to work. She was eventually given living arrangements that moved her away from her unit altogether. She knew no one in her new area. One day she wakes up in the middle of the night with someone on top of her. She fights him off but the guy runs out and she's never able to identify him past "young white guy in PT uniform". With an entire squad of soldiers calling bullshit on the person who they felt was making up injuries to get out of doing their job, her credibility wasn't shit. Then, when she discovered she was pregnant later, they came down on her again with the idea that she wasn't just a lazy, malingerer but a whore too. Ellen wasn't even aware that she was already given orders to return from Iraq when someone broke into her quarters and raped her.

So when I was sitting in that chair texting my ex, she was on the phone texting her parents.

It goes on

Ellen being 'separated' here was mainly to keep her away from the unit - and to keep her from saying anything about the commander. That is, until the people in Iraq spread word to the people back here. At that point, it turned into a situation where if she came anywhere near our area then she'd bit shit on by every bird on the installation. So with no friends in the area to really turn to, she tried getting close with her family again. Her mother didn't want to believe that rape could end in a pregnancy. At all. So that was off the table. Her father did believe her. But she never wanted to speak with him. I obviously hadn't had enough yet, so I asked "why?"

Ellen keeps her hair short, really short. "Why?" Because when she was 9 years old, Ellen decided to point a gun at her father because he was beating her mother with a cane. The gun wasn't loaded. Her father then grabbed her by her hair in a drunken rage and threw her down two flights of stairs. "Oh".

So talking to her dad about what to do was off the table. That left her with essentially no one. So Ellen went to get an abortion by herself. Depressed, angry at herself, and alone - she then met the person that everyone meets when they're down and out. Aaron.


Needless to say, there was nothing I could say to this. Even if I hadn't been surprised by Ellen like this, there would've been nothing I could've even planned to say ahead of time. She didn't look particularly emotional as I was still on top of her. No tears, no anger, nothing... unusual at all. It was still her and that's what shook me the most. Unlike so many other people, she didn't push any of that aside. She carried it all. That cascade of fucked up experiences and she didn't try and put any of it under the carpet. First thing that went through my mind was how much stronger she was than me. Second was how stupid I was putting all that time and energy into Beth and Aaron's shit when people like her just casually offered me cigs every day. Then came all the times when I asked for her support when it meant her directly assisting the building that put her through a hell that I couldn't even imagine. Every time I said that "I'll be best here, even though they hate me for it" had to have hit her in some type of way, but I never saw it.

There was still nothing I could say. Ellen eventually just sat up, and laid on my shoulder for a while. I wasn't going cheapen any of what she said by saying "I understand" or "If there's anything I can do...", I just gave her what I could at the time.

"Hey DY, sorry to put all that on you. I just never had anyone else to tell."
"Don't worry about it. I got your back"

Looked at the time real quick and it was past midnight. She threw me a blanket and right when I was about to stretch out on the couch she looked at me like I was crazy.

"You can either sleep out on the couch with the dog or come to the bedroom with me"

And the dog slept alone that night.

I didn't have sex with her. No, really.


This is when I showed up here and in the IRC room. My mind was thoroughly fucked - but I knew what I was not going to do. I was never going to screw her over or lead her on. I was feeling her, yeah, but I made it clear to myself and her that I was only going to go her pace. She was worth at least that much and she deserved that if nothing else.

Things went great for about 3-4 months. One day she flipped out on me over a text message though. It was just... the weirdest thing. I asked how she was doing one day. "Good, work sucks tho." I sent "too bad lol". She only got "too bad lol" after she sent the next message to me - which said "my old roommate is in the hospital".

So it read like this.

[B]"Doin alright?"[/B]
"Good, work sucks tho"
[B]"too bad lol" [/B]MESSAGE NOT SENT
[I]what the fuck phone. /resend[/I]
"my old roommate is in the hospital"
[B]"too bad lol"[/B]

It looked bad lol

But for whatever reason she really, really flipped out over it. And straight up told me to never talk to her again. Didn't even make sense how she came at me like that. I wasn't about to fight over it though... It wasn't worth it and I was about to head to Dallas for 3 months anyways. So I left it at that. I told Ellen I was leaving and she said "#dontcare". Aite. Well, it failed but it wasn't because of me. Time to move on.

3 months passed without us talking at all but I hear she had some dude move in and he was dropping whole paychecks on her. I asked if she was aware dude was putting her business out there and she told me not to worry about it. Okay. Moving on.

I'd pushed her to the back of my mind at this point. But out of nowhere... man, Ellen woman comes up to me as I'm walking to work one day.

"Hey stranger :)))"
.... hey?"
"I missed you!"
"Word. You got my number."

And she did call. She wanted me to move in with her. I said no.

She had her daughter a while back too. Just last month, she ran into me again. This time to tell me how her plan to get out with disability and VA fell through.

All I heard was "I need money but I'm still bipolar", so I ducked that too.

She's a good person, she really is. But I will never make myself someone's only reason to seek mental help. I've been down that road long before this and it never ends well. It creates a super dependency that isn't healthy no matter how you look at it. Its like taking out a loan to pay off a credit card.

So yeah... I called her last week anyways (partially because of writing all of this). Its still been months since we've hung out. She's finally getting out the Army soon. I told her that if there was anything she wanted to do, to let me know. No reason why she can't end things out here on a good note even with all the bad shit. Thinking about taking her to Six Flags or something.
Time for me to pen that Zimmerman/Supernatural spin off in which he travels the world trying to kill off the spirit of Travyon Martin who is now inhabiting the bodies of thousands of people.

I shall call this series...Zimmerman: Negro Spirit Hunter.
Time for me to pen that Zimmerman/Supernatural spin off in which he travels the world trying to kill off the spirit of Travyon Martin who is now inhabiting the bodies of thousands of people.

I shall call this series...Zimmerman: Negro Spirit Hunter.

She had sex with a black guy wearing a hoodie and eating skittles. Zimmerman found her smoking pot and demanded to know why she was doing such thuggish things. This is when Ms. Zimmerman broke down and told her husband about her infidelity to a black man named Martin Trevon. Upon hearing this Zimmerman could only think of the piercing roar by the savage Travyon Martin and his declaration of it "starting" before Zimmerman could end the beast's reign over man. Had it come true? What this what Travyon Martin had foretold?

Zimmerman didn't have much time on his hands. He knew the only way to save both the white establishment and his wife was to bring out The Colt, and banish Travyon's spirit from this mortal world forever, George had only destroyed Trayvon's vessel but his spirit had infected thousands. He knew what he had to do but he did not relish in the thought of putting his own wife down. Ms. Zimmerman continued her story about how she felt her body being taken over by a benevolent spirit and wrapped her arms around George, her tears streaming onto his shoulders. George placed one hand around her and held her closely. "I know it's not your fault" he said as tears became to roll down his own face.

In his other hand he held the gun that was to purge the spirit out of Ms. Zimmerman. She tensed up, the Travyon demon seed that was now in her knew what George was trying to do and pushed away from him. "You will NOT take this vessel from me Geroge!" the demon spoke from Ms. Zimmerman, and she bolted out the room. George began to give chase only to feel a throbbing from the back of his head, he placed his hand where the throbbing was coming from and felt a warm liquid; it was blood. His old wound had reopened, "It truly is him" George muttered.


Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Some funny shit in that Zimmerman thread.

Via Associated Press

In the divorce petition, Shellie Zimmerman says she and her husband separated a month after Zimmerman, who is Hispanic, was acquitted of any crime for fatally shooting black teenager Trayvon Martin last July. The verdict sparked protests across the nation.
Random Shit like that makes me think I am crazy but nope its just humanity being crazy. Because he was white just last week
"Doin alright?"
"Good, work sucks tho"
"too bad lol" MESSAGE NOT SENT
what the fuck phone. /resend
"my old roommate is in the hospital"
"too bad lol"



That story ended on a sadder note than I expected, Dy. That moment where Ellen was there while you were texting your ex was incredible, tho. Hollywood worthy twist.
ugh, people are starting to ruin the supernatural GZ stories. I'm waiting for "I really haven't enjoyed any of these Zimmerman fictions before, but Opiate really is the best at it."

No, Opiate hasn't written one.
Damn DY...jokes ain't stopping tho.

Today I basically get out of work when my boss does. could be home anytime between 8pm est 1030pm est. I'll keep everyone up to date.
Can someone link to each DY story?

I got up to 4, but don't want to search all through DY's posts :p

Compiled the first 7


Damn DY. Crazy story bruh. Also, is it just me or is anyone else attracting a lot of attention from white girls all of a sudden? Within a period of 6 hours, I had 5 different girls give me their numbers and I wasn't even hitting on them or anything. One girl sat next to me on the bus and all I did was smile at her and say hi. She scooted closer to me and tore off a scrap of paper and gave me her number and said, "You can text me later if you want." ? Devo can you provide some insight ma'am?
Damn DY. Crazy story bruh. Also, is it just me or is anyone else attracting a lot of attention from white girls all of a sudden? Within a period of 6 hours, I had 5 different girls give me their numbers and I wasn't even hitting on them or anything. One girl sat next to me on the bus and all I did was smile at her and say hi. She scooted closer to me and tore off a scrap of paper and gave me her number and said, "You can text me later if you want." ? Devo can you provide some insight ma'am?

What bus line are you riding?

I'll move
Damn DY. Crazy story bruh. Also, is it just me or is anyone else attracting a lot of attention from white girls all of a sudden? Within a period of 6 hours, I had 5 different girls give me their numbers and I wasn't even hitting on them or anything. One girl sat next to me on the bus and all I did was smile at her and say hi. She scooted closer to me and tore off a scrap of paper and gave me her number and said, "You can text me later if you want." ? Devo can you provide some insight ma'am?

Text her bro. Also where do you live?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
yo emcee and angelus are fuego right now lmao

and yes, that shit was rough. i proposed to anti-monitor during that shit. she wouldn't have me on the count of i make fun of her accent too much


Ubisoft Marketing
Damn DY. Crazy story bruh. Also, is it just me or is anyone else attracting a lot of attention from white girls all of a sudden? Within a period of 6 hours, I had 5 different girls give me their numbers and I wasn't even hitting on them or anything. One girl sat next to me on the bus and all I did was smile at her and say hi. She scooted closer to me and tore off a scrap of paper and gave me her number and said, "You can text me later if you want." ? Devo can you provide some insight ma'am?

It happens. Text her. What you got to lose?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I should have known better. Now I wish Dy never finished the story.

I'm gonna go find some rope.

Junior still wishes you'd finish the damn story doe.
Since BCT has so many lurkers, we should just speak using slang from now on so no one will know what the fuck we are talking about in here.
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