Calm your black ass down lol
I was thinking of 'The' Invisible Man.
Quite a difference adding 'The' makes.
Shit after I show you the cover with the name Ralph Ellison on it...............
Is this the black culture thread?
Calm your black ass down lol
I was thinking of 'The' Invisible Man.
Quite a difference adding 'The' makes.
My grandmother died Sunday, but reading through this thread is keeping a smirk on my face. Thanks for the entertainment folks.
Shit after I show you the cover with the name Ralph Ellison on it...............
Is this the black culture thread?
PS360 still got legs. No one in their right mind is ignoring that install base.
Of all the publishers, i believe we supported the Wii L U the most (correct me if i'm wrong). We still do, i just personally ain't buying into that.
And good luck with the search.
There are so many ways to interpret this post so imma just say
go on...
Say what yall will about the Wii U but Wind Waker HD is fucking great.
Its kind of sad that you probably havent read the book and dont know who Ralph Ellison is
too bad it came out two generations ago
Say what yall will about the Wii U but Wind Waker HD is fucking great.
Gamecube version is only 30 bucks and Dolphin 4.0 is free.
But does it come with a Colby tier tablet?
yall just some haters
Naw, not really.
I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me. Like the bodiless heads you see sometimes in circus sideshows, it is as though I have been surrounded by mirrors of hard, distorting glass…you often doubt if you really exist. You wonder whether you aren’t simply a phantom in other people’s minds. Say, a figure in a nightmare...
aren't you buying a PS4 though
aren't you buying a PS4 though
PS4 will have a more compelling library in its first 3 months than the WiiL has LTD. WiiU isn't even getting 2k. Hold that.
Shit doesn't even have madden. The iphone got Madden for christ sake.Hold that for a bit longer.
Fifa 14 is gonna be on the PS2, android and Wii. Not WiiU, Wii motherfucka. Keep holding that.
Look the book up or not but the thought that there might be many in here who haven't read it is disappointing.
But's going to have..
Bayonetta 2
I know Slayven aint trying to talk trash with his just upgraded from a wood panel TV to a HDTV with a side-fro having ass.
PS4 will have a more compelling library in its first 3 months than the WiiL has LTD. WiiU isn't even getting 2k. Hold that.
Shit doesn't even have madden. The iphone got Madden for christ sake.Hold that for a bit longer.
Fifa 14 is gonna be on the PS2, android and Wii. Not WiiU, Wii motherfucka. Keep holding that.
Lmao @ side froI know Slayven aint trying to talk trash with his just upgraded from a wood panel TV to a HDTV with a side-fro having ass.
i will probably try and get a Wii U cheap next year for Bayonetta 2
but i gotta get a VITA (OLED) first, after i get a PS4
I'm sure its sales will be Wonderful101
Not sure where that's at. I'm downtown.I'm nearer Olney if that helps.
HDTVs are still relevant today, is the WIi U?
Thanks people. She was 93 and lived a good long life. Her body just all of a sudden broke down on her the past year and a half. She had to move in with my mom. She never lost her mind and was mentally all there until the end. She was in a mini coma for about a week. Woke up Saturday but couldn't talk. She would try, but mostly just nod or shake her head. Then she slipped away again and passed on Sunday.
You can have your guests play the Wii U while you use the tv to watch the 1st season of House of Payne.
There will be ritual suicides when Bayonetta 2 comes out and move 7 copies.
There will be ritual suicides when Bayonetta 2 comes out and move 7 copies.
Satch and JC will be the first.
I wonder why ya'll aren't hating on the Vita. Is it that forgotten?
Still mad about Fuse. Bayontte 2 will be like W101. JC and one other lame will preorder the only copies.They'll be giving out copies for free when you renew your gamestop membership.
It'll hit the bargain bin faster than FUSE
Satch won't commit suicide. She'll instead sacrifice Slayven.
I wonder why ya'll aren't hating on the Vita. Is it that forgotten? It's basically on PS4 controller status.
People realize the Vita exists and do care about making games for it.
People realize the Vita exists and do care about making games for it.
Vita is slowly turning itself around. It was always a versatile piece of hardware if nothing else. Now that Sony is looking for momentum anywhere they can find it, the vita is getting more push and support than it had at launch.I wonder why ya'll aren't hating on the Vita. Is it that forgotten? It's basically on PS4 controller status.
Bioshock Vita, any day now