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The Black Culture Thread |OT4| Learn to love the BBC


I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled at once. They didn't give me enough anesthesia and I ended up awaking half way through the procedure. They didn't put me back to sleep either.

Goodluck tho

I was drugged up and the fucking dentist cancelled because I gagged slightly when they went in to grab them

All that work and mental psych-up to get cancelled at the last moment.

Still have all 4 impacted wisdom teeth in my mouth, 2 years later. Nobody wants to touch me.
I was drugged up and the fucking dentist cancelled because I gagged slightly when they went in to grab them

All that work and mental psych-up to get cancelled at the last moment.

Still have all 4 impacted wisdom teeth in my mouth, 2 years later. Nobody wants to touch me.

Have you been put to sleep before?

I remember my face a day after I got all four pulled.. and I was put to sleep, It looked like kanye after da crash.

niggas in high school were like.. ♪..Thru the wire♪♪

EDIT: Gogurts, Ensures & Pudding was like life then.. fam.


I can try. No promises though. Gotta shop for food at some point.
Gaf special?


bitch I'm taking calls.
I need to hear more about this.


I don't think I can link to the video as it's on a friend of his facebook that I'm not actually friends with. I'll try and see if he can send me a copy or something. Coolio sung with them and went to the kitchen and just took over making lunch for his whole family. I'm told he made pie and a bunch of other stuff and showed my friend how to sharpen a knife on a ceramic bowl or something crazy like that.



Friend is guy in the red shirt. Lucky bastard always gets to do cool stuff, he actually was on 'The Weakest Link' game show and won as well.


Have you been put to sleep before?

Nope, somehow have never been put under general. The only dentist that wanted to work on me wanted to do it under general, but I don't have the insurance or cash on hand to cover the usage of the hospital room and any complications that would arise during the procedure.

I had psychomotor seizures as a kid (if there was ever a thread on GAF called "Interesting stories about your life hardly anyone else knows", i'd post a truckload about that and the problems they caused me). They see the "seizure" part of the word and don't want to put me under sedation too heavily because they think I'll seize out and die on them or some shit. Even though they were cured when I was very young, and didn't interrupt my ability to control my body or breathe.


Junior Member
Still haven't had a problem with my wisdom teeth. My top right one is broke clean in half and I haven't felt a thing, so I really don't know what I'm gonna do about it.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
just saw this on tumblr
“There’s a stereotype that black people are lazy. I don’t know if that’s true, but I know white people went all the way to Africa to get out of doing work.”
— Lance Crouther


Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Have you been put to sleep before?

I remember my face a day after I got all four pulled.. and I was put to sleep, It looked like kanye after da crash.

niggas in high school were like.. ♪..Thru the wire♪♪

EDIT: Gogurts, Ensures & Pudding was like life then.. fam.

Bruh I did two at a time missed three days of school both times. Shit was literally the worse dental procedure I've ever had and I have a pretty good pain Threshold. I didn't even flinch when getting cavities filled or during my root canal.


Wisdom teeth weren't particularly bad for me. They came in all broke and shit but it wasn't painful at all. They took them all out in one go.

As far as the surgery, I remember them telling me to countdown from 10. Then I came back to awareness to my dad basically dragging me across a parking lot to his truck while he's trying not to die laughing.

Worst thing about it was how my mouth tasted from the holes in the days after. No pain or swelling.
I have all my wisdom teeth as all grew out normally years ago except for the final one on my bottom left side, only grew out this year, mahfucka just said fuck it I aint comin out with the rest of y'all


not licensed in your state
All four of my wisdom teeth came in straight


Edit: biting the sides of my cheeks occasionally hurts like hell though


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Love that quote
DY onemic Immortal Devo Slay

Podcast tomorrow?
Impossible tomorrow.

Will be busy with work til around Sunday.

Its funny though. Some people pissed me off so much that I may stick around for another year just to let them know that they never belonged here. Between making that man cry and the idea of shredding another couple of careers, I've really felt at home lately.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
Edit: biting the sides of my cheeks hurts like hell though

this is actually why I have to get mines removed
scared like a bitch though
I need to get it done while I'm still covered under my moms insurance.
Feel good story for some of you guys, maybe.

A good friend of mine got her degree in graphic design but post college couldn't land a job. She ended up working for a car dealership making decent money. She's been working with car dealership for about 4 years since she graduated. Last time we talked I kinda cussed her out/words of encouragement on her about not letting her degree go to waste. Anyways we didn't speak nearly as much for an entire year. So she called me earlier today letting me know that the speech I gave her a year ago was her wakeup call. She quit her job with moved back in with her parents under a deal. They would let her live with them bill free for a year so she could focus on making a portfolio and doing freelance work to beef up her resume; and if she couldn't land a job within a year she would go back to selling cars and move back out.

Fast forward to a few months ago, and she called me letting me know she will be working as a paid internship with Pentagram (I'm actually jealous as all the fucks to be honest). She stated she spent about 6 months working on designs/portfolio and then another 6 months networking. (And now I'm helping her redo her website since coding isn't her thing; plus she got new domain name since her last one was highjacked by godaddy. Always, ALWAYS buy your domain name separate from your web hosting!).

Good thing for me is that once she becomes a full time employee and gets experience under her belt...I'm totally going to use her to get a job at their SanFran office.

So for anyone out there thinking you can't do whatever it is you want to do, or it's too late. It's really not, you gotta grind and you might have to sacrifice your more instant gratifying activities, but in the end it's worth it.


Feel good story for some of you guys, maybe.

A good friend of mine got her degree in graphic design but post college couldn't land a job. She ended up working for a car dealership making decent money. She's been working with car dealership for about 4 years since she graduated. Last time we talked I kinda cussed her out/words of encouragement on her about not letting her degree go to waste. Anyways we didn't speak nearly as much for an entire year. So she called me earlier today letting me know that the speech I gave her a year ago was her wakeup call. She quit her job with moved back in with her parents under a deal. They would let her live with them bill free for a year so she could focus on making a portfolio and doing freelance work to beef up her resume; and if she couldn't land a job within a year she would go back to selling cars and move back out.

Fast forward to a few months ago, and she called me letting me know she will be working as a paid internship with Pentagram (I'm actually jealous as all the fucks to be honest). She stated she spent about 6 months working on designs/portfolio and then another 6 months networking. (And now I'm helping her redo her website since coding isn't her thing; plus she got new domain name since her last one was highjacked by godaddy. Always, ALWAYS buy your domain name separate from your web hosting!).

Good thing for me is that once she becomes a full time employee and gets experience under her belt...I'm totally going to use her to get a job at their SanFran office.

So for anyone out there thinking you can't do whatever it is you want to do, or it's too late. It's really not, you gotta grind and you might have to sacrifice your more instant gratifying activities, but in the end it's worth it.
Anything worth while, you got starve before you can feast.

In other news, Esco just

The Wii U


Junior Member
Feel good story for some of you guys, maybe.

A good friend of mine got her degree in graphic design but post college couldn't land a job. She ended up working for a car dealership making decent money. She's been working with car dealership for about 4 years since she graduated. Last time we talked I kinda cussed her out/words of encouragement on her about not letting her degree go to waste. Anyways we didn't speak nearly as much for an entire year. So she called me earlier today letting me know that the speech I gave her a year ago was her wakeup call. She quit her job with moved back in with her parents under a deal. They would let her live with them bill free for a year so she could focus on making a portfolio and doing freelance work to beef up her resume; and if she couldn't land a job within a year she would go back to selling cars and move back out.

Fast forward to a few months ago, and she called me letting me know she will be working as a paid internship with Pentagram (I'm actually jealous as all the fucks to be honest). She stated she spent about 6 months working on designs/portfolio and then another 6 months networking. (And now I'm helping her redo her website since coding isn't her thing; plus she got new domain name since her last one was highjacked by godaddy. Always, ALWAYS buy your domain name separate from your web hosting!).

Good thing for me is that once she becomes a full time employee and gets experience under her belt...I'm totally going to use her to get a job at their SanFran office.

So for anyone out there thinking you can't do whatever it is you want to do, or it's too late. It's really not, you gotta grind and you might have to sacrifice your more instant gratifying activities, but in the end it's worth it.

I wish I could accomplish that shit in a year. That's basically what I've been trying to do... for five years now. I've never even seen a non-student paid internship pop up.


How was Bureau anyway? Y'all seemed to hype it up till release and then everyone stopped talking about it.

Contrary to popular belief, it's a pretty decent game. It doesn't do anything too spectacular, but what it did provide was fun and worth 20-25 bucks.


Do you guys think I'd be overstepping my bounds by going above a managers head to report the fact that they straight up bully one of their employees? It's straight up school yard bullying too, minus the physical punishment obviously. He treats him like horse shit, calls him names, second guesses everything he says/does to put him down, etc. The manager in question has only been here 2-3 months, and every time I witness it, I can't help but be disgusted. The dude getting bullied is the type of person who will keep it bottled inside, and I know he's suffered from significant stress in the past, and took a day or two off last week to recoup for similar reasons, so for his sake I kind of want to speak up.
How was Bureau anyway? Y'all seemed to hype it up till release and then everyone stopped talking about it.

It was a solid game. Nothing ground breaking but enjoyable none the less. Some people will argue that if it was named something else it may have succeeded "more" while others say that the only reason it sold the copies it did was due to name recognition. Overall its a nice distraction. And with a little more "baking" it could have made a statement.


Do you guys think I'd be overstepping my bounds by going above a managers head to report the fact that they straight up bully one of their employees? It's straight up school yard bullying too, minus the physical punishment obviously. He treats him like horse shit, calls him names, second guesses everything he says/does to put him down, etc. The manager in question has only been here 2-3 months, and every time I witness it, I can't help but be disgusted. The dude getting bullied is the type of person who will keep it bottled inside, and I know he's suffered from significant stress in the past, and took a day or two off last week to recoup for similar reasons, so for his sake I kind of want to speak up.

Hmm, you should probably speak up. He might snap one day..
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