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N64 talk?

My first console.

Super Mario 64
Mario Kart
Diddy Kong Racing
Lego Racers
Gauntlet Legends
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Mario Tennis
Perfect Dark
Tony Hawk
Mario Party
Paper Mario

I never got this debate. Perfect Dark not only had all the same modes/clone stages as Golden Eye but there were computer A.I. opponents and more weapons. I can understand the WWF No Mercy vs Def Jam: Vendetta debates since you lost create a wrestler and other wrestling modes, but excluding the Golden Eye theme/story Perfect Dark multiplayer had more in it.

Preferred the weapons in Goldeneye.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'd rather play Zelda 2 than WW

Only Zeldas worse than WW is TP. Even Skyward and the Capcom Zeldas were better.

Majora's Mask is the GOAT. Those bomb club kids were thug life.


Junior Member
Guess I'm the only one who owns 30+ N64 games. Yeah one of em' was Super Man 64
(and still is)
, but whatver. I was almost on the verge of doing a whole blog series on underrated third party games for that motherfucker: Beetle Adventure Racing, Winback, Goemon, etc.

Ever since I discovered Play N Trade and eStarland my old school libraries have actually grown. Found Mischief Makers, Snowboard Kids, Bomberman 64, and who can forget WCW vs NWO Revenge.

I'm gonna go ahead and guess that I'm not the only one in here who stopped caring about wrestling video games after the N64.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Guess I'm the only one who owns 30+ N64 games. Yeah one of em' was Super Man 64
(and still is)
, but whatver. I was almost on the verge of doing a whole blog series on underrated third party games for that motherfucker: Beetle Adventure Racing, Winback, Goemon, etc.

Ever since I discovered Play N Trade and eStarland my old school libraries have actually grown. Found Mischief Makers, Snowboard Kids, Bomberman 64, and who can forget WCW vs NWO Revenge.

I'm gonna go ahead and guess that I'm not the only one in here who stopped caring about wrestling video games after the N64.
One of the best wrestling games of all time is on the PS2


It's amazing that Spike mastered wrestling simulation and Yukes still can't even get close to it.


I don't know about you, but cheap Vodka (well, cheap liquor in general) gave me some of the most severe and longlasting hangovers of my life. Popov in particular destroyed me proper.

Me and my friends refer to this as getting plastic bottle wasted. For the uninitiated, the worst/cheapest alcohol usually comes in plastic instead of glass. I can't forget the taste of this horrible blackberry vodka I had 2 Halloweens ago, the very sight of some of bottom tier liquor makes me want to hurl.


ugh don't get tequila. My go to at-home night drinking is either a bit of Makers on the rocks, a shot of E&J, or a cold Coors 24 when I'm struggling.

I don't touch any of that aside from Makers when I'm out, for who knows what reason.


I don't fuck with Tequila anymore either. I used to love it, but I've fucked up on it so many times. And once I muster up the will to drink it again, it does me dirty like always. It's 100% my fault for fucking up with it, but it's a mental thing at this point. The smell of Tequila makes me want to vomit now.
I don't know about you, but cheap Vodka (well, cheap liquor in general) gave me some of the most severe and longlasting hangovers of my life. Popov in particular destroyed me proper.

I don't really get hangovers, so getting fucked up never had consequences. Part of the reason I don't drink that much, got some alcoholics in the family and I could easily see myself slipping in that direction.


I don't really get hangovers, so getting fucked up never had consequences. Part of the reason I don't drink that much, got some alcoholics in the family and I could easily see myself slipping in that direction.

I always tell people who say they're never fucked up the next day to never find themselves looking for their fix in a wine bottle if they want to keep saying that.
The only two I've had were Cuervo and Patron Silver. Not the biggest sampling pool, I know, but I'm not gonna say that shit had me itching to try more.

You know of one that changes minds?

I tried an Anejo from Tezon. Expensive shit. Bought it with some friends for a trip. First time we opened it, far too strong. After a bit of time, so smooth.


I don't really get hangovers, so getting fucked up never had consequences. Part of the reason I don't drink that much, got some alcoholics in the family and I could easily see myself slipping in that direction.

Don't limit yourself because of them. I thought the same thing because of my father but it's really about asserting control.
I don't fuck with Tequila anymore either. I used to love it, but I've fucked up on it so many times. And once I muster up the will to drink it again, it does me dirty like always. It's 100% my fault for fucking up with it, but it's a mental thing at this point. The smell of Tequila makes me want to vomit now.

I was like that with vodka after I chugged half a bottle and blacked out in a movie theater. Me and vodka are bros again now tho.


I don't really get hangovers, so getting fucked up never had consequences. Part of the reason I don't drink that much, got some alcoholics in the family and I could easily see myself slipping in that direction.

I'm not an alcoholic in the sense that I need to drink, but I 100% lack self control when I do start drinking. I've gotten a lot better, but when it came to drinking, I was either not drinking and sober or 100% fucked up/black out drunk. I lacked restraint...


I don't really get hangovers, so getting fucked up never had consequences. Part of the reason I don't drink that much, got some alcoholics in the family and I could easily see myself slipping in that direction.

it's all about willpower & self-control. i never saw the point of living in fear of retreading my family's mistakes. that's them, not me.


I was like that with vodka after I chugged half a bottle and blacked out in a movie theater. Me and vodka are bros again now tho.

Mine happened after a drink off with some Dominican girl at a kickback. She kept talking shit, claiming that she could out drink anyone in the room. My friends nominated me to go shot for shot with her, and like the idiot person that I am, I agreed. While we were preparing the table, she kept running her mouth and questioned why we were using "bitch cups," ie. regular shot glasses. So I was like fuck it, and grabbed some tea cups from the cupboard. So we went shot for shot, with tea cups of tequila.

She ended up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning, and I should have been there right there beside her, but I spent the night vomiting (apparently on the kitchen floor, on my friends couch, on my friends computer table, next to the toilet and in the bathtub that I passed out into). And when I awoke from my drunken coma in the middle of the night, I had the worst chills of my life. The hangover lasted multiple days...

Trick is to hit your happy space then nurse it instead of trying to climb higher.

Definitely. My problem was the fact that I would just pound shit back to back to get fucked up, and then I'd overshoot by a lot. So now I just sip/babysit drinks so I can assess the damage real time. Chugging and shots are what did me in...

Thinking back, we came up with some stupid ass shit. One game in particular we made for the sole purpose of catching up/getting drunk in a hurry was "15 minutes of fame." We would just make pints of screwdrivers, starting off with 1/4th a cup of vodka and orange juice. And then every 15 minutes, you make another one and increase the amount of vodka. By the last screwdriver, that shit would be translucent...


The physical form of blasphemy
Late, but cheap vodka is the absolute worst. I've got way to many bad experiences from drinking shots of bottom shelf vodka. :(
Ratchetmess just took 45 minutes from me like it was nothing. FUUUUUUUUUU

That site is a black hole that feeds off your desires to be a productive member of society.

Edit: and I just lost 35min first pick was of a guy busting a nut on a girls back........but he obviously had an STD because his junk looked like a pickle SMH.


I'm one of those people that preferred Wrestlemania 2000 over No Mercy.

I'm such a fanboy over Perfect Dark though, I still consider that the bar that no other FPS has yet to hit in terms of being a complete package. The XBLA version deserved more manpower behind the port


Ubisoft Marketing
That site is a black hole that feeds off your desires to be a productive member of society.

Edit: and I just lost 35min first pick was of a guy busting a nut on a girls back........but he obviously had an STD because his junk looked like a pickle SMH.

That pic was straight up wrong. Nearly lost my lunch.
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