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The Black Culture Thread |OT5| A Nation of Drakes Can't Hold Us Back

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this thread is great, because you get a few people going, "well this is kinda gross but i don't like censorship", until somebody actually posts the stuff being removed and most people recoil in horror and a mod removes what they linked to

emceegramr said:
Please don't post links to topless prepubescent cartoon girls in pasties and thongs again.

but of course the anime avatar brigade comes in to start defending the game

Well female underwear looks a lot like swimwear. Do you feel like going to the beach is some insanely sexual thing that is borderline illegal?
But why would this be AO and a game like GTA V not be? GTA V has on screen intercourse and explicitly detailed nudity. Why would that be a M rating and drawn girls in skimpy clothes be AO?

You realize that they still left the rubbing minigame and 80% of the cards in, right? It's still going to turn off everyone who had no interest in it before they censored it. Now many of the ones who were originally interested in it won't bother because of the censorship. People are throwing a fit over it on the Idea Factory forums.
I don't disagree that the minigame is pure fanservice, but I do think that calling people who might like it potential pedophiles is bullshit.
I don't fault Idea Factory for self-censoring the game, even though I might not agree with it. I'm just saying that they did a shitty job of it and could have easily gotten away with more based on what they left in. There are games with full nudity that get the same rating as this game, which has none.
That's one of my main arguments in this thread. Enjoying 2D fanservice doesn't mean you want to harm actual people. It's pure fantasy.

If they're drawings, they're not worthy of being censored or persecuted as long as they're labeled accordingly.
(lol "persecuted")

I'm honestly surprised that someone really bothered to bring it over, but I find it kind of laughable that some people actually get worked up over this kind of shit. They're drawings.

There are a ton of drawn fetishes, many of them far more disturbing than the loli fetish, but it is probably irrational to be scared of their existence and of the existence of people who draw or get excitement off of them. They are fictional and the qualities do not exist in the real world. But in any case, let me ask this: if suppose there exists a fan-drawn picture of Bart Simpson fucking Lisa on the Internet that can be readily discovered; what is its impact on society? Do you really care, honestly?
I think that mentality is based on an irrational fear though. Would you trust someone who avidly consumes pornhub to be around your significant other, for example? If you were an avid consumer of porn videos that consisted of many bizarre situations such as the office secretary scenario, the next door girl scenario, the nurse scenario, etc., would you think a rational response to be to limit your contact with women around your life, knowing your sexual urges behind the computer screen?

and so on


this thread is great, because you get a few people going, "well this is kinda gross but i don't like censorship", until somebody actually posts the stuff being removed and most people recoil in horror and a mod removes what they linked to

but of course the anime avatar brigade comes in to start defending the game



(lol "persecuted")



and so on

Just so I'm clear: we have pedophiles congregating on this forum while Slayven gets banned for saying hi? Do I have it right?


this thread is great, because you get a few people going, "well this is kinda gross but i don't like censorship", until somebody actually posts the stuff being removed and most people recoil in horror and a mod removes what they linked to

but of course the anime avatar brigade comes in to start defending the game



(lol "persecuted")



and so on
Endless sources of entertainment in this thread.


No but I had a white friend invited to an all black party and said he wouldnt go.... Reason for this he thought I was a party for black people. LOL I set him straight and he had a good time... I on the other hand didnt go lol
this thread is great, because you get a few people going, "well this is kinda gross but i don't like censorship", until somebody actually posts the stuff being removed and most people recoil in horror and a mod removes what they linked to

but of course the anime avatar brigade comes in to start defending the game



(lol "persecuted")



and so on

Disappointed I wasn't included :/

But yeah, not gonna defend Viewtify. Being a pedophile is not okay.
What's not to get my dude? My boy invited me to a “group” that turned out to be a bible study, in which 2/3 of the study was focused on my shortcomings as a non christian and why I needed god. Cats were trying to go in on me no condom. I couldn't take it anymore and spazzed out, needless to say me and dude aren't boys anymore.

Oh ok. Now I see. It's been years (edit: Decades) since anyone has even made the attempt to come at me like that- it's just so astronomically stupid.

Friends won't, family wont, in-law's won't...it's a shame, because every now and then when I get a beer in me and I'm feeling ornery I kind of miss it.
Nearly 300k views just for this thread. I don't think people could watch this thread any harder if they tried.

I wouldn't even say anything, but this is the fourth time I've seen someone reference this "people lurk this thread HARD" notion, and I've only been here like six times lol.

In actual fact, these threads are pretty pedestrian, views-wise:



I wouldn't even say anything, but this is the fourth time I've seen someone reference this "people lurk this thread HARD" notion, and I've only been here like six times lol.

In actual fact, these threads are pretty pedestrian, views-wise:


the real weird one is the My Little Pony thread

why do people lurk that shit so hard?

I don't like the show, so I don't fuckin go there


bitch I'm taking calls.
damn, I just happened up on the compilation image.

people are legit mad as hell they can't swipe the clothes of images that appear to be 8-12 year old cartoon girls.

"This kind of heavy-handed censorship brought on by SJWs (social justice warriors) is destroying the gaming industry and society at large!"

This is a real belief people actually have. It scares me.


the real weird one is the My Little Pony thread

why do people lurk that shit so hard?

BCT was in OT3 a year ago. And that thread had 500K views. Same with OT4. So this thread has its share of lurks, relative to number of posts.

BCT is kind of in the same neighborhood as MLP.
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