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The Black Culture Thread |OT6| Monica Enjoys Being Black


Cheese belongs only on macaroni, pizza, hamburgers, broccoli and tits. Not grits -_-

the fuck a I reading here, fam.


I damn near died!

Man one of my old girlfriends. Cute as hell but couldn't cook for shit. One time she came over to my apartment and was gonna cook me dinner right. I'm like, "I've never seen you cook before but okay." I knew it was doomed from jump when she tried to make rice like you make grits or cream of wheat (stirring in a pot with no top). I tried to give her helpful hints but she was giving me the, "Nigga I got it. STOP" face. Now I'd been cooking rice for *years* so I know how the shit is done, but apparently she had her own take on it. Look, that rice was hard as fuck fam. I laughed at her and she damn near cried because she really tried.

...which made me laugh some more.


Im never going to understand the issue with cooking. Its an essential life skill. If you can only learn one thing in life, please let it be how to not burn your hard-boiled egg.... please


For those without, do you take issue with those who do not following the respective texts literally?

I'm not the type to tell people how they should practice their faith unless they come at me about how I'm living my life or start throwing Quran/Torah/Bible quotes out in reference to how or why we should be doing something.

In my own experience though it is very rare to find people who don't take some parts of their religious text literally. Whether they believe everything Jesus says and everything else is a metaphor, etc... and that's where the holes open up IMO.

Regardless, the act of picking and choosing what verses to follow is necessary for religious people particularly in US society, otherwise 99.9% of the country would need to be stoned to death, religious folks included.
This guy is frequently on the gray name train for racist posts. How is he and others like him still around? It's almost as if being a racist is no worse for your account than calling someone an asshole or telling someone to fuck off.

As long as the racism doesn't violate the TOS by being a big meanie, I guess it's ok for them to let it rock.


The Atlantic has been doing a great job with these extended features.

Two excerpts:

Tuscaloosa’s school resegregation—among the most extensive in the country—is a story of city financial interests, secret meetings, and angry public votes. It is a story shaped by racial politics and a consuming fear of white flight. It was facilitated, to some extent, by the city’s black elites. And it was blessed by a U.S. Department of Justice no longer committed to fighting for the civil-rights aims it had once championed.

Certainly what happened in Tuscaloosa was no accident. Nor was it isolated. Schools in the South, once the most segregated in the country, had by the 1970s become the most integrated, typically as a result of federal court orders. But since 2000, judges have released hundreds of school districts, from Mississippi to Virginia, from court-enforced integration, and many of these districts have followed the same path as Tuscaloosa’s—back toward segregation. Black children across the South now attend majority-black schools at levels not seen in four decades. Nationally, the achievement gap between black and white students, which greatly narrowed during the era in which schools grew more integrated, widened as they became less so.

And so the district built its new high schools—but white parents did not flock to them. By 2007, white enrollment had fallen to 22 percent, and school leaders once again insisted something had to be done. The superintendent presented a plan that would send hundreds of black children who were still being bused to high-performing, integrated schools back to failing schools closer to their homes. The idea was that this latest plan would do what the breaking-apart of Central hadn’t: draw back white parents.

The redistricting plan roiled the community, still raw over the breakup of the integrated middle and high schools less than a decade earlier. A racially mixed group of local academics and parents fired off searing editorials and showed up at meetings to protest.

But some parents were unhappy with the plan for a different set of reasons. The historic district around the University of Alabama, a predominantly white and middle-class area that’s home to college professors and other professionals, lies south of the river. The district’s plan would reassign children in this neighborhood to their closest schools, which were heavily black.

The day before the school board voted, the president of the historic district association sent an e‑mail to his fellow association members assuring them that after “lengthy negotiations with the school board attorney” and “discussions with school board members and the superintendent,” students in the district would be able to continue to attend the north-of-the-river schools. The school board’s final proposal did indeed reflect that change. The final plan also allowed children from a tiny triangle conspicuously carved from the West End—encompassing a country club and its surrounding neighborhood—to attend school north of the river.

On May 3, 2007, as the school board prepared to vote on the new plan, a few members said they had been unaware of the negotiations, and fought unsuccessfully to delay the decision. The plan passed in a bitterly divided vote, 5–3. One white school-board member, Virginia Powell, who represented the historic district around the university, joined the board’s two black members in voting no. Powell said that the appeasement of white parents had trumped doing what was best educationally for the district. “It was totally orchestrated. It was awful, I felt powerless,” Powell told me recently. “I remember sitting in church after one of the votes. It was a Wednesday-night supper and no one would sit with me, because I voted with the black members. It made me realize where people stood.”
It's my burfday, I ain't gonna party ('til tomorrow) like it's my burthday, won't find me da club.. bottle full of vodka!


So it's my 22nd today brehs, a good friend told me position myself so I can do great things, even if in the short term I couldn't give af about 'em.


Haha. Need to make a google glass app.

-glass register power level-


BCT Power Levels:

10-0 = "Drake"
100-10 = "Steal On Him"
500-100 = "Your shoes might get dirty so take those off first"
1000-500 = "Might want Obama Care before stepping to this nicca"
5000-1000 = "Did you bring a gat?"
9000-5000 = "Monica just go home and be a family man"
Over 9000 = "Sharkeisha no!"
BCT Power Levels:

10-0 = "Drake"
100-10 = "Steal On Him"
500-100 = "Your shoes might get dirty so take those off first"
1000-500 = "Might want Obama Care before stepping to this nicca"
5000-1000 = "Did you bring a gat?"
9000-5000 = "Monica just go home and be a family man"
Over 9000 = "Sharkeisha no!"



BCT Power Levels:

10-0 = "Drake"
100-10 = "Steal On Him"
500-100 = "Your shoes might get dirty so take those off first"
1000-500 = "Might want Obama Care before stepping to this nicca"
5000-1000 = "Did you bring a gat?"
9000-5000 = "Monica just go home and be a family man"
Over 9000 = "Sharkeisha no!"



BCT Power Levels:

10-0 = "Drake"
100-10 = "Steal On Him"
500-100 = "Your shoes might get dirty so take those off first"
1000-500 = "Might want Obama Care before stepping to this nicca"
5000-1000 = "Did you bring a gat?"
9000-5000 = "Monica just go home and be a family man"
Over 9000 = "Sharkeisha no!"



bitch I'm taking calls.
I just listened to a story on that piece this morning on NPR, Mumei. They really stressed that a lot of this wasn't just parents, but specific, targeted actions by school officials to re-segregate the student populations. It's fucked up and people need to lose their jobs.

BHZ Mayor

As long as the racism doesn't violate the TOS by being a big meanie, I guess it's ok for them to let it rock.

It's bullshit though, especially compared to the type of shit people have caught bans, up to and including perms, for. As long as you manage to not explicitly use slurs, people seem to get a pass.

Like, you can be a racist, but you can't be too negative about video games.
You can be a racist, but you can't question certain mod decisions or forum updates.
You can be a racist, but you can't be overly concerned about Sonic's eye color.
You can be a racist, but you can't be too much of a Nintendo fanboy.
You can be a racist, but you can't be too much of an anti-Nintendo fanboy.
You can be a racist, but you can't say "would".
Racism is cool, but making fun of someone liking k-On is too much.
Racism is fine, but a troll-titled, yet factual thread about Skull Kid being a Smash Bros assist trophy is over the line.

People are getting months (sometimes even multiple) for calling people morons. Cats getting permed over some nonsense that happened in the confines of one community thread. Shit that happened outside the forum/petty IRL drama leading to a perma-ban. But people talking about "I can't relate to this thug garbage" about a game in a franchise where the object of the game is organized crime and you can kill prostitutes for refunds, are still around to this day. You can say shit like "Isn't black history month something made up by followers of Black Athena" and get away unscathed. You can say shit like "I'd like to walk down the street and not get murdered by a young black man" and get away unscathed. Or at the most, temp bans. I know mods have lives and aren't in every thread and all that, but the frequency that people post all kinds of thinly veiled, dog-whistled, code worded bullshit and get no more than a temporary ban, if that, is baffling. Especially compared to how often people get banned for just about anything else.

It's complete bullshit.


The physical form of blasphemy
I just listened to a story on that piece this morning on NPR, Mumei. They really stressed that a lot of this wasn't just parents, but specific, targeted actions by school officials to re-segregate the student populations. It's fucked up and people need to lose their jobs.

It's so fucking disgusting. The more I age, the more hate I have for the generation that raised us.
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