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The Black Culture Thread |OT6| Monica Enjoys Being Black

Cross-post from the real NBAforum:

I don't completely get what Shaq/Charles are saying. I get that "they got themselves here, not Sterling, they got a legit chance and they've got to play to their ability" but at the same time if they win, even if they just win the WCF guess who is gonna come out and hold that trophy, guess who is gonna get a ring if you chip, guess who comes out during your Finals celebration and raises the O'brien, guess who gets to walk into his practice facilities and see the banner you earned next to the office where the O'brien you fought for sits, guess who is getting more and more money everytime you guys force more games at Staples Center. You can not completely separate an owner like Sterling, you playing well is literally filling the pockets of a racist, a racist who is courtside cheering for you to win the game and wishing everyone like you would fail.


Cross-post from the real NBAforum:

I don't completely get what Shaq/Charles are saying. I get that "they got themselves here, not Sterling, they got a legit chance and they've got to play to their ability" but at the same time if they win, even if they just win the WCF guess who is gonna come out and hold that trophy, guess who is gonna get a ring if you chip, guess who comes out during your Finals celebration and raises the O'brien, guess who gets to walk into his practice facilities and see the banner you earned next to the office where the O'brien you fought for sits, guess who is getting more and more money everytime you guys force more games at Staples Center. You can not completely separate an owner like Sterling, you playing well is literally filling the pockets of a racist, a racist who is courtside cheering for you to win the game and wishing everyone like you would fail.

Hmm? Am I being trolled?
Doubt it. He'll probably be fined and suspended for a bit. If The Clips make it to the Finals, you can expect him to being there sans girlfriend.

"I just want to thank all the players here tonight. You guys are my favorite batch of niggers on the planet, I tell ya. This win is for all you fans out there. White, black, mexicans...the only color that matters is green, baby! 10% off season tickets for 2015-2016!"


Cross-post from the real NBAforum:

I don't completely get what Shaq/Charles are saying. I get that "they got themselves here, not Sterling, they got a legit chance and they've got to play to their ability" but at the same time if they win, even if they just win the WCF guess who is gonna come out and hold that trophy, guess who is gonna get a ring if you chip, guess who comes out during your Finals celebration and raises the O'brien, guess who gets to walk into his practice facilities and see the banner you earned next to the office where the O'brien you fought for sits, guess who is getting more and more money everytime you guys force more games at Staples Center. You can not completely separate an owner like Sterling, you playing well is literally filling the pockets of a racist, a racist who is courtside cheering for you to win the game and wishing everyone like you would fail.

I honestly dont think it would bother the players that much. Shaq and Chaws are right.


They called a players only meeting to discuss it last night...

Probably to get on the same page with any comments they are asked to make. Theyre not gonna tank it just so Sterling cant eat off their success. And I'd be shocked if they took any substantial stance or display against him.
Probably to get on the same page with any comments they are asked to make. Theyre not gonna tank it just so Sterling cant eat off their success. And I'd be shocked if they took any substantial stance or display against him.

Oh, in that case yea absolutely and I can't blame them. Some of those guys won't be back in the playoffs again. CP is win hungry, rocking the boat and causing any sort of distraction at all seems out of the question.

Maybe after they get sent fishing he'll say something.


Cross-post from the real NBAforum:

I don't completely get what Shaq/Charles are saying. I get that "they got themselves here, not Sterling, they got a legit chance and they've got to play to their ability" but at the same time if they win, even if they just win the WCF guess who is gonna come out and hold that trophy, guess who is gonna get a ring if you chip, guess who comes out during your Finals celebration and raises the O'brien, guess who gets to walk into his practice facilities and see the banner you earned next to the office where the O'brien you fought for sits, guess who is getting more and more money everytime you guys force more games at Staples Center. You can not completely separate an owner like Sterling, you playing well is literally filling the pockets of a racist, a racist who is courtside cheering for you to win the game and wishing everyone like you would fail.

Plenty of racists are NBA fans too. Them, and their money, are a part of what makes ballers so paid/relevant.

Players should play to win.


Ayy, sippin on Arnold Palmer drinks all day doe



Oh, in that case yea absolutely and I can't blame them. Some of those guys won't be back in the playoffs again. CP is win hungry, rocking the boat and causing any sort of distraction at all seems out of the question.

Maybe after they get sent fishing he'll say something.

If they have any respect for themselves they will stop playing until he is punished/removed. It's not as bad, but it's similar to this woman who is still dating the man/forgiving him on the phone.


Junior Member
If they have any respect for themselves they will stop playing until he is punished/removed. It's not as bad, but it's similar to this woman who is still dating the man/forgiving him on the phone.
Many of us have bad bosses and just take it. Not really why they have to stop playing in the playoffs for respect.
There's no easy answer for the players, it's a choose your adventure novel and behind every door is a giant L.
10 million a year and a dick bag boss is a little L. And potentially not an L.


Its an L for moral reasons. Its more of will you take 10 million a year and go through being considered just a "work horse" and "one of the good ones" or not? I'm pretty sure he's not the only owner with a mentality like that either
I'm sorry but if I was on the clips I wouldn't play. We have to take a stand somewhere. Call this an isolated incident but I feel like the world is heading backwards real quick towards some old racist shit.
Its an L for moral reasons. Its more of will you take 10 million a year and go through being considered just a "work horse" and "one of the good ones" or not? I'm pretty sure he's not the only owner with a mentality like that either

I really wouldn't be surprised if there was another ignorant owner in the NBA, but I'd be beside myself if they came anywhere near the level of utter shit that is Donald Sterling.

Let's take a trip through Donald Sterling's past:

The whole thing is worth a read.

After they won their opening game of that 1982 season, Sterling, skipped around the court after a 125-110 victory. Then, his shirt unbuttoned down to his waist, he gave coach Paul Silas a big smooch. This behavior would be charming if that same first season, he wasn’t accused of stiffing players on their paychecks.

his assistant general manager was named Patricia Simmons, an ex-model who had what one San Diego newspaper described as “no known basketball background.” When Silas was in China on a Players Association exhibition tour this summer, Simmons moved into his office. When Silas returned, he found his belongings stacked in the hallway.

But he is also a notoriously cheap and verbally abusive bigot. Sterling stormed into the team's locker room in February 2009 and unleashed what was described as a "profanity laced tirade" at his players, calling young player Al Thornton "The most selfish basketball player I've ever seen." When Thornton looked beseechingly to his coach Mike Dunleavy, Sterling told Dunleavy to "shut up." He also, according to his former GM Elgin Baylor, "would bring women into the locker room after games, while the players were showering, and make comments such as, 'Look at those beautiful black bodies.' I brought [player complaints] to Sterling's attention, but he continued to bring women into the locker room."

Sterling is also the Slumlord Billionaire, a man who made his fortune by building low income housing, and then, according to a justice department lawsuit, developing his own racial quota system to decide who gets the privilege of renting his properties. In November of 2009, Sterling settled the suit with the U.S. department of justice for $2.73 million, the largest ever obtained by the government in a discrimination case involving apartment rentals. Reading the content of the suit makes you want to shower with steel wool. Sterling just said no to rent to non-Koreans in Koreatown and just said hell-no to African Americans looking for property in plush Beverly Hills. Sterling, who has a Blagojevichian flair for the language, says he did not like to rent to "Hispanics" because, "Hispanics smoke, drink and just hang around the building." He also stated that "Black tenants smell and attract vermin."

In 2001, Sterling was sued successfully by the City of Santa Monica on charges that he harassed and threatened to evict eight tenants living in three rent-controlled buildings. Their unholy offense that drew his ire was having potted plants on balconies...Two years later, Sterling was effectively able to evict a tenant for allegedly tearing down notices in the building's elevator.

In 2004, Sterling led a brigade of other landlords to smash Santa Monica's ultra-strict Tenant Harassment Ordinance. The Ordinance stated that issuing repeated eviction threats to tenants was a form of harassment. Sterling and his crew believed that they should be allowed to harass to their hearts content. There are only so many potted pants a man can stand!

That same year, an elderly widow named Elisheba Sabi, sued Sterling for refusing her Section 8 voucher to rent an apartment. Sterling emerged crowing and victorious. (That had to feel good. Damn elderly widows.)

As sports columnist Bomani Jones wrote, "Though Sterling has no problem paying black people millions of dollars to play basketball, the feds allege that he refused to rent apartments in Beverly Hills and Koreatown to black people and people with children. Talk about strange. A man notoriously concerned with profit maximization refuses to take money from those willing to shell it out to live in the most overrated, overpriced neighborhood in Southern California? That same man, who gives black men tens of millions of dollars every year, refuses to take a few thousand a month from folks who would like to crash in one of his buildings for a while? You gotta love racism, the only force in the world powerful enough to interfere with money-making. Sterling may have been a joke, but nothing about this is funny. In fact, it's frightening and disturbing that classic racism like this might still be in play."

his long-time general manager Elgin Baylor. Baylor, an NBA legend with the Los Angeles Lakers, has spent more than two decades making a series of personnel decisions that have ranged from depressing to enraging. According to Baylor, one reason for their continued ineptitude was Sterling in telling Baylor he wanted to fill his team with "poor black boys from the South and a white head coach.

Kansas star Danny Manning. Manning didn't last in LA. This might be because Sterling, according to Baylor, would grumble that he didn't like being in a position where "I'm offering a lot of money for a poor black kid." Baylor's lawsuit claims the team has "egregious salary disparities" based on race. Baylor claims he was told to "induce African American players to join the Clippers, despite the Clippers' reputation of being unwilling to fairly treat and compensate African American players." Baylor says the owner, Donald Sterling, has a "pervasive and ongoing racist attitude." It also stated that Sterling made clear to Baylor that hiring an African American head coach was not his preference. This is why Baylor's lawyers accuse Sterling of having a "vision of a Southern plantation-type structure.
Many of us have bad bosses and just take it. Not really why they have to stop playing in the playoffs for respect.

10 million a year and a dick bag boss is a little L. And potentially not an L.

Here's the difference: I need my job. These guys are set for life (especially if they've invested smartly)


Junior Member
You boss would not get away with a fraction of the things Sterling has done.

If you're in the US and are working for a racist boss that says shit like this, get a tape recorder/some witnesses and sue his ass to oblivion.
I think the nba players are in a more privileged position. Their jobs are near guaranteed to continue. My boss is a dick and who doesn't give credit for some of my work. Effectively, I don't have a lot of options. I could sue but need the cash to get a lawyer. Or get someone to represent me for free and a cut off any winnings. And I'm certain they won't show up for a few thousand dollars. You sue a leader of a private company: you may not have a job. It may not be the best thing for everyone.

Now, I'll probably get a new job but there are a lot of shitty bosses that get away with a ton and effectively, you can't do a lot about.

I feel like I've stepped into the twilight zone, as of recent. They're only drops in the bucket, but seeing all of these racists, pedos, and sexual predators being put on blast is high in hilarity. Technology is starting to catch up with them. We'll see if anything actually happens to these dickheads.
My theory is that technology is the black man's best friend. Based on all the shit we get, you should get a Google glass and car camera at birth. That cat in jersey that got stopped and the officer was caught on camera lying, saying 'stop trying to take my gun'? Constant monitoring of black guys would probably give us more freedom.
I see too many selfies of people in the car or taking pictures of actual things in the road. Winter storm? Sure, y not, take a pic.


I think the nba players are in a more privileged position. Their jobs are near guaranteed to continue. My boss is a dick and who doesn't give credit for some of my work. Effectively, I don't have a lot of options. I could sue but need the cash to get a lawyer. Or get someone to represent me for free and a cut off any winnings. And I'm certain they won't show up for a few thousand dollars. You sue a leader of a private company: you may not have a job. It may not be the best thing for everyone.

Now, I'll probably get a new job but there are a lot of shitty bosses that get away with a ton and effectively, you can't do a lot about.

We're talking about different extremes here. I've had horrible bosses before so I understand "taking things" like poor management or being under paid to get by until something better comes along.

But you should never take disrespect in the form of racism, sexual harassment or anything where you're being physically/mentally harmed. You just need to know when to draw the line/when a horrible boss has crossed that line, whether we're talking self respect or calling lawyers.


The difference isn't even down to who is in a more stable/well-off position and who isn't; it's about who has a spine, and who doesn't.

Rich or poor, a lot of us don't speak up for ourselves because we're fucking spineless. You think the old Civil Rights leaders gave a shit about losing their jobs?

look at this BS


First time I've ever seen an "official" ad homenin response from a sports organization...


Junior Member
We're talking about different extremes here. I've had horrible bosses before so I understand "taking things" like poor management or being under paid to get by until something better comes along.

But you should never take disrespect in the form of racism, sexual harassment or anything where you're being physically/mentally harmed. You just need to know when to draw the line/when a horrible boss has crossed that line, whether we're talking self respect or calling lawyers.
I agree. Was even writing up a response until chrome crashed on this iPod. I think a complete player boycott would ultimately hurt the players more, since their contracts are performance based.

Maybe both coaches starting the bench for the first minute in a show of solidarity. And the response already questions the legitimacy of the recording, which is riskier for the players and coach. I hope the nba punishes him enough that the players don't have to respond. I hope Blake Griffin and CP3 respond and become better leaders. Doc might be one of the best coaches to respond to this. And the other owners have to respond.

Hell, forcing a sale would just reward sterling with a ton of money since the league prospects are really good right now. Not a lot of good options. A sizeable fine and suspension (is that even possible).

The difference isn't even down to who is in a more stable/well-off position and who isn't; it's about who has a spine, and who doesn't.

Rich or poor, a lot of us don't speak up for ourselves because we're fucking spineless. You think the old Civil Rights leaders gave a shit about losing their jobs?

Not sure I would define it like that. During the civil rights era, it was literally death or such a shitty life, death wasn't scary. In considering the options of a boycott in a performance based job during the most important time of year and nearly any other option; Wouldn't the wiser option for the players be having the league take care of it versus any type of boycott?


he's just salty because his girlfriend enjoys the bbc, and it reminds him of their little 'arrangement', while he's still married to his wife, and his exotic sex-pal is basically free to play the field in private. So in his tiny mind, every black guy she's seen with, she's banging on the side.
he's just salty because his girlfriend enjoys the bbc, and it reminds him of their little 'arrangement', while he's still married to his wife, and his exotic sex-pal is basically free to play the field in private. So in his tiny mind, every black guy she's seen with, she's banging on the side.

The only thing worse than a cock carousel is a black cock carousel.

Easy to say since he doesn't have to take a stand but still, I gotta respect that he is even willing to speak on it when he doesn't have to. Even Mark Cuban is being hush hush on the subject.



Easy to say since he doesn't have to take a stand but still, I gotta respect that he is even willing to speak on it when he doesn't have to. Even Mark Cuban is being hush hush on the subject.

League's best player alluding to the expulsion of Sterling in a "player's league"?

Welp, the onus is on the rest of the owners now...
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