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The Black Culture Thread |OT6| Monica Enjoys Being Black


Gonna take a moment for a serious post. I don't think this is worth a thread, and has nothing to do with Black Culture either, but the Halo thread ain't the place for this kind of stuff anymore

I may have discussed before my earlier life. Where we barely had two dollars to rub together. My mom would be busting ass with 2 or 3 jobs just to keep us alive, and getting dogged on as "lazy" for being on stamps. Appliances would break and we'd just have to sit it out while she spent all day for a week trying to get it replaced as soon as possible so we could actually keep food. I still remember all of this. She'd just make do with hand me down appliances and stuff, nothing ever fancy, hardly anything ever new, when we were kids.

Now that my situation is slightly better than before, I decided to pay her back. She had an old ass fridge since 1999 in her house. It did it's job, but in the last few years it was starting to show it's age:

Battle damage and the inside of the door is rusting:

Gasket is completely fucked up. I patched it a few years ago, but it was to the point the fridge was basically cooling the floor and not cycling much:

I broke the cycle of waiting until it was completely dead and just went to her and said "I'm buying you a new fridge for Mother's Day".

Behold, the first appliance ever replaced in my mom's house without the previous one being dead first:


feels good man


In a word, yes.

At first, I thought it meant to criticize the sort of shallow activism we sometimes see on social networks. But even if that was the original intent, it quickly turned into "easy way to dismiss people saying things I don't like."

I still think it's disgusting how some pretty racist, homophobic and sexist things are okay to say but when someone on the internet is being "too progressive" (reading a bit too much into stuff) they are awful people and the reason "we can't enjoy anything anymore/are afraid to say anything" it just reeks of straight white male privilege and projection to think that overtly political correct groups have such an influence when it's a fact that it's the other way around.


I would just like to state for the record that it's an absolute clusterfuck of legwork and doublechecking what they say and what the fridge actually is when shopping for these things. It's like a market that defies any sort of standardization whatsoever.


I would just like to state for the record that it's an absolute clusterfuck of legwork and doublechecking what they say and what the fridge actually is when shopping for these things. It's like a market that defies any sort of standardization whatsoever.

All home appliances ever.


Ubisoft Marketing
Fam, i have the ear of some of the narrative dudes on Watch Dogs. I want to have a genuine discussion on what you found to be issues with blacks in the game. Feel free to respond or PM here. Gonna collate some points to present to them as they seem to really want to understand.

Be the change and all that.
Yeah, the Wii U actually had exclusives worth buying at this point

My PS4 is basically for the WWE Network right now. I should go get some blu rays to watch on it

No one cares about the Wii L. A few days of Luigi gifs doesn't change that.

I haven't used that app yet, still debating whether to subscribe or not, Amazon Prime getting all the HBO shows put it at the top of the list. Rewatched Rome, shit was real.

That's when I'm not playing Wolfenstein (still just ok), Watchdogs (also just ok), Infamous or CoD.

Fam, i have the ear of some of the narrative dudes on Watch Dogs. I want to have a genuine discussion on what you found to be issues with blacks in the game. Feel free to respond or PM here. Gonna collate some points to present to them as they seem to really want to understand.

Is there a deadline for this? I have a few issues but I want to make sure it's consistent.

feels good man

Yep. Buying stuff for your parents is one of the best feelings in life.

I would just like to state for the record that it's an absolute clusterfuck of legwork and doublechecking what they say and what the fridge actually is when shopping for these things. It's like a market that defies any sort of standardization whatsoever.

I'm really not looking forward to this. I like the idea of a smart fridge, but have no idea where to start. This is usually wifey's area.


Blink made fights in DoFP soooo dope though.

Blink was probably my favorite of the new mutants.

I know people will opt for QS, but my problem is that he could've ended that movie in like 10mins tops.

It also bothered me how Wolverine couldn't sniff out Mystique like he did in the first movie, lol.

Very good analysis IMO.

But dat Trouble Man from WS pushed Cap 2 over the feels threshold for me. I love that song so much now

That was really good, I've only seen both movies once so that scene sort of escaped me. Falcon has good taste in music, Parallax be damned.


That was really great of you Fyre.

I still think it's disgusting how some pretty racist, homophobic and sexist things are okay to say but when someone on the internet is being "too progressive" (reading a bit too much into stuff) they are awful people and the reason "we can't enjoy anything anymore/are afraid to say anything" it just reeks of straight white male privilege and projection to think that overtly political correct groups have such an influence when it's a fact that it's the other way around.

"Oh no! You're making me think critically about the things I enjoy by examining them through a lens that relates to your personal experiences and speaks to things you care about. Stop it! You're ruining my fun (even though that's not even remotely your intent)!"

Really, it all comes down to people not wanting to look in the mirror at face the fact that they might have shit messed up and some of the things they like and believe are toxic or maybe that they themselves are just assholes.

When a coworker you kinda respected shares this shit on social media...

Slavery continues everywhere, what a stupid ass image, especially sexual slavery and bondage (and of MINORS no less) to which there are TONS in the so called "1st world nations." God images like that piss me off.


Junior Member

When a coworker you kinda respected shares this shit on social media...
1.5 million white Europeans. Haha. Now look at all these white Africans from 200 years of rape and oppression.

Vacation GAF: whatever Disney does to light up the whole princess castle with specific film clips is sorcery. Damn, they put in work with their light shows.


Junior Member
Slavery continues everywhere, what a stupid ass image, especially sexual slavery and bondage (and of MINORS no less) to which there are TONS in the so called "1st world nations." God images like that piss me off.

Aren't there more slaves in the world today than at any time in human history?
I genuinely disagree.

Its not about 'blackness' validation either. I passed Spanish 1 and 2 without being able to count to 10 in Spanish. My physics department had a lab from what looked like the 50s. I literally taught the class for 2 weeks because our professor never 'showed up' after his interview and vetting. Our English department teacher was an admitted handmedown in a 'transitionary period' between getting kicked out of EK and getting into UNC.

I could go on.

But HCBU's are for the most part second chance schools without the structure in place to even support that kind of intake.

Trust me. We have our problems here. HBCUs are a sensitive topic because its hard to argue a lot of funds aren't misallocated but at the same time alumni seem completely unwilling to donate to their alma maters with the exceptions of Morehouse and Spelman

It was a free ride on behalf of my uncle, he was friends with many people in admissions and a few higher ups.

Downside...it was Howard and it's cold as shit up north. And to be honest the school didn't impress me when my uncle took me up there to visit it.

I will say it looked better than Benedict, now that's a run down school. I use to live in Columbia, both Benedict and Allen looked like struggle schools.

The rare HBCU is one that isn't full of struggle.

I've got to defend HBCU's. Gave me a tougher skin and some invaluable life lessons. Regardless your career choice, an HBCU equipped me with survival tools. Pick the right HBCU, and you might just thrive.

Over the years, I've had discussions with brothers I met while at the HBCU. None of us are doing great. We ALL drank the Kool-Aid, turning down non-HBCU's for that A Different World dream. Still, while it might not have panned out as we'd have liked, none of us regret the decision.

Also funds misappropriation happens in all schools.

I can agree with the bolded. Definitely. But I'm not about to pretend that living in condemned buildings is what's hot these days. Going to HBCUs means that you'll have a struggle story to tell. Being the best in your class is largely a road without competition because half of the class doesn't give a fuck and is there because that school let them in just to get paid and the other half is getting pimped out to every organization in the city that needs a well spoken black friend to help push it's pushables.

I'm way late to this but a fellow Carolinian "we outchea"....Talking bout Benedict and Allen.... A buddy of mine told me once when I moved to Charlotte "it's a well known fact that you can determine a HBCU's level of struggle based on the proximity of a Churches chicken". Think about it. Churches is right off Elmwood pretty much smack dab in the middle of both Benedict and Allen. There's one a little ways down from JC.Smith in Charlotte the list goes on. A&T in Greensboro.

Just wanted to put that out there in regards to this HBCU and churches talk.

Late, but that's all pretty interesting. I did not know these things about HBCUs.

I'll post the next article she makes here, actually, because I feel like you guys may have some comments on that subject, too.


Slavery continues everywhere, what a stupid ass image, especially sexual slavery and bondage (and of MINORS no less) to which there are TONS in the so called "1st world nations." God images like that piss me off.

Yup, some people like to ignore it, but there's a sizable human slave trade going on in the United States right now.

Also I'm fucked
couldnt help but notice the huge disparity in outrage between that Jonah Hill homophobic slur thread (now locked) and the 31 page thread that popped up when Kobe said it.
couldnt help but notice the huge disparity in outrage between that Jonah Hill homophobic slur thread (now locked) and the 31 page thread that popped up when Kobe said it.

We all know when black people make a homophobic comment it's an ingrained reflection of their intolerant and ignorant culture not just a mistake.


Junior Member
Late, but that's all pretty interesting. I did not know these things about HBCUs.

I'll post the next article she makes here, actually, because I feel like you guys may have some comments on that subject, too.
I went to FAMU and I'm never giving them my money. They can eat a bag of dicks. They always kept my net check for two months. When I went to a real school, I would get it within the first week. Spelman is working on alumni relations before they graduate. Last time I got a call, it was like a phone a thon from a dorm room. Just low budget all around and they give no fucks.


I am not saying Wolverine is racist, but Cyclop's school sure is taking in a lot more minority students then Wolverine's school is.
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