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The Black Culture Thread |OT6| Monica Enjoys Being Black


All of those games outsold their WiiU counterparts, and a big part of that was better graphics and online.

Outselling the Wii U version as a mark of success is like saying you're a star player because you beat a 5 year old at a game of ping pong.

The industry as a whole still had a drop in software sales over the last year.


I miss middle range games. you either got AAA or indies nowadays. Far Cry Blood Dragon showed folks are hungering for a nice middle ground game


Damn monica, I didn't know they put Imm0rt4l and Parallax in a Marvel comic


Surprised that page was not drawn by Land.

Beat Tomb Raider yesterday, fun game. They had Lara puttin in work.
I saw part of White House Down at work during my break. Seemed like a silly popcorn flick, not too terrible. I feel bad for anyone who paid to see it though.


Shouldn't have read that 14 year old who killed a guy thread. If only I could get away with making up a news story using the same facts/outline from one topic, replace x person with another person from a different gender/ethnic group and post it on GAF just to see the differences in responses.


Shouldn't have read that 14 year old who killed a guy thread. If only I could get away with making up a news story using the same facts/outline from one topic, replace x person with another person from a different gender/ethnic group and post it on GAF just to see the differences in responses.

I hate how those threads turn into "fuck the victim" so quick.
Outselling the Wii U version as a mark of success is like saying you're a star player because you beat a 5 year old at a game of ping pong.

The industry as a whole still had a drop in software sales over the last year.

Because it was older systems. 2 systems being out for for a few weeks isn't going to erase an entire year. The biggest drop came from handhelds.

And it's not really about just beating the WiiU, just saying that its not where the audience is, as evidenced by recent sales. Can't really say anything except the two launches sold more than anyone else, and the thirst is still real for the PS4.

The tricky part is actually digital sales, as that's where a big growth sector is supposed to be. So retail being down is going to be a more common thing. But if a big chunk of the market is moving to digital, then its not going to be reflected in sales threads anyway, but those numbers aren't exactly public.

People want them, first party policies ensured this would happen though

Less policies, more costs. I'd count FC:Blood Dragon and CoJ:Gunslinger in that mid-tier as those were were gems for the price.


Because it was older systems. 2 systems being out for for a few weeks isn't going to erase an entire year. The biggest drop came from handhelds.

Excuses. you can't say the 360/PS3 userbase isn't going anywhere then try to explain why they stopped buying games, when clearly all of them don't have Ones or PS4s.

And it's not really about just beating the WiiU, just saying that its not where the audience is, as evidenced by recent sales. Can't really say anything except the two launches sold more than anyone else, and the thirst is still real for the PS4.

Launches aren't really a good way to gauge eventual success. We won't know how things pan out for a couple of years - Halo 4 had the biggest launch of any Halo game, but it also had the fastest bleed out of any Halo game as well.

Less policies, more costs. I'd count FC:Blood Dragon and CoJ:Gunslinger in that mid-tier as those were were gems for the price.

If your game wasn't 60$, you were limited to having 250 gamescore instead of 1000 gamerscore, marking the 60$ titles as "full" experiences and cheaper titles as "not full", just from the use of an arbitrary points system. If your title was 20$ or less, you got limited to the XBLA ghetto. For the longest time, the cheapest a retail 360 title could be was 40$ - Microsoft's excuse was that "360 is a premium experience, so premium prices for everything" - and since the 60$ titles often slashed their prices to 40$ shortly after coming out, if you tried to debut a game at that price you were competing with high-budget games within weeks.

The policies were definitely in place to paint the console as a "premium" experience. MS explicitly wanted no cheap games on the shelves for the 360 at first so they'd get people used to paying more. They were the ones that started the bump up to 60$. They were the ones that prevented developers from self-publishing digitally, requiring digital titles to either be published by someone with a retail presence for some stupid reason, or your other option was to have MS publish it - meaning you had to either have some form of exclusivity or hope a big publisher wanted to give up one of their XBLA slots to you. And this stupidity has resulted in games like Pinball Arcade being stuck in limbo with the 360 version because of the publisher they had to essentially launder their game through getting into legal trouble.

We still have people that think XBLA games are actually limited to being technically weaker just because they're on XBLA, you'll see multiple posts on GAF alone where people think MS could emulate XBLA games on One more easily than retail titles.. because first party spent a lot of time painting digital titles as lesser experiences. They retrained the gaming public despite their objections. gg, gg.
Excuses. you can't say the 360/PS3 userbase isn't going anywhere then try to explain why they stopped buying games, when clearly all of them don't have Ones or PS4s.

You say excuses, I say reasons. We can stop here.

Launches aren't really a good way to gauge eventual success. We won't know how things pan out for a couple of years - Halo 4 had the biggest launch of any Halo game, but it also had the fastest bleed out of any Halo game as well.

Yes and no. If the PS4 and XB1 launches had fallen on their faces, people would be singing a different tune. That's not the case, and right now they are doing fine. Halo 4 is not a platform. You want failure, look at the WiiU. People went crazy at the time for the PS2 and the Wii after a few months, but now it's not indicative? Please.

It's obvious that were not going to agree, so we can stop.

We still have people that think XBLA games are actually limited to being technically weaker just because they're on XBLA, you'll see multiple posts on GAF alone where people think MS could emulate XBLA games on One more easily than retail titles.. because first party spent a lot of time painting digital titles as lesser experiences.

If you look at a game like Dead Nation, which is a PS3 and PS4 title, it's easy to think that if you just look on the surface. I'm actually curious to see if there's going to be a clear perception difference between retail and digital this time around. I don't think there will be. There's only 1 policy which is reasonable that would cause some of that.

I just finished Infamous (8.5/10), great game. Now it's time to eat.
My parents' home was burglarized and their smart tv and tablet were taken. The next day, they checked Netflix and noticed "Like Mike" in the recently watched list


Indeed. Patch to buff red shorts.

To comment on something a bit late, what in the hell is up with the white means pure thing? I see a lot of the reactions are rather... infuriated or something to that effect. I am just confused, I watched the video I need more context leading up to that moment.


To comment on something a bit late, what in the hell is up with the white means pure thing? I see a lot of the reactions are rather... infuriated or something to that effect. I am just confused, I watched the video I need more context leading up to that moment.

Not sure if this is what you're asking, but basically she's implying by white (white skin/white people) meaning pure that black/brown (black/brown skin and people) are not and are dirty, which is sadly how a lot of people think all over the world.

BHZ Mayor

Indeed. Patch to buff red shorts.

To comment on something a bit late, what in the hell is up with the white means pure thing? I see a lot of the reactions are rather... infuriated or something to that effect. I am just confused, I watched the video I need more context leading up to that moment.

It's not exactly safe for work, so just google "dencia before and after" and that will give you all the context you need.


Not sure if this is what you're asking, but basically she's implying by white (white skin/white people) meaning pure that black/brown (black/brown skin and people) are not and are dirty, which is sadly how a lot of people think all over the world.

I want a Madden commentary over her life about what lead to this.
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