Teena Marie was embraced like a mofo; it also helped that she was legitimately amazing and could hang with the best.
I think the big difference is Teena's demographics was mainly black who actually listened to R&B heavily contrast to Iggy/Mackelmore fanbase consisting mainly of kids who otherwise wouldn't listen to rap because they 'can't relate'.
And thus you get twats like Cliffy B making those stupid statements and hundreds of douches co-signing and retweeting that shit as if it were the gospel of truth. It also doesn't help these are the same fucks who will totally tell you "hey bro that Kendrick shit isn't real hip hop. Let me introduce you to Aesop Rock". Dude is hot asshole juice on wax spitting his shitty pseudo intelligent rap that makes his remedial as fuck fans shit their pants in excitement because he fucking shits there are recites passages from the Oxford Dictionary as he talks about absolutely fucking nothing; and these fucks mistake this as some deep ass shit, when really he sits there tugging his dick ranting about pointless shit
but they can relate. To what? Being a bunch of fake ass douches who only listen to these artists because they're white and they're too scared to do due diligence and actually look for black artists "who have something to say" because they lack the basic cognitive functions to cut past all the mainstream radio mess?
Fuck them.
Thanks, this is what I'm really trying to explore here. I think there's a difference between Eminem's path to glory and his experience with racism compared to these two and the overall response from the black community.
Like Trey said there's likely an issue with race here but I feel like there's more to it. It's like the biggest setback for Iggy and Macklemore is that what they're doing has either already been done by a black person (explains the comparison to Nicki) but conveniently ignored, or their reputation is underwhelming compared to someone else but they're somehow better because they're white.
Compare these two with say... Robin Thicke and there's quite a difference. Robin Thicke is a lot like Teena because they're very talented and have been in the industry with other prominent faces long enough to be welcomed. And yeah, demographics are also a factor over the years.
But here we have these two, who like you, I believe their actual talents are being overshadowed by their appeal because of their race.
I think this isn't necessarily racism entirely from the black community towards them because they're white artists, this seems different from what occurred with Eminem. However, there is a race issue in play, no doubt about it.
I think this is the community going on the defensive because music we've identified with and nurtured is somehow only valuable when it's on white person than a black one and that's the problem, that's the real issue.