that one was just for you.
Spilled innocent blood summons a Ghost Rider, a positive pregnancy test has the opposite effect on DY.
that one was just for you.
Spilled innocent blood summons a Ghost Rider, a positive pregnancy test has the opposite effect on DY.
this reminds me (gorgeous sade/corinne bailey rae clone btw)
anyone ever been hit with the "never sleep with someone more than once" thing in real life? i saw it on TV once or twice for effect of course, but when someone you respect says that to you... i mean, fuck
maybe i'm wrong
I have to call bullshit on Zaheer. Dude just got airbending but he can somehow body bending masters with ease?
not sure what this even is. Who says that?
i've seen it in on tv more than once. "never sleep with the same woman twice" in various forms and stuff.
the other day i ran into a guy that has been vetted and confirmed as real as fuck. when he said it, i was just like....
i'm never gonna be a family man. i don't have the mental capacity for it. and as soon as my eyes went off in pondering directions he verbalized it
"i'm not a family man either. i don't have the mental capacity for it. so why pretend and let others pretend? its a big world. be selfish and experience it all." then he did the closest thing to a james bond sip/closeoutmytab/sendmyregards in one movement that i've seen in my life and walked out.
shit blew my mind
this reminds me (gorgeous sade/corinne bailey rae clone btw)
Whoaaa kinda getting Denise Huxtable vibes
i've seen it in on tv more than once. "never sleep with the same woman twice" in various forms and stuff.
the other day i ran into a guy that has been vetted and confirmed as real as fuck. when he said it, i was just like....
i'm never gonna be a family man. i don't have the mental capacity for it. and as soon as my eyes went off in pondering directions he verbalized it
"i'm not a family man either. i don't have the mental capacity for it. so why pretend and let others pretend? its a big world. be selfish and experience it all." then he did the closest thing to a james bond sip/closeoutmytab/sendmyregards in one movement that i've seen in my life and walked out.
shit blew my mind
i've seen it in on tv more than once. "never sleep with the same woman twice" in various forms and stuff.
the other day i ran into a guy that has been vetted and confirmed as real as fuck. when he said it, i was just like....
i'm never gonna be a family man. i don't have the mental capacity for it. and as soon as my eyes went off in pondering directions he verbalized it
"i'm not a family man either. i don't have the mental capacity for it. so why pretend and let others pretend? its a big world. be selfish and experience it all." then he did the closest thing to a james bond sip/closeoutmytab/sendmyregards in one movement that i've seen in my life and walked out.
shit blew my mind
Can't say I don't agree with him. It ain't for everyone. Honestly I commend that cat for having this realization. Some dudes and ladies wait years of misery before they have this epiphany. And sometimes it's too Fucking late.
Good shit.
In the back of my mind, i feel like things will "click" eventually and i'll settle down with the one for me.
Right now though, that's the scariest thing i can think of besides death. Doesn't help that, at 30, my Dad and his side of the family are now slowly getting on my case about it.
BUT, i could never say never. That's seriously deep, imo of course.
*value as anything close to a romantic interestI can't see how that position is justifiable.
There's nothing wrong with realizing that being a family guy isn't for you. It isn't for everyone, it's a lot of work. There's nothing wrong with realizing that long term or exclusive relationships aren't for you- as long as you're up front about it. Casual relationships and just having fun are part of life, we've all done it. Sometimes those relationships cease to be worth it, you find someone better, and move on. Nothing wrong with that.
But having a "once I've slept with you once you have lost value" position is just arbitrary and disgusting, and something tells me the women he's with aren't aware of that up front.
Yeah, That hair slays me;
do you have evidence of his threats?Story time I guess
I don't even know where to start with this shit. So my sister been having problems with her baby daddy. 3 years ago dude does some dumb shit with his friends and get his ass put in prison. His sentence was 3 years and he came out of prison this spring. During the beginning of his sentence they break up. Basically he wants her back but my sister moved on and was seeing another guy. He starts stalking the guy she was seeing Instagram page (he had to friend the guy since his instagram page is private, afaik) and notices a picture of her son and the dude with the caption that says “that's my boy”. He gets mad and sends my sister angry texts about “don't let me son be around this nigga” and then starts threatening her with physical violence and threatening to take the boy. Naturally my sister is keeping this guy at arms length and not happy with this situation at all but doesn't know what to do about.
He comes over today to my mother’s house unannounced to take his son to the park but my sister isn't there. My mom pulls him to the side and talks to him about what he's doing and why it's wrong and a stern “yo moms!” like manner. So this seems like enough drama already but here is where shit gets interesting. My cousins and aunt actually jumps to the guys defense. They start saying like my sister has a mouth, we don't know what she said to him, he don't mean what he said anyway, and it's not fair that he can't take his kid to the park etc. They even start arguing with my mom saying she's wrong for talking to him the way she is. They even said that he’s just in telling her who she can’t and can have their son around. My aunt drops this little jewel "I know where he coming from if I had a chair and I see someone else sitting in it imma feel a way about."
So guys idk wtf to do about this shit at all and it’s really killing my vibe right now.
you might. 30 isn't all that old, and men can get married and start families whenever.
But ask yourself why you want to settle down in the first place? do you have a need to? or is it just what you're "supposed" to do because you're 30? if it's that last one it's probably not the best idea for you.
If i'm being perfectly honest, its a mix of wanting to, and supposed to due to tradition.
I never understood when family doesn't stick together in a situation like this. The cat that just got out making threats....
just got out making threats....
I don't give a fuck, a mudhole would have been created in that ass. It would have been a family function from the ass beating. They would celebrate that shit like a family reunion every year.
Enough with the jokes though, the best you can do us wait it out, observe then react. The situation 9 times out of 10 will resolve itself.
real talk.
in a situation like this, i can't comprehend why or how anyone would side with dude. even in some situations where someone is dead wrong, the rest of my fam will stick up for them until the interloper leavers... wait 5 minutes, look left, look right.. then be like *smh* #scustface "you know you wrong."
Crazy Life/Family Stuff.
do you have evidence of his threats?
someone threatened my sister, their ass would be back in jail SUDDENLY.
Man I had a similar situation with my nephews father. A few family members jumping on ole boy bandwagon for no apparent reason. I take it you and your sister are somewhat successful moms doing good. One thing I've learned in my 35 years of living some of the closest family members you could have are the ones most envious of your/your offspring's success. You sis and moms need to make that circle smaller and push out anyone that's not one of the 3 of you. Take every threat serious.
Also I doubt dude even really wants your sister back, its more of a my possession thing. Think about this my grandfather used to always say you can gauge a person's selfishness by how many times they Me, My, or I in any given conversation. I can imagine baby pop's is like this:
I want you back
Keep ole boy away from My son
I need you in My life
What about Me etc, etc,.
Bottom line as was in my case. My moms is way to easy on her sisters. It took her vulgar, disrespectful son to put people in their place.
Is it still an L if the Vita only cost me $87 brand new after coupons and discounts?
We do have evidence of his threats. He texted them. She's going to file a restraining order and have family court spell out to him in black and white we he can see his son. It sucks that it even has to come to this but this is what you get for being diplomatic
YesIs it still an L if the Vita only cost me $87 brand new after coupons and discounts?
I'd rather spend $87 on a broken 3DS than spend it on a working Vita.
thats absolutely nonsensical.
She looks like her:
and her:
Over the last month, I've probably spent as much time playing a mythical broken 3DS as I have spent playing my Vita
i use my vita more than my 3ds.if i were to say the reverse it would still be nonsensical
You could always get the 3DS XL repaired though, and it'd probably end up costing quite a bit less than a 3DS XL would cost otherwise. And you'd also have a software library that's worth a shit and has a future.
You could always get the 3DS XL repaired though, and it'd probably end up costing quite a bit less than a 3DS XL would cost otherwise. And you'd also have a software library that's worth a shit and has a future.
Didn't you just buy a Wii U?
I bought a Vita too. But the Wii U does have a software library that's worth a shit, and while there's likely to be next to no 3rd party support, unlike Sony with the Vita, Nintendo is going to support the platform moving forward.
Worth a shit now?
Anyone else watching Power?
Damn, some of the people in my family are sorry as shit. I cleaned my Uncles house from 9 in the morning, all the way until the evening because shit was bad. All the while his kids, grandkids, etc. layed around all damn day. These niggas can't even throw the garbage or clean up after themselves, and yet they're eating his food, driving his vehicles into the ground, etc. My Uncle's basically just there at the moment, between his Chemo and medication. How are you going to take advantage of, leech from and bum off of someone whose terminally ill?