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The Black Culture Thread |OT7| Luigi took our stare

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My method of talking to people about my depression over the years has evolved in not talking about it if I can help it. At least, not in anything but very general terms when I'm helping someone else (ironically). I occasionally try to open up, but of late, everyone just tells me "find a therapist." Good advice and something I'm trying to do, but it also carries the implicit message that people are simply sick of me. Which is understandable, I suppose.

As for how I deal with it day to day, I distract myself I suppose. Focus on other things, other thoughts. Sometimes it becomes overwhelming and I can't distract myself and I spend the day/week/month hating everything. Kinda in that place atm, if I'm being honest.


My wife thinks I'm performing when I express my issues and suggest I use it for stage.

*strokes beard*

but seriously...when I get mad and start expressing shit all of the sudden folks want to care, yet when I'm talking calm and breaking down what's real its all eyes on something else.


My method of talking to people about my depression over the years has evolved in not talking about it if I can help it. At least, not in anything but very general terms when I'm helping someone else (ironically). I occasionally try to open up, but of late, everyone just tells me "find a therapist." Good advice and something I'm trying to do, but it also carries the implicit message that people are simply sick of me. Which is understandable, I suppose.

As for how I deal with it day to day, I distract myself I suppose. Focus on other things, other thoughts. Sometimes it becomes overwhelming and I can't distract myself and I spend the day/week/month hating everything. Kinda in that place atm, if I'm being honest.

I think the implicit message is less "I'm sick of this guy" and more "I don't know what to do, doctors will cure everything". Other chronically depressed people aren't going to say "Oh, you should go talk to someone". That's depression making you think they must be thinking you should stfu and they don't want to deal with you. Those are the same people that just don't understand it because their brains work the right way and think it is something you can just snap out whenever you want.


In bmore see some cosplayers they tll me they are avertising this arca for art scape

This is the shadyiest looking building ever

I go in xmen arcade machine in the front

I go in the back they got like indie games aand mario kart and soul calibur 2 and power stone and shit
I was wondering if anyone has dealt with long term depression and anxiety in this thread?
how do you bring this shit up in a serious manner but spare other peoples feelings in the process ?

The default advice is therapy these days. I'm not knocking therapy and medication. That said, I've noticed that it sometimes helps to take the focus from yourself. Servicing others, being empathetic to others, actually going out and actively working to the benefit of others does wonders to put your own situation into perspective.

Had a situation back in the day that taught me a lot. Venting to others never really helps me. Neither therapist nor friend. They'll nod and relate, nod silently, or just offer advice and 'tools' to cope. However, really LISTENING to other people's situations and trying to positively contribute, helps one realize that we're all alike and all struggling, and our imperfections make us stronger. Venting just turns most people off because most people don't give a crap unless they're paid to or can do something about it.

I'm not saying that there's never a time for professional help. It is what it is.

However, try being in service of others. Listening to others. Donating what you're actually good at to others (everybody's good at something). Meeting others and being an inspiration to others. You'd be shocked at how much that changes your focus and outlook on everything.




From the article in the OP:

To anyone that has actually lived in a ghetto, this is a bizarre complaint. Most poor people want to get out of the ghetto — why would anyone want to go sightseeing there?

I think this is a very good little summary of why I was quietly angry at a white coworker who was traveling to several impoverished African countries (one to visit her equally naive brother who's a dumb volunteer there, others as part of a full-fledged summer trip). She returned with an obvious tone of disappointed that it wasn't the "life experience" she was expecting, but rather saw an unfavorably different culture and unpleasant crushing poverty. She commented on the "weirdness" she saw on the sides of roads that she couldn't comprehend, people who glared with an air of unfriendliness, and not feeling safe enough to venture around at night.

Idiot has probably not spent a second of her life realizing that much of Africa did not become that way on its own, that her brother is a patronizing cunt wasting his time and that it's not some place you go to for a cute life-affirming summer vacation. I would never take the trip she did for the same reason I wouldn't spend a weekend in Hunts Point, Mott Haven, Brownsville and East NY... like that shit is normal and this is how brown people live and OMG it's gonna be so much fun to ogle and mingle a bit with poor-but-happy wretches. Does this make sense? It's hard to put into words how belittling and stupid this is.
Black people's distrust comes from a lack of fathers not

-the disproportional arrest and detaining of blacks for drug crimes
-always "matching the description of a suspect"
-constantly being accused of crimes because they're the black guy
-getting blown away by cops for simply moving in a "threatening" manner

None of that.

Daddy issues is the problem.

Fuckin' people.


I finally got to play the Destiny MP I'm really not feeling the. Feels alright and after getting used to it I did fairly good but its no Halo at all. The campaign and raids are awesome but this doesn't live up to what Bungie can do.

What about Destiny for ps3? Anybody.

I still got one more code. Check your PMs in a minute.


Black people's distrust comes from a lack of fathers not

-the disproportional arrest and detaining of blacks for drug crimes
-always "matching the description of a suspect"
-constantly being accused of crimes because they're the black guy
-getting blown away by cops for simply moving in a "threatening" manner

None of that.

Daddy issues is the problem.

Fuckin' people.

To white males everything other people do seems to be a daddy's issue.
Whether it's women acting a certain way or black people not trusting the police.

I smell a hint of projection.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I'm probably gonna make a Titan in a few. Let me know if anyone wants to hop on.


To white males everything other people do seems to be a daddy's issue.
Whether it's women acting a certain way or black people not trusting the police.

I smell a hint of projection.

It is. Make any thread about your problems from a depression/mental illness/family problems angle... ton of sympathy and understanding. From any discrimation POV > pretty thorough downplaying and denial.
It is. Make any thread about your problems from a depression/mental illness/family problems angle... ton of sympathy and understanding. From any discrimation POV > pretty thorough downplaying and denial.

Never gonna forget that Elliott thread.

"It's not misogyny dude just has issues I kind of sympathize with."
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