Angelus Errare
Yeah I wish there was more weapon variety, halo had some cool shit
We must have played different Halos. There were what? 4 weapon types. Hand gun, shotgun, rifle, sniper rifle...that in the end were just different skin and glowy bits; they all ultimately felt and played the same across the species.
I hate when futuristic shooters do this.
It's 500 years from now, why am I still using this totally-not-an-M4?
Because realistically ballistics do a shit-ton more damage to flesh than lasers. Lasers cauterize wounds, ballistic tears through flesh, bounce around, break bones. Though Bungie already stated there are 'laser' guns but you don't get those until mid to end levels. In real life if we had a time machine and went 150 years into the future I'm willing to bet bank that we'll still be using bullets.
15 is when subclasses come in right? Has Bungie even said how far you can level up in the full release?
20 is the max level
And man, I'm regretting selling GTA V so much right now, would love to play again. I wanna buy the ps4 version whenever that comes out, but shit I'm not feeling like paying $60 again.
GTAV is one of those games you can come back to later and still find new shit. I was playing the other day as Franklin, ran into the back of some dude's car...he follwed me all the way to the crib just to fight me. As soon as I pulled out the guns like TI though, dude back away I killed him.