Damn, I couldn't even imagine shorty telling me I can't eat a certain food. And set me up for it to boot! Have me all excited for a burger all day then pull a fast one when it's time to order.
Good on the boss man hooking him up with a double.
Slayven will be married before Nebraska wins a conference championship
She got him crying like a little kid at his job
How does a person get conditioned like this by their spouse?? Did you check him for bruises?
I'm at the end of Orphan Black season 1 and enough is enough.
Strap that little motherfucker to the bed already for Christ's sake.
Black Lagoon is definitely one of those Anime I would show someone who already has a stigma about Anime (which with all of it's shit it kinda deserves) and thinks for the most part there is nothing out there.
It's a shame there isn't really anything out there action/comedy wise like it
Isnt Tatiana Maslany most adorable little thing? She the type of girl I share ice cream with and get my Jill Scott on.
Kosima is the best clone by far.
Slay my dude, why the fuck are you in NYC dressed as ninja and shit? You take this Naruto shit way too seriously; there are levels to this shit and you're on some a whole new one.
The hotep thing is making fun of those black people that thinks we are all EgyptiansWhat the hell is Kaperville? And I've never heard this "Hotep" shit.
Black LagoonHowever, luckily, this anime I never heard of before came on right after. About some Bad Bitch and a Bad Bitch Nun doing some bounty hunter shit. That gave me life.
hit the life alert button on the bracelet or flee the state like furyousWell um.
I'm about to out-Wynne Wynnebeck.
Didn't see this coming.
FLCL, Paranoia Agent, Air Master (for shits and giggles)What's you guys require anime viewing?
My list would probably have Baccano on it.
Black Lagoon
Been watching it on Toonami. If they don't screw up the last few episodes, it will probably be my favorite anime of all time.
Does anyone know the origin of the ninja gear? Or is this an offshoot of Black Hebrews that came from the indigenous Japanese rather than the Moors? That gauntlet looks like something designed by Nomura.![]()
Slay my dude, why the fuck are you in NYC dressed as ninja and shit? You take this Naruto shit way too seriously; there are levels to this shit and you're on some a whole new one
What's you guys require anime viewing?
My list would probably have Baccano on it.
Black Lagoon
Been watching it on Toonami. If they don't screw up the last few episodes, it will probably be my favorite anime of all time.[/QUOTE]
whoa, royalan was right. that IS a bad bitch. she's doing that terminator 2 grenade flip.
i should finally get around to this show.
Saw Fate/Zero was available on Netflix, is it any good?
Damnit Frye I was rootng for you we were all rooting for you how dare youWell um.
I'm about to out-Wynne Wynnebeck.
Didn't see this coming.
I just assumed that was a fake story.He's been with her for over 10 years. I dunno if there's any changing...but...we're here if he needs it.
Dy putted better keep that shit morrisYo Moris you going to keep that 10 minutes of shade Dy threw on Esco?
Speaking of, Black Jesus trailer
Last Exile, serial experiments lain, kino's journey and boogie pop phantom are all good animes as well
act like i was the only one going in on esco slay
Yo Moris you going to keep that 10 minutes of shade Dy threw on Esco?
So Well Spoken: The Never-Ending Slander of EscoBlades
Esco ain't even give us no E3 info
act like i was the only one going in on esco slay
last exile is aite but its not at all what people expect.
lain though
only a jackass recommends that shit with little to no explanationacspit:
Without our fathers we don't know right from wrong.We is are own worse enemy
If someone wants know what Lain is about I'll explain but we was all just name dropping shit. Not like I name dropped a Hentai lol