BruiserBear, Valnen, and Seanspeed posting in a ridiculous, baited thread.
It's like the Emmys of ignorance.
And both make great comics and games.
Two sides of a coin, far as I'm concerned. No real need to choose.
The only comic video games worth playing are the Arkham series
Spider-man should be up there considering how damn fun those movie games were during the raimi era but his latest stuff is kinda wack
The only comic video games worth playing are the Arkham series
Spider-man should be up there considering how damn fun those movie games were during the raimi era but his latest stuff is kinda wack
As for movies. Xmen singer-verse>>>all
Which thread?
Which thread?
I saw a grandma laughing with her kids at the antics of Rocket Raccoon. We live in blessed times.
I bet you tried to holla at herI saw a grandma laughing with her kids at the antics of Rocket Raccoon. We live in blessed times.
I bet you tried to holla at her
I bet you tried to holla at her
Grandma in the south mean she's between the ages of 35 and 135.
I saw a grandma laughing with her kids at the antics of Rocket Raccoon. We live in blessed times.
Pretty sure it's like that everywhere now.Grandma in the south mean she's between the ages of 35 and 135.
I have no horse in this race, but the one thing I don't get when it comes to the dog arguments, is that it's always assumed that the person must have done something wrong or been a shitty owner, whenever an accident happens. Never fails.
Some dog owners get on my nerves with that shit, more-so than people with their, "but he/she is an angel and would never do that" nonsense.
And both make great comics and games.
Two sides of a coin, far as I'm concerned. No real need to choose.
From my personal family experience, pitts/rotts are way more chill than most dogs. One cousin had a pitt/rott mix that was the friendliest, sweetest dog I've ever met. He was dope. He also had 2 other pitts that were also very nice, well behaved, never bit anything human or animal. No aggression. Just really nice dogs.
Another cousin had a pitt/lab mix that was super fucking rad. My mom had a Lhasa Apso. She bit a mailman and a neighbor. Then she had pups. The runt went to my grandparents, my mom kept one, and the others were given away. About a year later, the mom and daughter dogs were trying to kill each other every day and had to be kept in separate rooms at all times. The runt my grandparents got frequently tried to attack the pitt/lab mix until she finally bit back.
So...idk, in my experience, pitts have been nothing but rad dogs, and the small sweet dogs have been much more aggressive.
Eh.. DC not doing as good on that front right now, atleast IMO anyway. Not saying marvel is a bastion of quality though.
My younger brother has a dog that's half pitbull and half German Shephard. She barks up a storm when someone's at the door, but she's a real sweetheart otherwise.
Idk, my cousin and his wife/her family are pretty trashy people living in a trashy area and definitely never had their dogs trained.
these small ass maps in the new gundam dynasty warriors game are killing me
not a rule just a trend
That's a pretty-ass dog.
Not sure if I'd get one cause they're huge and if I did I'd definitely get it professionally trained, which ca be pricey.
I have a pretty small terrier that was essentially handed off to me when he was 2 weeks old and it fucked up his ability to be socialized.
APBT Pibbles are 30 - 70 pound dogs. They're mid-size. If you see one that's 100, 110 pounds or bigger, it's a) mixed with something else like a mastiff or w/e, or it's a similar-looking breed like a Dogo Argentino. They're lap dogs, basically.
Because its painfully common.
People think they've trained their dog well - dog doesn't respect their voice at all. If your dog doesn't even pause at a serious tone/inflection of your voice, you fuckin lost.
Edit: My roommates for example. They think that their dog is angel and all that jazz. They playfully argue with it and shit like its fun but every time the dog crosses a line (trying to eat off the counter top, barking in the house, etc), its an argument. As in their dog argues[/I with them. Its not cute to me. My dad and I used to train Rotts. You don't argue with a fucking animal. And then they playfight with it which isn't a problem in itself, but when your dog is so confused as to what is and what isn't playing - then, again, you fuckin lost. They can't even keep their dog's mouth closed.
But to them, their dog is perfect. Because it knows how to sit if you hold out a treat. That's the big issue with a lot of people. They don't know what trained means.
are we posting fight videos yet? classic
old man got his asswhooped so bad he had to abort mission and drive off
obviously nsfw unless you're down in esco's dungeon office
They're not putting out game changing shit, but there's still good-great books. The whole "The entire New 52 is trash" narrative is pretty annoying.
are we posting fight videos yet? classic
old man got his asswhooped so bad he had to abort mission and drive off
obviously nsfw unless you're down in esco's dungeon office
Is that a cape?I see we're posting dogs. Here's mine. Her name is Winter (largely because of this picture, which we received of her after contacting her owners.
This dog. She wouldn't and couldn't hurt a damn fly. She's a pretty hyper Aussie Shepherd to be sure, but that translates to simply running around a lot and jumping on my guests and I and wanting to play. Rarely barks, never bites, always very pleasant, very observant and alert. 2 yrs old now. She'll bark at you until she can smell your hand, then it's time to play. As a dog born to run, I'm kinda sad she doesn't have the space to run around and herd sheep like she would have if she was in the Outback, but such is life.
Peaceful, happy, loyal dogs ftw. Ya'll can keep them viscous, dangerous models to yourselves.
Is that a cape?
Of course. She's a super hero.