She Muslim now?
She said in an interview that she wants to wait until marriage now.
Yes you can. It's tied to the nnid that's tied to the console. You can transfer the nnid as wellI think I've asked this before, but I'll ask again since I'm about to buy the points
If I purchase a game on a regular 3DS, I'm able to transfer that game and save to an XL that I purchase at a later date correct?
It's not tied to any account as well right? Planning on buying a game on my brothers regular 3DS, and when I get an XL for Smash and MH4 I want to transfer that game and the save to my own machine.(since it has a sequel that unlocks content based on having a save from the first game)
Yes you can. It's tied to the nnid that's tied to the console. You can transfer the nnid as well
Nintendo's account system is like reading circuit diagrams for the space shuttle.
Ah that's what I was afraid of.
Since it's my brother's nnid apparently and I'm assuming I would get a different one with my system.
So in that situation transferring the game wouldn't be possible?
I mean I don't even know what an NNID does. Would we be able to play each other with the same ID?
Does Wii U still take forever to load things?
No, they patched it ages ago
I sold my Wii U
Ah that's what I was afraid of.
Since it's my brother's nnid apparently and I'm assuming I would get a different one with my system.
So in that situation transferring the game wouldn't be possible?
I mean I don't even know what an NNID does. Would we be able to play each other with the same ID?
I'm a little confused. Is your brother getting a new 3DS, transferring the games and saves you want to it, and giving it to you?
A system transfer is a one way cut-and-paste, not a copy. What would happen is the new 3DS would get all of your brother's stuff, which would then be removed from his system. AFAIK, it's all in one shot, too. You don't select what transfers over, it all goes or none of it goes.
So does your brother use the small 3DS as well as the XL, or does he just use the one?
He uses both for reasons that are a mystery to me
The XL is some pokemon one he got in a contest and he basically treats it like it's God, so there's probably some ritualistic logic to what games he plays on which
So yeah my idea is out since wiping his system isn't an option. I appreciate the help tho guys
So what would need to happen is you would have to do some Professor Layton, transfer-water-in-these-differently-sized-jugs type puzzling for this to work.
You would need to make sure that your brother had all of the stuff he wanted on his XL (which I'm assuming is his primary system). Then, once he didn't have any of his stuff on the 3DS, you would need to reformat it to get rid of all his information, then put in all the NEW information (aka set up your permanent NNID, get everything set up how you want it, buy the game you want, etc.) Then when you get YOUR XL, a straight system transfer would get all of your stuff onto the new system.
That or buy the games retail.
System transfer doesn't do anything to the data on the XL right?
Sorry, running up against the limits of my knowledge here.
It would be nice if this weren't such a giant pain in the ass, huh?
Are you looking to buy that one DSi game that is supposedly disappearing from the store, or just some other game you wanted?
Folks that bring up pants sagging automatically get muted by me
Suit-wearing Dr. King got shot while being "taken seriously" all the same.
Suit-wearing Dr. King got shot while being "taken seriously" all the same.
Other dudes got hosed down, had dogs sic on them, and got thrown in prison.Suit-wearing Dr. King got shot while being "taken seriously" all the same.
Its some stupid shit, and an easy way for me to identify your thoughts as irrelevant and flat out dumb.
Fuck Don Lemon and his "I am one of the good ones" pundits.
*looks to see if regular GAF trolls/general shit members are in the thread defending the husband*
Ah, the CNN dude who defended JB and blamed him saying the n-word on black people. Fuck this guy. I'm not surprised at all that he's saying other shit.
It's too easy.
I hate that pant sagging shit. Disgusting
Are we really surprised a poster who names himself OJdaKiller is leading the troll defense force?
I hate it too, but that doesn't make it okay for people to use it as a basis for ignorant and/or racist bullshit.
^Who can just sit down and think "y'know what, I'm gonna mod rape into a video game".
^Who can just sit down and think "y'know what, I'm gonna mod rape into a video game".
Next time you see this go up to them and grab their ass.what.the.fuck
Where do people get the spare time to create fuckery like this?
Guessing you haven't stumbled upon some of the more underground modding sites for various PC games.