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The Black Culture Thread |OT7| Luigi took our stare

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I thought Bayonetta 2 was 2015 for some reason


October fam



The game that's gonna force me to buy a wii u. This game looks too good.

I was planning on getting one for smash bros though, so getting it early ain't a problem.


New Desus vs. Mero is out:


Apparently, there's app that lets you know about areas with dense amounts of black and brown people so you can avoid "them".


Speaking of some fuckshit, I was out walking about in the community, chilling, and this older woman rolled up her window as I passed her vehicle despite 98 degree weather because clearly I'm going to use telekinesis and rob her shit at a busy intersection in the middle of broad daylight.

In any event, what I miss around here?
What? Dominos got way better over the years. Still will eat those over fucking Pizza Hut.

Papa Johns is best chain pizza. Shame I haven't found a good local spot in GA yet.

I really have been spoiled by local Chicago food. Everything local here outside of grilled food has been trash. Like fuck, I gotta drive an hour out of atlanta to find a good hoagie. Still can't find a place that makes a decent gyro.

best chain pizza i had in GA is from Sam's Club. 2nd is Marco's. 3rd is Papa John's.

Fuck Li'l Cease.
Speaking of struggle pizzas, I remember visiting my boy in Brooklyn and he's hyping this pizza spot and how great their pizza was. It was fucking Lil Caesers...never been so mad, that shit was worse than 2 Bros dollar slices. I was starving and only ate a slice. Meanwhile dude is like, isn't this the best affordable pizza ever. Still salty about the entire situation

that dude ain't ya friend. to quote Furyous, "thats some fuckboy shit!"
Won't be able to play until Christmas

If it makes you feel any better, I might be missing Black Friday depending on how long my bootcamp lasts. I was planning on picking up that White 1TB XBO-Live-Sunset Overdrive bundle and a Wii U for Smash 4.

Gonna have to get something to hold me over during tech school. I miss gaming.


a bit late but what did y'all think of black jesus?

god damn i loved it. i'm glad they kept it mostly straight too, i thought there would be mandatory adult swim fuckery in there.

Black Jesus was good but he was the heart of every single funny joke. Other characters are going to have to pick up some of the weight or it will get old fast.



In most contexts, you'd be right on, but in that context I think it's more likely that they're confronted with shades of their past and are having a hard time finding the humanity in it all.

I think most of the reactions in that thread are people clutching their pearls without looking back to their own pasts. Yeah, the guy sounds like a bonafide psychopath in training but folks aren't looking back in their pasts and remembering all the people they said that same shit to (or heard others say the same shit to) back when they were kids.


gotta bite my tongue before I catch shade

I can respect Dota but I know I'm not cut out for it.

I have a hard enough time keeping the camera on my character.. let alone keeping my third eye on the mini-map, know what items to buy when/where/how, and not inadvertently feeding the other team.

That entire game is like a 5-man world of warcraft PvP guild's lifecycle compressed down to 15~45 minutes. Too much for me.
Trying to pick games to play for the Wii U

I'm most likely getting the bundle with NSMB/LU so thats one

Bayonetta 2 definitely
Smash most likely
3D World and MK8 sound good

...and maybe the new Donkey Kong

Am I missing anything?


I can respect Dota but I know I'm not cut out for it.

I have a hard enough time keeping the camera on my character, keeping my third eye on the mini-map, know what items to buy when/where/how, and not inadvertently feeding the other team.

That entire game is like a 5-man world of warcraft PvP guild's lifecycle compressed down to 15~45 minutes. Too much for me.

too deep for me.

plus the community is the worst out there
(Bayo 2 spoilers? Not story-related, more Nintendo fanservice than anything)

Brehs. I know you love Bayonetta and all, but
I just saw that she has the ability to cosplay as certain Nintendo femme fatales in Bayo 2, and her Varia Suit is, well...


Come on, now. How are you gonna add boobs to the Varia Suit? It's like slapping a giant cock-and-balls codpiece onto Master Chief's armor.
I heard the words "lynch" and "nigger" used together more times in the first week of Halo 2's online than I've heard in any other year.

I joined Halo 2's online in 2006 and it was still just terrible. People say "oh man xbox live was so much better when people actually talked to eachother," but matches where you had coordinated people that were actually worth talking to were dime-a-dozen. Really more like dime-every-fucking-dozen-times-a-dozen. If you need any proof, look no further than GTAO. It reminded me a lot of the Halo 2 days, honestly - there aren't as many free speakers now, but most of them are either gaffer-types, 5-year-olds, weird racists that are taking the game too seriously or some combination of the 3.

Or shitbirds that have their audio up too high so you hear that little "taking flight" da-na-bwa-da-da-na-bwa-da synth ditty in glorious clipped 420db over your headset every five seconds.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I heard the words "lynch" and "nigger" used together more times in the first week of Halo 2's online than I've heard in any other year.

Dota the kind of dudes to find you after the game and keep harassing you. Like, they straight up don't want you playing their game and will go to any means to prevent you from learning anything. You can still have some fun by yourself with Halo, but with the super 'elite' of the majority of dota players, you can't hardly do shit by yourself.


Dota the kind of dudes to find you after the game and keep harassing you. Like, they straight up don't want you playing their game and will go to any means to prevent you from learning anything. You can still have some fun by yourself with Halo, but with the super 'elite' of the majority of dota players, you can't hardly do shit by yourself.

In other words, they're psychopaths.


I heard the words "lynch" and "nigger" used together more times in the first week of Halo 2's online than I've heard in any other year.

man that's every game from halo 2 to CoD. No joke. I've been in those lobbies with the biggest scumbags.

Least you could always take down those clowns easily.

DOTA on the other hand..
Dota the kind of dudes to find you after the game and keep harassing you. Like, they straight up don't want you playing their game and will go to any means to prevent you from learning anything. You can still have some fun by yourself with Halo, but with the super 'elite' of the majority of dota players, you can't hardly do shit by yourself.

Out of all my years of Halo playing, I think the worst I've ever gotten were negative feedback thanks to my matchmaking trolling and the occasional "get shit on" messages post-game, never anything that... arrest-worthy.

Surprisingly, Halo PC in the glory day years were probably the nicest people to play with. Lots of friendly faces not really focused on top-tier competitive gaming so much as dicking around with mods, smushing each other through geometry, etc. I think I was playing Halo PC in 2004 and 2005? I'm not a hugely competitive guy in the first place, so it kinda sucks that the Halo communities on console didn't have a ton of casual "good game well played" moments save for minigame gametypes and getting a little too "accessible" like with Halo 4. Save for Customs, anyway.
I think I'd kill myself if I ever had to live in the hood again. I spent so much time around you neoniggers and my normal crow I forgot that some of these people aren't just links on the internet
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