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The Black Culture Thread |OT7| Luigi took our stare

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The only real announced games they had were Dragon Age Inquisition, sports titles, Sims & Battlefield Hardline beta going live today.

The other 45 minutes, though? They pretty much went, "Hey, we're making these games that we can't tell you shit about, and they won't be available for awhile. Here's some dev interviews and some concept art."

EA should've stayed at home...

Dev dairies make me want to flip a table.


The physical form of blasphemy
The Order looks cool as ice when it shows off it's Horror elements. It looks boring as fuck when you're shooting other people.


Bloodborne looks cute.

lol The Order 1886.

LBP3 only game so far that looked fun to play because its demo was some scripted turd.

Destiny, whatever. Still on the fence. Sony went deep in those pockets for that marketing . You would swear it was a PS4 exclusive. Smart stuff, Sony.

Far Cry 4 looks like an Xbox era game but prettier.


The physical form of blasphemy
These CG trailers are doing nothing for me. I'll take the scripted gameplay trailers over these.

No gameplay for Bloodbourne = smh.
Sony hit us with a Wonderbook moment

As soon as Bendis showed up I had a deja vu moment. Dude looks like a Doctor Who alien.


Batman gameplay footage....


took primetime to down GAF, but still, your FB guy has been weighed and measured and found wanting, Evilore.


Not a bad showing from Sony even though almost all the games worth a damn from their first party studios are 2015 like Microsoft. It definitely slowed down in the middle there before they moved on and started showing the third party stuff.



Fuck the haters about Destiny. I still think the game looks hot and it'll be the game that makes me finally upgrade to PS4.

But man, the conferences this year. They all sucked.

It's not that everything leaked. I don't care about leaks, and you can still make a good showing of a game even if people know they're coming.

It was the types of games...everything seemed so...blah.

Not a single game we've seen so far this E3 has given me that, "Fuck, NOW we're in the new gen!" feeling. That first BIG game that drives the stake into the ground between this gen and last and lets us know that there ain't no turning back. That game has yet to show up.

And I don't think it's due to diminishing returns or a case of gaming fatigue. I think it's that major publishers have never been more risk adverse than they are at this moment. Shameful.
That No Man's Sky footage was pretty good. I don't think what they are saying they can do could be done on PS3/360

That presenter was about to have a T.O. moment.


No Man's Sky looks interesting but I'm going to need it to show me some more. The idea is promising but I doubt the execution will be there.


Best games of today at E3:

No Man's Sky
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
Batman: Arkham Knight

in no particular order


No Man's Sky looks interesting but I'm going to need it to show me some more. The idea is promising but I doubt the execution will be there.

My thoughts exactly.

As the guy was describing it I couldn't help but think that he sounded like someone who'd momentarily forgotten that he was building a game with a handful of people in his damn basement.

Procedurally generated worlds.
Ever expanding universe.
All loaded with content.
Each player starting on their own planet.

Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it dude...



I don't get why GAF keeps basing the quality of a press conference off one or two games.

When Microsoft plays their conference exactly how everyone expected them to, it's a B+ conference. When Sony brings ALL OF THE GAMES, bundles, exclusive content, indie games, blockbuster first-party titles & new innovations tech, but forgets TLG or XV, it's an automatic F.

The only conference that was truly shit was EA. Hell, even Ubisoft, with all their by-the-numbers style of development, delivered on a good conference.

Batman, Rainbow Six & Unity into my veins, please...


Junior Member
Batman: Arkham Knight looked fucking amazing. Holy shit.

But other than that the Sony conferences was meh on a stick deep fried in peanut oil.


Junior Member

As I already own a GTX 760 on which to run most of these games, these conferences got me thinking about getting a PS4 -- in 2015.

If there were any "megatons" at the conferences they were for fans. I can see Halo 2 multi being a big deal for Halo fans. I can see Uncharted 4 being a big deal. Bloodborne is probably the closest thing to a system-seller for me, and Konami still hasn't talked about a PC version of Phantom Pain. But, there's a lot of time between now and when those games come out so it's pretty much impossible to sell me on one right now.

If you don't want to or haven't dropped $800+ on a PC I think these conferences should convince you that you need up upgrade to a next-gen console by 2015. Come to think of it, AC Unity might be the most significant next-gen-only game of 2014 market-wise. Those game still sell a lot of copies so I think Unity might convince a lot of people to upgrade.


The physical form of blasphemy
PC GTA5 is cool. Where the fuck are the heists though?

Technical issues aside, The Evil Within looks like REmake and RE4 had a kid. Cool with me.


People are really breaking it down on gaming side for their scores of the conferences. Always fun to read.
For a hot second I thought Sony was about to announce they are throwing in the camera for free or at least very cheaply.

Just imagine the reactions.


Halo collection might have spoiled me on what I want out of remasters now.

PS4 only had two games for me that screamed 'must have.' Xbone had Four. Everything else were games I already own or I'll get on PC (Especially Grim Fandango.)

EA was an embarrassment. Sorry asses bringing prototypes??? Fuck outta here.


MS probably had the best showing but they were all lackluster in general. Especially EA. Why the fuck you taking up conference room if you are going to show concepts and shit.Foh.

The more I sat through these pressers the more I thought 'yea I can wait a little longer to go next gen'.


I thought that Batmobile shooting segment looked awkward in the way it was shooting and ..uh..car strafing?


Halo collection might have spoiled me on what I want out of remasters now.

It's really not fair to compare other remasters to MC Collection. MS is making a huge Halo push and there are few franchises that has the kind of pull Halo does, so it enjoys these kinds of value propositions. Also, MS has endless money.

I thought that Batmobile shooting segment looked awkward in the way it was shooting and ..uh..car strafing?

Batman is a cold blooded murderer.

That was a good thread, Fyre.
It's really not fair to compare other remasters to MC Collection. MS is making a huge Halo push and there are few franchises that has the kind of pull Halo does, so it enjoys these kinds of value propositions. Also, MS has endless money.

It's a genius move imo. I think it'll eat heavily into Destiny's potential playerbase on Xbox One. Halo's fanbase seems similar to Socom's in that there's a good chunk that still loves the older games and prefers how they play to a lot of the newer ones.

Batman is a cold blooded murderer.

Oracle said the vehicles were unmanned.


Batman is a cold blooded murderer.

No it's not that, I just thought it looked crappy.

It's either two things, if they're drones like they said in the trailer, they're unmanned and has no problem blowing them up or maybe he's gone back to the good old Burton days of killing? (I hope so)

I don't care about the batman games anyway, meh.

Tell Esco that new assassins creed looks great :)
Halo collection might have spoiled me on what I want out of remasters now.

that's stacked like crazy.

i can wait until 2015 for a console since almost all the good games this fall are on PC. but if i were to get a console this year it'd be the xbox.
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