Another Bill Cosby victim came out. It's like Tiger Woods mistresses but with rape victims.

Another Bill Cosby victim came out. It's like Tiger Woods mistresses but with rape victims.
TabletWHat phone are you using? It comes down to device and how the OEM loaded the OS on the system.
4 hours until GTA V unlocks. I'm talking cash shit online unhinged like a motherfucker. Does this game have custom soundtracks and include Cyndi Lauper. I'm headed to Grove Street with Frank bumping Cyndi all through the hood.
Nexus 7I take it you have a Nexus? It looks good to me, but my Note 4 will have to wait a while for the upgrade.
i'm not racist but i'm never letting another korean lady hold a pair of clippers around me ever again
Bruh. I'm not the only one. Not racist but never ever again.
Are tales games really any good? Never bothered since this one guy described it to me as "a poor man's Ys". Don't know if that's true tho.
Like what series can you compare the combat too.
they range from seinen to shonen stories with less power ups - everyone knows this.
Bruh. I'm not the only one. Not racist but never ever again.
Are tales games really any good? Never bothered since this one guy described it to me as "a poor man's Ys". Don't know if that's true tho.
Like what series can you compare the combat too.
This Gotham show is struggle.
The cops and this bomb thing...das it mayne
Ys fans are downright vindictive and bitter when it comes to people not playing that #neverheardofit game. I do like the Ys franchise but again - you gotta be straight up when it comes to your faves flaws. They're very different.
Tales series combat tends to be pretty good if you like direct combat. Lots of combos, flashy attacks, chains, etc. If you like spells, it won't be for you. The story is always hit or miss, but is in general, as DY put it earlier:
pick up vesperia -> its like... the go-to tales series for people just catching on.
Ys fans are downright vindictive and bitter when it comes to people not playing that #neverheardofit game. I do like the Ys franchise but again - you gotta be straight up when it comes to your faves flaws. They're very different.
Eh? Who?
diehard ys fans are the spiritual successors of wild arms fans though.
So I want a solid RPG on PS3. I'm talking old school type. What's up with the atelier series?
So I want a solid RPG on PS3. I'm talking old school type. What's up with the atelier series?
Is Dark Cloud on psn?
Did they not release the PS3 version of Vesperia overseas?
I think Dark Cloud is on PSN PS2 Classics
from DY to Revanche
Damn I can't think of any solid rpgs off the head besides Valkyria chronicles...
Nope to the first and AFAIK the second isn't on the US store
I can think of a bunch, but they aren't really the old school type
Resonance of Fate, Valkyria Chronicles, Demon's Souls, and all the Tales Games and Star Ocean 4 and the Final Fantasy 13's
Maybe you might like Eternal Sonata? Voice acting is the hella cringe tier tho
Thinking of pulling the trigger on vc but trying to save my funds. I need an rpg on my pc besides bethesda games.
Yea my brother is a rpg nut. He forever trying to get me to play the tales of games. I just don't see the appeal in them. Now the star ocean games I was about to steal his collection since I always wanted to play that series. I need to check that series out.
Holiday sale just a month away. Horde everything until then like I am.
I've been trying to get back into them. I ignored the genre for the longest time until a couple weeks ago when a friend of mine finally convinced me to play earthbound
Shit was so relaxing lol.
Now I'm trying to go back and play all those old series I remember growing up. Like Wild Arms.
Wanna hit up the DS Dragon Quest games and start knocking them out in order from 4-9 but goddamn those 2nd hand market prices...
dude was literally ready to sacrifice the world in the name of the power of friendship
his party wanted to shoot him in the back and i hate them all for not following through with it lol
Pascal was dope as fuck. Backwards Artes. Fuck your rules.
Sophia and 2chainz2bladez4eyez were crazy fun to play with though.
I'm going to start a rap career where I only come up with one line, the songs are 3 minutes long and the album is 19 tracks. I'll call myself Yuma.
MY one line:
I'm looking for a girl to turn my hand my hand into a runaway slave (3/5ths disappear)
The part that takes an LWhat part of the BCT music game is this
Thinking of pulling the trigger on vc but trying to save my funds. I need an rpg on my pc besides bethesda games.
So I'm watching 300 rise of an empire.
you stay the fuck off my land morgan
and tell that hippie deidre that i'll build a thermal borehole for every tree she hugs
why did beyond earth have to suck brehs?
eva green tho
eva green tho
eva green tho forreal.