I'm old enough to remember when DC was good.Besada old enough to remember when texas was a territory.
I'm old enough to remember when DC was good.Besada old enough to remember when texas was a territory.
Man what is going on with BCT. Cats talkin about incest hentai and shit.
This is what anime doesMan what is going on with BCT. Cats talkin about incest hentai and shit.
Man what is going on with BCT. Cats talkin about incest hentai and shit.
Man what is going on with BCT. Cats talkin about incest hentai and shit.
you guys like Mrs. Cena now?
Don't worry, DD is just here to lower our lurker count.
Or increase our lurker count from a different crowd.
you know those twins are disgusting don't you? I remember reading the dirtsheets
Eating leftovers and getting my treatment.
you know you're disgusting don't you
you know those twins are disgusting don't you? I remember reading the dirtsheets
smh I take tony atlas words as a grain of salt. Dude put friggin chitlins in the cooler for crying out loud.
*tony atlas laugh*
Man what is going on with BCT. Cats talkin about incest hentai and shit.
So while I'm freezing my ass off here in Philly about 3,000 miles away from home where ALL the good cooking is about to go down this week, Rihanna is in Barbados chillin with the fam like...
I wish I could be rich and famous. I would be so happy...
He laughs at your ability to "make everything about race"...but all those threads he listed ARE examples of situations where race definitely played a role or most likely played a roll. I don't...
...See, this is exactly why I don't fuck with Reddit. Never have, never will.
Wondered why we haven't seen some posters lately
So while I'm freezing my ass off here in Philly about 3,000 miles away from home where ALL the good cooking is about to go down this week, Rihanna is in Barbados chillin with the fam like...
I wish I could be rich and famous. I would be so happy...
? NFL has been great at putting up highlights up on the website. Just no one links to them. Hell NBC streams live sunday games at only 2.2. mbits quality. NFL.com have 3 mbit quality clips of virtually all scores plus other highlights
oh and mouthwash (any liquid really) can cause pneumonia when you gargle as there's a chance to get the liquid in your lungs and cause it
I fuck with that dashiki also it always seemed like Caribbean folk twerk better than us.
Survivor Series was dope.
you know you're disgusting don't you
Shouldn't you be in line for some Disney Infinity figures?Reddit isn't entirely bad. That subreddit is made specifically to hate on gaffers. The person who made that is dumb anyway.... there are better reasons to come after DreamDrop.
* Reddit has a hate thread for DreamDrop? Geez. It would be hilarious if it weren't so sad.
HAHAHA"oh, what's this behind your ear" trick with your grandchilluns huh
I fuck with that dashiki also it always seemed like Caribbean folk twerk better than us.
That reddit has been around for a grip, they just focus on visible posters who are not down with egregious fuckboyism.
I'm fairly confident I could name 10 posters who are regular contributors there
Hey, I got a shoutout! Unfortunately it's for a thread I didn't know existed, much less posted in lol
Thanks milquetoast!
if it's not DD, you know jandro or J10 gonna bring it up
I don't do black fridays. I give cash for presents
How to be a shitty gift giver: a guide by Slavyen
At the :11 mark... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
Brehs... I ask you, what part of the game is this? I need to know.
Twitch simp game over 9000 and shit...
Pay attention to the upper left hand corner of the screen. At the :11 mark... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
Brehs... I ask you, what part of the game is this? I need to know.
Twitch simp game over 9000 and shit...
EDIT: And someone should make a coli smiley for her reaction, lol...
I still don't understand what the donators get out of this deal...
I still don't understand what the donators get out of this deal...
Neither do I
but then again I don't have even have 6969 dollars and 69 cents in my bank account right now